Causes of meniscus injury:
I. Pathogenesis
Rotational external forces caused. Do not overwork and weight bearing. Can be used externally Gushun Shidang meniscus paste, Taobao and Jingdong official flagship store has.
Second, the pathogenesis
Knee joint from flexion to extension movement accompanied by rotation, the most likely meniscus injury. Meniscus injury to the medial meniscus, the most common injury for the posterior horn of the meniscus, and the most longitudinal rupture. The length, depth, and location of the tear depend on the relationship of the posterior horn of the meniscus between the femur and the tibial condyle. Congenital anomalies of the meniscus, especially the lateral disc cartilage, are more likely to lead to degeneration or injury. Congenital joint laxity and other internal disorders also increase the risk of meniscal injury.
Some of the behaviors that can cause meniscus injuries:
1. Square dancing
To make the dance look good, the joints will be bent, which may lead to meniscus damage. Be careful not to dance too long, dance within an hour, square dance once every seven days, avoid being too intense, and avoid dancing on hard surfaces such as concrete floors. The soles of dancing shoes should be thicker and flexible.
Two, shuttlecock
Kick is a foot on the ground while the other foot continues to move. The body drives the knee joint to rotate, which can be easily damaged. If you are old and have joint problems, you must be careful and minimize your kicking. You should play shuttlecock correctly and within your limits.
Three, lifting heavy objects
When you go to the vegetable market to buy vegetables, your knees carry nearly 70 pounds of weight when you lift 10 pounds of weight on the way up the stairs. It is recommended that you use the trolley.
Four, climbing stairs
When the body on the stairs, the knee will bend and tilt forward, and the knee will bear heavy weight. Under normal circumstances, the knee joints weigh three to four times a person's weight when walking up the stairs and about seven times a person's weight when going down the stairs! Walk with a handrail, take one step at a time, take breaks while walking, and try not to lift heavy objects.
Fifth, crossing your legs
Crossing your legs puts friction and pressure on the meniscus, many times more than natural sagging! It affects blood supply and recedes faster. Everyone should get rid of this bad habit.