Crouching Dragon Cangtian Meteor Fall all BOSS fighting method detailed
BOSS #1 _ General Man General Zhang Liang
Mission: Disaster Village
Difficulty: 4/10
Strategy: Zhang Liang, "General Man" of the BOSS battle across two stages.
Stage 1: He'll try to hit you with his wolfsbane. This is the perfect opportunity to practice :l1: stances and :circle: deflections. Try to favor the latter over the former, as learning deflection will help against bludgeoning (red flash). Since Crouching Dragon doesn't have a proper stamina mechanic, use normal attacks to : square : with aggression. Use normal attacks to break his defense repeatedly. Take a break once in a while, though, and let him attack you to practice deflections. Be ready to counter his blasts at the last minute when a red flash appears on his body (not when you see the red flash). The first stage is fairly easy, so use it to practice deflections. If necessary, let him kill you to continue practicing.
Phase 2: He will turn into a stone demon. Now he will try to attack you with his wolfsbane and tail. Move: L1: Rack his tail attack as well as when he summons stones from the ground, but try to deflect his other attacks. If you manage to deflect his blasts, you will be able to deal massive psychic damage that gradually opens the boss up to a fatal blow (lock turns red). Eventually, you will be able to use +:Square:Come:Triangle:Summon Divine Beast. Press them when you see the prompt to end the fight.
BOSS #2 _ Zhu Yan
Quest: two chivalrous heroes
Difficulty: 3/10
Strategy: Zhu Yan is a giant ape-like demon. As long as you don't fight aggressively, this isn't a particularly difficult fight. Focus on deflecting all of his attacks, gradually dealing mental damage. The only part you need to really pay attention to is his bludgeoning attack, which has a bit of a delay. When a red glow appears on his body, he'll recharge his blitz attack. Press :circle: to deflect the red flash a few seconds after it appears. Successfully deflecting it will deal massive psychic damage, bringing you closer to a killing blow. Rinse and repeat until he's dead. It's not a particularly challenging fight, as long as you focus on deflecting rather than meleeing.
BOSS #3 _ Seal_
Quest: two chivalrous heroes
Difficulty: 3/10
Strategy: Feng Xi is a giant warthog demon. Despite his size, he is a fairly slow and harmless boss. the strategy here is to always hit him from either side. Do not target him head-on. Be aggressive with your attacks, especially if he is focused on Zhao. His blitz attack is also fairly slow. He will jump into the air and try to stomach stomp you. Again, deflect it a few moments before he lands. Other than that, use the same strategy throughout the fight. A quick and easy fight.
BOSS #4 - Earth General Zhang Bao
Quest: The Valley of Weeping Ghosts
Difficulty: 2/10
Strategy: Zhang Bao, the Earth General, is a warlock who wields a flame spell and has a stage. This battle is easy as long as you use this strategy: first of all, every fire spell Zhang Bao casts can be deflected, so use that to your advantage. You can even cast a water spell to counter his elementals. Then, for the rest of the fight, simply :r1: + :up: or :down: to encourage your allies (spending two spirit bars). If you run out of spirit bars, just focus on deflecting the flame spell while your ally takes care of the boss to charge it up. For some extra damage, you can even summon your Divine Beast while your meter is already full. Overall, it's a quick and easy fight that shouldn't pose much of a challenge at this stage.
