The meaning of "passing by" by train in high-risk areas is that if you stay in a certain place for more than 4 hours and open travel itinerary with your mobile phone, the system will automatically record it as passing by or visiting.
If you stay in a city for more than 4 hours, you will be judged as staying. If it takes less than 4 hours, such as passing through a city by train and not getting off or leaving the station, the health code will not change color.
The health code may change color.
1, there were confirmed cases or asymptomatic infections in the last 14 days, and these contacts included close contacts, sub-close contacts, space-time companions, etc. Among them, the spatio-temporal companion refers to the key population that may be exposed when staying in the same period, the same place and the surrounding area for more than 1 hour from the first 4 days of the confirmed case or asymptomatic infected person to the time of isolation control.
2. I visited a high-risk area in the last 14 days, and this visit was located by cell phone signal, so it also included my cell phone signal.
3. The information filled in when reporting the health code is inaccurate.
4, was included in the epidemic prevention and control platform for verification.