How to exercise to slow down the aging fitness

How to exercise in order to slow down the aging fitness

How to exercise in order to slow down the aging fitness, regular exercise on the body has a lot of benefits, not only can be strong, but also can effectively slow down the aging, with the growth of the age, the body parts will successively appear aging symptoms, so that people can not be prevented, the following share how to exercise in order to slow down the aging fitness.

How to exercise to slow down the aging fitness 1

1, deep squatting action to master the essentials.

For older women, when doing deep squatting action need to separate the toes of both feet slightly outward; this simple solution allows the femur and the hip joint into a line, squatting so that the knee is located above the ankle joint, rather than moving forward. After adopting the correct exercise method, the knee joint will become stronger and the number of knee pains will be reduced.

Men's hips are structured differently than women's, so their toes should be pointed toward the front of the body when doing squats. Kurogane adds, "When in a standing position prior to a squat, women do need to spread their feet slightly wider than their hips so that the squat is easier to accomplish."

2. Strength training changes the aging gene.

Research shows that just 26 weeks of strength workouts can reverse the aging process on a genetic level. Hagan said, "In the absence of serious disease in older people, they can still strength train individual muscle groups as young people do." In addition, strength training maintains muscle weight because people lose about 2 or 3 kilograms of muscle every 10 years as they age, while fat increases by 4 or 5 kilograms over the same period. Therefore, in order to maintain a balanced state between muscle and fat, older people should also engage in strength training.

3, fitness should also use more brain.

One of Hagan's favorite sayings is: "Physical exercise is using the body to do crossword puzzles." Such . The greater the activity, the more the brain is engaged and the better the fitness results will be. For example, workouts that improve reaction time in older adults include playing tennis, table tennis, and badminton; workouts that improve memory, such as ballroom dancing and rumba; and workouts that change the direction of the body, such as tae kwon do and rhythmic pedal exercises.

4, interval aerobic exercise is more efficient.

Although the minimum level of exercise recommended by the U.S. government's health guidelines is 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise per week, Heggen found that 240 minutes of aerobic exercise per week is more beneficial to heart health, because aerobic exercise improves mitochondrial function.

Mitochondria, the energy-producing organelles in the body's cells, typically decrease with age. If older adults feel that four hours of aerobic exercise per week is too long and heavy, they can opt for interval workouts. It involves alternating high-intensity workouts interspersed with low-intensity recovery breaks.

5. Cross your limbs and let your left and right brains talk to each other.

The elderly in the fitness process can do more to put the legs and arms crossed on the body center line exercise action. This is because crossing your limbs encourages a positive dialog between the two sides of the brain and strengthens the neural connections between the two hemispheres. Many of the movements in yoga and Pilates fulfill this requirement.

6, appropriate jumping movements.

Many older adults fear doing jumping jacks because they feel the movement hurts their knees or hips. Hagan says, "Older people need to do some jumping because they need that impact to build bone density." That doesn't mean they need to jump like crazy; taking powerful steps (like the force of stomping on a bedbug) is enough; in addition to exercises such as arrow squats, high kicks, and jumping rope.

7, walk with a pedometer.

The average person only walks 2000 steps a day, but sports experts strongly recommend increasing this amount to 10,000 steps, which is more beneficial to health. Research results show that: just to walk the condition of tracking records will allow people to walk twice the distance, so older people may wish to take a pedometer when walking exercise, unknowingly increased walking mileage, and constantly challenge their own records.

How to exercise to slow down aging fitness 2

Grip exercise.

When sitting, your feet are idle, you can work while gripping the ground with your feet constantly, and then rotate your feet to move your ankles. Regularly practicing this action can effectively relieve fatigue and combat insomnia, headache and vertigo.

Lift the anus exercise.

For older people suffering from constipation, doing anal lifting exercises can also help relieve it. The specific action is to inhale, tighten the abdomen, quickly contract and lift the anus, pause for 2~3 seconds, then slowly relax and exhale, repeat 10~15 times.

Exercises for the limbs.

For the elderly suffering from numbness and pain in the limbs, you can also perform limb exercises. The movement is more flexible, sitting in a chair, straighten the body, two shoulders backward force to make the back muscles tighten, two shoulder blades close together; can also be the body tighten the abdomen, hands hard support, tighten the gluteus maximus muscle, buttocks from the chair slightly lifted; or legs bending the knee to lift, hands holding the calves, try to make the knees close to the chest; or hands cross the waist, left and right to the waist to the greatest extent. These sets of exercises can play a role in relieving limb soreness.