BOSS #5 _ Zhu Yao
Quest: The Tale of Gui Zi
Difficulty: 3/10
Strategy: use the same strategy as the first time around: deflect his attacks, especially his bludgeoning spins and stomping attacks for mental damage. Then, when the lock turns red, perform a killing blow to deal considerable damage. Additionally, you can encourage Hong Jing to get some extra damage boosts. If possible, summon the Divine Beast to unleash its powerful skills (+) or power up you and Hong Jing (+ : triangle : : square : : x : ). : Circle:
BOSS #6 _ General of the Heavens, Zhang Jiao
Quest: Yellow Sky Demon Castle
Difficulty: 4/10
Strategy: Encourage Sun Xing _to_ attack the Boss, and when he does, you can inflict a few strikes from the back as well as cast a few spells. Water and Earth are good opponents given that the BOSS's main element is lightning. When you land some attacks, you'll reach your spirit meter, allowing you to continue encouraging the sun. You can rinse and repeat this strategy, occasionally deflecting his lightning and blaster attacks. One is a huge spiked projectile, one is when he stomps his stick on the ground, and the third is when he tries to impale you with his handle. Keep deflecting for massive psychic damage, and don't forget to execute the killing blow when the lock turns red. Quite a viable boss fight, as long as you let Sun Xing_ do most of the work and play defense to deflect his moveset.
BOSS #7 _ _in
MISSION: Find the Immortal Sorcerer
Difficulty: 7.5/10
Strategy: Aoba is a giant cow-mold demon. You might want to do a few test runs first to familiarize yourself with his moveset. He has a fairly extensive one that never follows the same pattern. Here's a brief overview of his wide range of attacks and what to do with each one:
Bludgeoning: this can take many forms, including one in which he releases his tentacles from his mouth. The ***same*** characteristic of all types of blasts is that they are always charged and delayed. When he releases it, he deflects it at the last minute. This is the key to inflicting sizable mental damage. Blitz is one of the possible starting moves.
Belly Flip: He will jump in the air and try to crush you with his belly. Try to deflect or dodge it. This is another possible starting move.
Tail Spin: He spins his tail to deal damage. Deflect it.
Arm sweeps/piercing arms: when he sweeps his arms, deflect them. He will swing his arms at you 4-5 times in a row. So focus on deflecting to deal mental damage. When he pauses, retaliate with some 1-2 quick attacks. A variation of this move is that he uses his arm as a dagger.
White Horn Stab: He uses his white horn for some quick stabs. It's best to dodge when he starts using his horns. These attacks are very fast and require optimal deflection to avoid damage.
Tentacle Stomp: He summons his back tentacles and keeps stabbing you with them. As with the Whitehorn Stinger, try to keep your distance.
Ice Shards: while he is still on the ground with his body raised, he releases ice shards from his abdomen. This usually only happens in the second half of the fight. The ice he gives you can be deflated.
Icicle Storm: every time you successfully deflect a blast, he summons a storm of icicles that can be deflected or avoided.
The key to winning this battle is patience and impeccable deflection timing, especially with Ayoe's storms. Do a few test runs to get a feel for the timing of his moves and how to deflect them as best as possible. Don't play too aggressively, but prioritize deflections to increase your psychic damage and only land 1-2 hits when he's resting for a while. Eventually, Ayo will make the killing blow. When he does, be prepared to deflect it for a decent amount of psychic damage and eventually land a fatal hit when the lock turns red. If you can't, repeat the same strategy until the lock turns red. If you need a temporary truce, encourage Hong to unleash her moves. Definitely a tough fight, and probably the first of many in the game.
BOSS #8 _ Acid vs.
Quest: Shadow of the Sacred Mountain
Difficulty: 3.5/10
Strategy: This boss fight is a bit more annoying than the difficulty because Suanyu blends into the darkness easily, so seeing and deflecting his attacks can be a bit tricky. Generally, he uses stomp and spin attacks, occasionally shooting feather projectiles and summoning lightning. Try to deflect as much as possible and utilize your allies to subdue him. Once he's overpowered, he's quick to finish off.
MISSION: Fall of the Fallen Eunuch
Difficulty: 5.5/10
Strategy: White She is a snake demon with giant tentacles all over her body. She uses her tail for a spinning attack, which can be chained up to twice, and her tentacles for a quick stabbing attack. Also, she likes to spray pools of poison around the room, so try not to step on those. As for bludgeoning attacks, she either grabs you with her tentacles or soars in mid-air and pounces on you. If she does this, you'll take massive damage, so try to deflect them if possible. It's not a bad fight, also because when you counter her blasts, she can take a lot of psychic damage, allowing you to cast a killing blow very quickly.
