The story tells that Wang Baochuan, a noble wife, lived alone for eighteen years and broke the cold ceramic tile kiln. In her grief, she wrote a bloody book and gave it to Xiliang, and gave it to her husband Xue Pinggui, who had been away all the year round. Xue Pinggui got the letter, said goodbye to Princess Dai Zhan, and hurried back to Chang 'an to meet Wang Baochuan in front of Wujiapo. Husband and wife have been separated for eighteen years, and their faces are inseparable, so they dare not rashly recognize each other. Xue Pinggui asked Baochuan for directions and flirted with Baochuan, while Wang Baochuan kept her virginity and fled back to the cold kiln. Xue Pinggui rushed to the front of the kiln, explained the reasons in detail, and made compensation for the previous situation. Husband and wife can finally recognize each other.
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Some lyrics of Wu Jiapo's classic aria:
(Xipi Liushui Office), as a media witness, and Premier Wang as my officiating person.
Wang Baochuan mentioned someone else, but I didn't know, so Su Long and Hu Wei are in-laws. You and I come into the house together, and we can make it clear face to face.
Xue Pinggui (Xipi Liushuiban) The three of them had a grudge against me, and he gritted his teeth and refused to admit it.
Wang Baochuan (Xipi Liushuiban) My father is an official in the imperial court, where there are piles of gold and silver. How much is the principal and interest? Send it to xiliangchuan.
Xue Pinggui (Xipi Liushui Office) has forty stations and eight stations in Xiliangchuan. I don't want to be paid.
Wang Baochuan (Xipi Liushui Class) I went into the Prime Minister's Office and asked my father to tell my family to pass you on. Send you to the official's son, hit the board, put on the cangue stick, and tell you to take a step back after the easy.
Sister-in-law Xue Pinggui (Xipi Liushui Class) doesn't need to argue eloquently, even in front of officials who work for the army. I will take care of it both inside and outside the office. Call my sister-in-law and break up with us.
The military master Wang Baochuan (Xipi Liushui Class) speaks irrationally and deceives others too much. You ask in front of Wujiapo, I am Wang Baochuan, a chaste and brave woman.
Xue Pinggui (Xipi Huoshui Board) is a good and chaste Wang Baochuan, and it is futile to flirt with her. He took a silver ingot from his waist and put it on the ground. This ingot of silver, in twos and threes, is given to my eldest sister-in-law as the bride, and I will buy it as a media witness, and Prime Minister Wang will be my witness.
Wang Baochuan mentioned someone else, but I didn't know, so Su Long and Hu Wei are in-laws. You and I come into the house together, and we can make it clear face to face.