8 Best TED Talks Worth Watching for Girls

The 8 Best TED Talks Worth Watching For Girls

How To Take Control Of Your Free Time


We don't build the life we want to live by saving time. We should build the life we want first, and time will be saved naturally.

What makes you different

Mariana Atencio

You can't let those differences define you being able to redefine yourself no matter what others think of you is the toughest task but at the same time the best

Not to marry

Not to marry

Marriage is not the only way to make a living. /strong>


When you marry yourself, you own yourself.

What does it mean to own yourself?

It means that you love yourself as you would want others to love you.

A Simple Cure for Loneliness


The quest for (human) connection is not about exploring uncharted territories, but about going back and regaining what we once had.

How the Brain Falls in Love


Women take more risks and tend to fall in love when they engage in xing behavior. Men, on the other hand, fall in love when they commit.

How to Know Your Life Purpose in 5 Minutes

Adam Liepzig

You are, you're doing what you're doing, you're doing what you're doing to apprehend what some people want or need, and what he's changed by accepting what's been given.

Oppearance is not the true confession of a model


I wish I could be more honest about the power of image to look at the successes I've had on my side as well as the failures I've thought I'd have.

The power of introversion


But what I'm trying to say is that the more freedom introverts are given to be who they are, the more likely they are to come up with a unique solution to a problem