How the elderly fitness 7 points to note

1, the elderly fitness program to focus on the integration of four different types of exercise: endurance, strength, balance and flexibility. Strength training has proven to be the most effective way to prevent and reverse muscle weight loss.

2, more compound workout movements that mobilize more muscle groups, such as deep squats, hard pulls, arrow squats, rowing and push-ups. Compared with the isolated training of a muscle group leg stretching action, the above compound exercise action can use more muscle fibers.

3. Gradually increase the volume of training, varying the number of reps per set or incorporating a twist, such as combining arm curls and squats. Or challenge your balance by standing on one foot and completing arm curls.

4. Set fitness goals and evaluate them every three months. Older people should regularly change the exercise program, rather than months have been according to the same set of programs to exercise, because the muscles will get used to doing the same action. A simple way to increase muscular endurance is to shorten the rest period between each set of workouts or increase the number of training sessions.

5. Make sure you meet the recommended amount of exercise for seniors, which is 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week, which can be broken down into 20 minutes per session, seven times per week; 30 minutes per session, five times per week; or 50 minutes per session, three times per week; to the point where you're sweating a little bit, but don't get windchill. Do stretches before and after each workout; they help keep the spine strong and flexible.

6, do not be reluctant. Older people can reduce exercise or temporarily stop for a few days when they feel tired or busy. If you feel uncomfortable during exercise, stop exercising immediately and seek medical attention. Before starting to exercise, you can consult doctors and professional trainers for guidance. Do not do high-intensity strength training if you have high blood pressure and back injuries.

7, physical exercise is not a complete substitute for a healthy lifestyle. Remove refined foods and sugar from your diet, ban smoking, and drink alcohol in moderation in order to have the healthy effect of promoting physical activity and extending your life.

How to exercise to slow down the aging fitness 3

1, bike to work.

This takes the burden off of people who don't have to take a whole block of time alone to exercise.

2. Set daily goals.

The U.S. "Fitness Enthusiasts" website found that nearly 60% of people who made a fitness program in the New Year ended up failing, and they tend to make long-term plans, and then lose confidence once they don't complete them. It is best to set specific daily goals, such as 5-minute push-ups.

3. Join a sports club.

You can increase your chances of making friends, and the encouragement and support of your friends is key to sticking to your sport.4. Try a wearable device.

Such equipment and cell phone software to make sports specific quantitative, more intuitive. It can also be adjusted according to personal circumstances to help choose the best plan, which is beneficial to adhere to.

5. Try "adventure" sports.

The weekend to participate in hiking, swimming, rafting, mountain biking and other "exciting" sports, these have never experienced the "adventure" to help enhance the fun of the movement.

6. Find a partner.

New research from Stanford University shows that couples who exercise together get 78% more exercise than couples who exercise separately. Whether it's a partner, family member or friend, exercising in pairs is more fun and more likely to stick.

7. Treat exercise like a game.

This allows people to stay motivated to exercise, and it's much more fun. If you record the number of hours and intensity of exercise, and compare them day by day, you can enhance the "sense of play".

8. More variety.

Gallup found that in 2015, 55% of Americans exercise regularly, one of the reasons is that the wearable devices on the market that year changed the traditional way of exercise and the concept of exercise. The form of exercise and the amount of exercise should be diversified, rather than the rigid "how far to run or how many times to lift weights every day".

9. Turn to a personal trainer.

Personalized coaching is key to keeping exercise scientific and sustainable. A personal trainer will work out a workout plan that maximizes effectiveness based on your fitness level and other indicators.

10. Reward yourself.

Occasional "half-work, half-play" exercise, such as a bike tour of a brewery or a run to a barbecue restaurant, with appropriate rewards, can encourage you to love exercise.

It is recommended to choose some recreational sports, such as tai chi, square dancing, swimming, badminton and other good physical and mental stimulation of sports, and long-term uninterrupted adherence to the desire to make "healthy aging" possible. The combination of exercise and nutrition, gradual progress, perseverance, and ultimately to achieve the initial expected results, this persistence is just like a marathon race, the more to the end of the gap is greater. Only in this way can you bring good effect to your body organs and immune function, so as to achieve the effect of old and slow decline.