BOSS #10 _ Zhang Jean
Quest: Fall of the Fallen Eunuch
Difficulty: 6.5/10
Strategy: Zhang Jean is a human boss fight. In the same room, there are mobs that look exactly like him with their own life bars. Don't target the bosses (the ones with no life bar above their heads) for now. First, clear the room of all but one clone. If you eliminate all the clones, leaving only the real boss, he will summon new clones after a while, making this fight unnecessarily more challenging than it already is. So, when it's two against two, focus your efforts on the real one. At this point, you won't be swarmed by so many clones. Eliminating the clones in the first place is also essential for removing the boss gain (one clone = one gain). This is more of a survivability test. Take the time to defeat the mobs as they deal a lot of damage as they approach and corner you. Clones are easy to hit hard, and they have the same mob attack as the bosses, which is a stamina attack. Deflect it and all possible attacks that deal psychic damage, including Lightning Ball and Trajectory.
BOSS#11 _ Lu Bu
Quest: Battle of Hu Junguan Pass
Difficulty: 8/10
Strategy: Lu Bu is a lumbering soldier on horseback, and is by far the toughest boss in the game.For this boss battle, I highly recommend setting up the following magic spells: Absorb Life Force, Spiritual Passion and Burning Flame Wave. It's best to make all 3 of these spells available for unlock and use the Vitality levels they require, but if you can't, at least prioritize Burning Flame Wave if possible. Burning Flame Wave in particular makes this very tough fight much more tolerable. Also, set Green Dragon as your Divine Beast. Using the Green Dragon +:Square::Triangle: skill allows you to cast a Life Recovery Pool, which may be helpful when deflecting his attacks, especially his long-range attacks. Finally, it is highly recommended that all 6 possible dragon pots be available.
Stage 1: In stage 1, do not try to hit him. In this stage, you have to play defense. He's so fast that you'll just become an outlet. Your focus is to knock him off his horse, and the only way to do that is to drain his spirit bar. So, for the first half of the fight, focus on deflecting his blaster attacks, normal attacks, and arrows. The first bludgeoning attack is Horse Stomp, and the second is Charge. When you successfully deflect the bludgeon attack, land only 1: Triangle: Critical Strike, further lowering his Spirit Bar. When he moves away from you and brakes suddenly, it means he's about to shoot an arrow at you. Hold :l1: to deflect them. By the way, the fight always starts with a flurry of arrows.
Stage 2: The first thing you have to know is that when he's no longer riding, the horse will still rampage around the arena and hurt you if you get in its way. The first thing he will do is his bludgeoning stomp attack. It's kind of easy to deflect. Don't counterattack after deflecting. He's so fast that if you do, he'll chain several attacks that need to be deflected with perfect timing. Now you can use two strategies, depending on how fast your spirit meter returns to normal: the first strategy involves deflecting and using a burning flame wave (harder), and the second strategy involves holding :l1: to parry all of his attacks and keep your distance in order to recover your spirit meter back to normal (easier). Regardless of what strategy you use, your job is to deflect all bludgeoning attacks, as this is the only viable fay that deals sustained damage. Keep in mind that he can chain bludgeoning attacks, so be prepared to deflect a second or even third attack if this is the case. This usually happens after you get him off his horse for the second time.
BOSS #12 _ Sun Ce and Sun Jian
Mission: like father, like son
Difficulty: 5/10
Strategy: the fight will start with Sun Ce. Use the environment to your advantage: the room is large so you can keep your distance. Deflect as much as possible and retaliate with 1-2 points of normal attacks. When Sun Ce's soul bar runs out, perform a fatal strike. His attack range is very limited, but he strikes quickly. Once Sun Ce's bar is 3/4 empty, Sun Jian will join the fight and for a while you'll have to fight them both. Finish off Sun Ce (lure him away from Jane if you need to) and then focus on Jane who has a similar moveset. You can slow them down with an imposing slab of stone and deal considerable fire damage with the Vermilion Bird. A tricky challenge, but nothing compared to Lu Bu.
