All original, some may be based on British folklore or fairy tales.
Magic spell
The flying spell Accio brings things to you
Flying around can make objects fly from one place
Hang upside down The golden clock Levicorpus makes people hang upside down in the air
The golden clock falls to the ground Liberacorpus the counter-spell of hanging the golden clock upside down
The clear water like spring curse Aguamenti makes water emerge from the top of the wand
Aparecium makes invisible ink appear
Apparate makes oneself move to another place instantly
Copy spell (duplicate) Geminio makes two copies of something
Shenfeng Wuying Sectumsempra cuts objects like a knife
Cyclone sweeps Tergeo to clean something
Alajo Cave opens Alobomora to open something
Bat-Bogey Hexes falls to the ground
The Colloportus makes the opponent tap dance crazily
The Conjunctivtus Curse damages eyesight
p>Deletrius makes things disappear
Race the incisors with a stick and Densaugeo makes the incisors grow out of control
Growing rapidly can make objects bigger
Diffindo makes things tear or separate
Separate left and right Dissendium makes things open
Rejuvenate Enervate makes things come alive
Blank Evanesco makes an object disappear immediately
Expecto Patronum conjures a patron saint
Unintentional donation of your father's bones can regenerate your son
Bone of the father unknowingly given you will renew your son
Flesh of the servan willingly given you will revive your master
Blood of the enemy forcibly taken you will resurrect your foe
Expelliarmus Disarm the opponent
Fidelius Charm Tell a secret to another trustworthy person
Finite Incantatem End other spells
Obstacles Heavy Impedimenta to stop someone or something
Fire-flaming Incendio Used when traveling from fireplace to fireplace with Floo powder
Legilimens Enter someone else's brain
Lumos makes the wand glow
Obliviate makes people forget
Petrificus Totalus makes people unable to move
Armor Protect Protegos to protect yourself from harm
Quickly imprison Protego to immediately lock the door and silence the sound
Permanent Sticking to stick something in a certain place forever
The corpse reappears and Morsmordre summons the Dark Sign
The prior incantation before the flashback reappears the previous incantation cast by the wand
Grinning and huffing Rictusempra tickles
Funny Funny Rid
dikulus Make something ridiculous (used on Boggarts)
Break to pieces Reducto to smash the opponent to pieces
Repair as before Reparo To fix things
Silent and silent Sliencio makes oneself do things without sound
Stupefy makes the opponent faint immediately
Clean up Scourgify to clean up a certain place
Hovering spell, levitation spell (Wingardium Leviosa) Wingardium Leviosa makes things fly
* Cruciatus Curse (Crucio) Crucio can cause extreme pain
*Imperio Curse (soul out of body) Imperio makes the victim completely controlled by the wizard
*Killing Curse (Avada Kedavra) Avada Kedavra kills a person
(*The above three are Unforgivable Curses)
Engorgement Charm is a spell used by Hagrid to speed up the growth of pumpkins.
Memory Charm is a magic that modifies their memory.
Animagi is a magic technique in which a wizard turns himself into an animal.
Apparate is a magic that makes the image of the body appear in another place
Flame-Freezing Charm In the past, when wizards were burned at the stake, they would use the "Freezing Charm" , the flames will only cause a slight numbing sensation to the wizards and will not harm them.
Disapparation is one of the ways wizards travel. They can disappear from one place to another in an instant.
Jelly-Legs Jinx: The cursed wizard instantly turns into a soft-footed shrimp
Disillusionment Charm This spell can achieve the same effect as an "invisibility cloak". But sometimes the cloak has the problem of not being able to cover it well, but this spell can completely hide it. The person who has been cast by the spell will have a cold liquid flow down from the place where the wand is struck and flow all over the body, making the body appear the same color and texture as the background, but it is not invisible, but it seems to become a human chameleon.
Permanent Sticking Charm This spell can stick things to one another. It is so powerful that it is invincible! No matter what method I use, I can't pull off the stuck stuff.
Hair-Thickening Charm This spell can make hair thicker and thicker
Occlumency is a magical defense that protects the mind from outside intrusion, although it is very A remote magic, but extremely useful. Stealth Sensoring Spell As long as you learn this spell, you can set up a dragnet in your home or office. Once someone breaks in, you will be notified immediately.
