What are the main points of cha-cha-cha in Latin dance?

The rhythm of cha-cha-cha dance is basically the same as that of rumba, and it is characterized by a lively, enthusiastic and playful style because of the accompanying dance music and the light speed of the dance steps. Its footwork music four beats per bar to walk five steps: slow, slow, slow, fast, fast.

Slow step one beat one step, fast step one beat two steps, hip swing and rumba is very similar. Each step should be danced with pressure on the forefoot, the knee slightly flexed, and when the weight falls on one foot, the heel is lowered, the knee straightened, and the hips then swing to the side and back, while the other leg relaxes and flexes the knee. The swing of the hips should be obvious, but it is not necessary to emphasize it in the quick step.

The cha-cha-cha dance has an upbeat and fun tune, and the dance steps and arm movements are tightly coordinated, giving people a playful and sharp feeling. For beginners, choose some slow dance music to practice.

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Characteristics of the cha-cha-cha

The cha-cha-cha is the most popular of all the Latin dances, and the music is easily recognizable, with melodic notes that are usually short The music is easily recognizable, and the melody notes are usually short or overtones. The music is in 4/4 or sometimes 2/4 time, and although the cha-cha-cha is often played at a tempo of 34 bars per minute, the ideal tempo is 32 bars per minute.

The cha-cha-cha-cha is a Cuban dance, and like the rumba, Cuban dancers begin to move forward or lead on the second beat of the music. For men, the correct way to do this is to stand with your feet slightly apart, with your weight on your left foot, and on the first beat, take a small step to the right with your right foot (the opposite for women), and then move forward with your left foot (and backward with your right foot for women) for the basic movement.

The focus of the cha-cha-cha dance, emphasizing the internal Yang feet, dance structure of the choreography may not be too much long-distance movement, and in the combination of the dance contains a live audience directly face-to-face dance dance, and each action beat is quite important.

Baidu Encyclopedia - Cha Cha