BOSS #13 _ Taotie
Mission: centuries of glory burned
Difficulty: 4/10
Strategy: Taotie is a massive abomination with the face of a man and the torso of a sheep. To prepare for this boss battle, prioritize any Water God Beasts and spells whose primary element is fire. This boss battle is divided into three stages. He may look intimidating, but he's not.
Stage 1: Stage 1 begins with three crystal projectiles shot directly into the arena. These can be deflected. After that, the goal is to destroy the crystal corruption on one of his legs. Deflect them or dodge when he stomps. Always aim for his leg, and when his spirit meter runs out, deliver a killing blow to his eye.
Phase 2: After stabbing him in the eye, continue chipping away at the crystals on his leg until he falls again. When he does, use the crystal corruption platforms around his body to reach his back and perform another stab.
Phase 3: In phase 3, get close to him and prepare to deflect his belly flop. Quickly dodge as he darts or rolls across the arena. When you've exhausted his spirit clock, climb up to the head and deliver a killing blow to the mouth to end the fight.
The really hard part of this fight isn't the boss itself, but finding a way to consistently hit him. This Boss battle can feel confusing and at times like you're hitting nothing, but as long as you aim for his legs and get close to him in stages, it doesn't pose much of a challenge.
BOSS #14 _ Sun Jian
Quest: Darkness on the Han River
Difficulty: 3/10
Strategy: Sun Jian is a giant tiger-like demon. He uses mainly his tail and claws in his moveset. This fight shouldn't be too harsh. It's three on one and Sun Jian only has one stage. Throughout the fight, use your spirit meter to encourage your allies and cast aura boards for considerable damage. Additionally, you want to have Teng She as your main Divine Beast to inflict a series of mitigations on the boss. With the aura board, Teng She, and your two allies, this boss will go down quickly.
BOSS #15 _ Dong Zhuo
Quest: The Tyrant's Last Banquet
Difficulty: 4.5/10
Strategy: Dong Zhuo is a spear-wielding brigand. He primarily performs quick and harmful lunge attacks. Deflecting them requires impeccable timing, but if you don't feel safe, you can use an imposing plate (if available). He can also fire projectile daggers and has very fast bludgeoning attacks, including his aerial spinning spear, one of which he prepares for a mass stomp, and one of which he cuts the ground with. Bring two reinforcements to fight this battle and get him off your back. He can do a lot of damage and is fast, but if you follow this strategy, it's a very viable fight overall.
BOSS #16 _ Zhao Yun
Quest: Spear of Matchlessness
Difficulty: 4.5/10
Strategy: He can lunge and pummel with his spear very quickly, so it's best to keep your distance and cast Airy Slabs to interrupt his attack pattern. Deflect as much as possible to slightly restore your Spirit meter and use it to cast Aura Slate for more Spirit damage. As he jumps in the air and charges up, he's about to slam his spear on the lake or spin his body to impale you respectively. Deflect both of these bludgeoning attacks to drastically increase spirit damage output.
BOSS #17 _ Cao Cao
Mission: green plums, warm wine
Difficulty: 4/10
Strategy: there are only two moves you need to watch out for: his bludgeoning attack, during which he jumps into the air to try and knock you down, and when he summons his Phoenix God Beast. Step back when he unleashes the latter or its shockwave will hurt you. Other than that, keep your distance and cast Airy Slate so that he crashes into it for extra psychic damage. Deflect as much as possible so he should drop relatively quickly.