Imperturable Charm This is a very useful spell. If you don’t want to be eavesdropped or invaded, you can easily avoid the hazards of pinhole cameras by using the Immovable Charm.
Food Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans has beans of all flavors - such as coconut, mint, spinach, liver, beef
tripe, pepper..., as well as nasal mucus, earwax, etc.
Cauldron cakes
Chocolate Frogs Each pack of Chocolate Frogs comes with a variety of collectible magician cards.
Drooble’s Best Blowing Gum Drooble’s Best Blowing Gum is a food sold on the Hogwarts Express.
Kinckerbocker glory is a type of ice cream.
Liquorice A food sold on the Hogwarts Express.
Mars Bars Mars Bars A food sold on the Hogwarts Express.
Mint humbug Hard mints
Pumpkin Pasties
Sherbert lemons Albus Dumbledore's favorite Muggle dessert.
Steak-and-kidney Beef Kidney Pie
Treacle tarts
Invisibility cloak
Norwegian Ridgeback (Norwegian Ridgeback)
Chinese Fireball
Swedish Short-Snout
Common Welsh Green
Hungarian Horntail
ice mice
jelly slugs
hiss "fizzing whizbees"
Hiccough Sweets
Nose-biting teacup
Polyjuice Potion
Rune Horse
A type of Pegasus, with golden hair, silver mane, and fiery red eyes, similar to an elephant, and only drinks pure malt whiskey. The giant horse is a large and extremely strong palomino horse (a type of Alaba stallion with a light brown or cream body and a white tail and mane in the western United States). The winged horse that pulls the cart for Beauxbatons School is the rune horse, which Madame Maxime tamed.
A powerful black magic creature cultivated by wizards. This venomous snake is quite large (50 feet long), emerald green in color, and has two fangs that look like A long and thin sword, with big round yellow eyes. As long as there is enough food, the lifespan of a basilisk is at least nine hundred years, and they can eat any vertebrate animal (including humans), so this is easy to do. The way to distinguish male and female basilisks is that the male basilisk has a scarlet crest on its head, but basilisks are usually reproduced through magic rather than breeding.
As early as the Middle Ages, breeding basilisks has been illegal. Now, this has been included in the "Prohibition of Domesticating Animals for Experiments", but this law does not apply even to dark wizards. Often violated, as the only person capable of controlling a basilisk is a Parseltongue.
"There are many terrible animals and monsters in our land, but none is as weird and deadly as the basilisk, also known as the snake king. This kind of snake can grow to It is extremely large and lives for hundreds of years, but it is born from the eggs hatched by toads. Its killing methods are also very shocking. In addition to its poisonous and deadly fangs, the basilisk also has a pair of cannons. Killing eyes, anything that looks directly into the eyes of the basilisk will die immediately. Spiders will run away when they see the basilisk. The basilisk is their natural enemy, and the only thing that can make the basilisk run away is the crow of the rooster, because this pair of snakes. Strangely speaking, it is fatal.
The Phoenix seems not to be afraid of the deadly gaze of the basilisk. The basilisk living in the Chamber of Secrets is only controlled by the real heir of Slytherin, not just any Parseltongue. When the heir uses the basilisk After the language was released, the basilisk searched for prey in the castle - students born in Muggle families, because it could smell their blood ("I smell blood..." The thing swam in the water pipes When its eyes were blinded by Fawkes, it could still attack Harry with its extremely sensitive sense of smell. Harry's arm was bitten by one of the basilisk's fangs, and the venom in the fangs Almost killed him.
In addition to its unique magical power and extremely long life, many of the characteristics of the basilisk come from its nature as a venomous snake. Like ordinary venomous snakes, the basilisk will also go through periods of time. It only sheds its skin once, and its omnivorous nature is common to large snakes. If Harry had been more knowledgeable in Defense Against the Dark Arts, he would probably have been defeated by the Basilisk by using a stun spell on it. , because, although it is not explicitly stated, the basilisk's skin is likely to have the same armor properties as dragon skin and can reflect spells directed at it. Only its eyes and mouth are the only weak links in defense. p>
A male Acromantula, adopted by Hagrid in 1942, now lives in the Forbidden Forest. By the 1990s, Aragog had turned gray. And he was also blind due to cataracts. Aragog was the spouse of Mossag, and they had many descendants. Harry and Ron met Aragog in May 1993 and almost did not escape alive, although for Hagrid's sake. , Aragog himself no longer hunts humans.
