Recently, a new position called health manager has appeared. What is the significance of this to the development of our society?

Humans have evolved to the top of the food chain, but problems have followed.

Since ancient ancestors began to expand food resources, thus evolving into human beings. So far, our food resources are quite rich. However, the intake of some foods is from necessity to personal preference, so the amount is not well controlled, and overnutrition has also caused many diseases.

Coupled with the ingredients on the market now, various fertilizers and pesticides have been added to promote growth and weed control, and the nutrient elements in the soil are becoming more and more barren.

People used to find wormholes in leaves when they bought vegetables, but now, on the contrary, you may want to buy them more when you see wormholes, because there may be less harmful substances. After all, the worm is still alive, proud!

When we are faced with the biggest health crisis, health managers emerge as the times require.

From the social point of view, this is the inevitable result of historical development. After all, most people are sub-healthy people now, and it is only in recent years that we have begun to pay attention to healthy diet. We all don't understand this field, because we are sub-healthy, not sick, but a hidden danger in the future. At this time, professional health managers will help us improve our physical fitness, which is meaningful to the development of the whole society.