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There are three types of trolls: mountain monsters, forest monsters and water monsters. The language of the trolls seems to be made up of grunts and screams. The monster is about 12 feet tall and gray in color. It has skin, a bumpy body, and flat, horny feet. It exudes an extremely bad smell, "a mixture of smelly socks and uncleaned public toilets." "His nose was filled with something sticky like gray glue - the troll's snot.
In order to divert people's attention so that he could steal the Philosopher's Stone, Quirrell went to the castle on Halloween in 1991 It wandered the corridors until Harry and Ron locked it in the women's room. Shortly after they did so, they realized that Hermione Granger was in the women's room, except for that. Taking charge, they had no other choice. Through a combination of daring behavior and reckless magic, they defeated it and rescued Hermione.
Then again, Quirrell has some tricks up his sleeve. The monster's ability. He placed a troll in the Chamber of Secrets to protect the Philosopher's Stone, knowing that he could easily defeat it when the opportunity came. When Harry, Ron, and Hermione arrived in the Chamber of Secrets, The troll had been beaten unconscious. Tom Riddle claimed that Hagrid had gone to the Forbidden Forest to fight the troll when he was a child.
2 Fantastic Creatures
Dumbledore once hired security trolls to protect the Fat Lady who was attacked by Sirius Black. These trolls were significantly different from the trolls in that they seemed to be smarter and didn't stink as much. Umbridge spends her time running up and down the corridor in front of the Fat Lady's portrait, making stinky faces at anyone who happens to pass by, and comparing the shape of their sticks to each other. Umbridge also apparently employs trolls to protect her. The Firebolt confiscated from Harry
On their way to meet the giants, Hagrid and Ms. Maxim encountered a group of crazy trolls at the Polish border.
The Hippogriff has wings. Beast
Flying creature, it has the head, wings and front paws of a giant eagle, and its hind body, including legs and tail, looks like a horse. The eyes are orange, and the coat color is the same as that of ordinary horses, including black, brown, chestnut, gray and mottled colors. An adult Hippogriff's wings are spread out, reaching a width of 24 feet.
The Hippogriff was a very ferocious carnivore before it was tamed, and only a well-trained wizard could tame it. (It is said that hippogriffs can survive by eating insects, birds, mice or small animals such as ferrets)
To approach a hippogriff, the first step is to bow while You must maintain eye contact with it at all times; if it bows back to you, you can pet it or even mount it. The Hippogriff's owner must cast a Disguise Charm on it to ensure that Muggles cannot see it.
Pu Rong Rong
A small, cream-colored animal with a long tongue that can purr. This delightful little animal is often kept as a pet, especially by little boy wizards. Ron had one until Fred experimented with it. As a scavenger, it simply eats anything from leftovers to spiders and is easy to care for. Under the sofa in the living room of No. 12 Grimmauld Place was a nest of dead velvet.
A small bright white fire-breathing lizard that feeds on fire. If you feed it pepper regularly, it can survive outside a flame for 6 hours. A salamander spits sparks, runs along the flames and smoke, and escapes into the fire. Its color appears scarlet or blue depending on the temperature of the flame it emits. Salamander blood is a healing and restorative agent.
Fred and George once fed some fireworks to an orange lizard to see what would happen.
Hagrid once lit a fire full of salamanders in his third-year Care of Magical Creatures class.
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Now the giants all live in remote mountainous areas, but there was a time when they were also counted as a force in the wizarding world. . In the 1970s, the Giant formed an alliance with Voldemort and was responsible for a large number of the worst murders and tortures, especially among Muggles. A large number of the giants were killed by the Aurors, while the rest fled.
Hagrid is half giant. His mother is a giant named Friedvarfa. Mrs. Orim Maxim is also part giant. Hagrid's half-brother Grawp is a giant. He was brought down to the Forbidden Forest by Hagrid and introduced to Harry, Ron and Hermione.
Purebred giants are approximately 20 feet tall.
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Flobber caterpillar
A 10-inch-long brown toothless worm that is herbivorous and especially likes to eat lettuce. The mucus it secretes can be used to thicken potions. Hagrid, after becoming wary of the hippogriffs, let his third graders raise these completely pointless things for a semester because they were always left alone doing nothing.
Hu Meizi Hu Meizi is a very small fairy-like creature, but its whole body is covered with thick black hair. They have sharp, venomous teeth. Foxtails are pests. They breed in large numbers in rooms, often inhabiting fabrics.
It takes a lot of spray to get rid of them. It's also a good idea to keep an antidote to the poison on hand.
Thestrals, also translated as the Black Demon Star, are magical creatures in the magical world.
Appearance: The head is like a dragon's head, the body is like a horse, with a pair of bat-like wings, and the eyes are silver-white without pupils.
Because only those who have seen death can see the Thestral, it was once considered an unlucky symbol.
A carnivorous black winged horse. It is scrawny and is believed to bring bad luck. In fact, Yeqi is an amazing and magical creature that can only be seen by those who directly witness the death.
3 Magical Creatures
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A Boggart is a magical creature in the magical world. It is a shape-changing creature that can look into your heart and become the thing you fear most.
The spell to deal with Boggarts is the Boggart Expelling Curse "Funny". The spell causes Boggarts to become the funniest thing you think.
The more people there are, the more Boggarts you have. Gert is easier to deal with because it doesn't know what to do. What really kills a Boggart is laughter. When you laugh loudly, the Boggart explodes into thousands of plumes of smoke and disappears.
A shapeshifter that lives in a dark, narrow place will transform into the thing that those who meet it fear most. No one knows the shape of a Boggart because no one has seen it in its true form (although in 12 Grimmauld Place, Moody used his magic eye to identify a Boggart hidden in the desk in the corner of the room). Special, it makes people wonder what Moody saw...). The Boggart's purpose of scaring people seems to be just to feed on human fear, rather than use its ability to defend itself. Because of this, it is considered a creature of dark magic. Many Muggle children may have seen Boggarts and thought they were "monsters under the bed," but this is not stated in the text.
Lupine taught the third-year Defense Against the Dark Arts students to use "burlesque" spells to deal with boggarts, and also used a boggart instead of a dementor to teach Harry the Patronus Charm. . Because of this, Harry believed that the D.A Army also needed Boggarts to learn the Patronus Charm, because Boggarts could make the training environment more realistic. Boggart is also a level waiting in the maze during the Triwizard Tournament. In No. 12 Grimmauld Place, there was also a Boggart hiding in the desk in the living room.
The Bowtruckle
A very small (up to 8 inches), insect-eating, tree-dwelling creature with long, sharp fingers (two on each hand), brown eyes, and basically looks like A flat-faced matchstick man built out of bark and twigs. Of course, this also makes it well camouflaged in its living environment.
The Bowtruckle can be found in western England, southern Germany and the Nordic countries. The Bowtruckle is the protective spirit of the trees in which it lives, and these trees are usually trees whose wood can be used as wands. The Bowtruckle's branch-like fingers appear to be deformed woodpecker beaks, which allow the Bowtruckle to dig out its favorite tree lice from the bark more quickly, and they are also the perfect tool for digging out the eyes of its enemies. tool. Although they are generally mild-tempered, the Bowtruckle will attack humans when provoked (when it thinks you have attacked it or the tree it lives in). Wizards who wish to harvest leaves or wood from trees inhabited by Bowtruckles should remember to give them tree lice or fairy eggs, which will soothe them and draw their attention.
Guardian Guardian God is a symbol that embodies the heart and is a very profound magic.
You can create a patron saint by using the "Calling God to Protect" patron saint spell, but you must think about the happiest things, because what the patron saint advocates is happiness, light and the hope of living. The patron saint needs a very strong magic foundation. Patronuses are all unique, because each person's personality and inner world are different, and the emotions they express are also different.
The rest is only in the book, read it yourself, I can only help you so much.