BOSS #18 _ Xiahou_
Quest: The Fires of War Burning
Difficulty: 5/10
Strategy: Xiahou Dun is a giant winged demon wielding a giant willow branch. Plus, his entire body is on fire, which means he can deal elemental damage as well. Make sure you have an extra booster for this fight, as it can go a long way. Most of his attacks, including his blasts, are stored energy spins. This fight can be a bit confusing: he moves and flies very fast, and his body easily blends in with the blaster red markers, making it difficult to time the deflection. Keep your distance throughout the fight to give yourself more time to prepare to deflect as he flies towards you. When he does, you can cast Aura Board on his trajectory to deal some psychic damage while slowing him down slightly if you don't think you'll deflect. When he casts fireballs, those can be deflected as well. Also, try to keep some of your spirit meter to encourage your allies to reinforce. A bit of a tricky battle, but not bad if you follow the strategy outlined.
BOSS #19 _ Zhang Liao
Quest: Warrior's Path
Difficulty: 5/10
Strategy: Zhang Liao is a hulking soldier who has mastered the element of lightning. His moves are similar to Xiahou Dun's, meaning he casts a lunge and spin attack. As usual, keep your distance and cast as many Aura Boards as you can to slow down the boss and deal mental damage. Keep the remaining gauge to encourage your allies and deflect as much as possible, including and especially bludgeoning attacks for some considerable psychic damage.
BOSS #20 _ Liu Bei
Quest: Heroic Caliber
Difficulty: 4.5/10
Strategy: He attacks hard and fast, but there is a trick to stun him repeatedly. Here's how: keep your distance from him, and when he gets close cast Burning Flame Wave to stun him in fire and deal consuming damage. Make 1-2 quick attacks if you can, then repeat and let your spirit meter recharge a bit. Repeat the same strategy for the entire fight. When he is stunned on the ground, you can also cast Airy Slate for extra damage. Another very important thing to do is to inflict heavy attacks when he enhances himself: just as he does, he won't attack you, leaving himself open to heavy attacks. With this strategy, he doesn't stand much of a chance.
BOSS #21 _ Thunderstone
Quest: Legend of Thor
Difficulty: 3.5/10
Strategy: first, call in two reinforcements. Then, head to the arena to fight Thor Thunderstone. He's big, but a bit slow. Use the following strategy: deflect his initial bludgeoning attack, then walk up to him and cast Burning Flame Wave or Airy Slate to trigger a chance for a killing blow. You should deal a lot of damage. For his next point of his life bar, encourage one or both of your allies to go to him and cast any of the spells again as they fight him. The only thing you need to worry about and deflect is his Lightning Ball. Overall, it's an easy fight, despite the sheer size of the boss coming on strong.
BOSS #22 _ Lu Bu
Quest: Lu Bu, the most powerful of the humans
Difficulty: 6.5/10
Strategy: Lu Bu is a giant fire-breathing centaur. Bring extra ally reinforcements for this as it can make all the difference. A good one is Han Dang as the boss uses a lot of long range fire attacks. Also, you might want to insert some water spells if you have them available and powerful enough. As for the fight itself, always deflect his fireballs and axe swings to build up your spirit meter and be able to consistently encourage your allies. As always, cast Aura Board for some extra psychic damage and be prepared to deflect his bludgeoning attacks as he jumps high in the air, throws huge fireballs at you, and hacks at the ground with his axe. Keep your distance and let your allies do most of the work to stay safe, and you'll be able to keep this boss fighting in the sack.
BOSS #23 _ Hong Jing
Quest: Scarlet Crystal
Difficulty: 6/10
Strategy: She's a spell caster who uses the most powerful spells on all the elements. Coincidentally, this is also her main weakness. In fact, when she casts a spell, she is stationary and vulnerable. So, every time you see her about to cast a spell, get close to her and either do the same thing or make a fierce attack. For the rest of the fight, keep your distance and try to deflect all the spells she casts at you. Keep in mind that you have to dodge when she summons lightning from the sky and places a slab of ice on the ground. Everything else can be deflected. With this strategy, while it's a challenging fight, you'll make it much more doable.
BOSS #24 _ Yan Liang, Wen Chou
Mission: see the light of justice
Difficulty: 5/10
Strategy: have your allies deal with Yan Liang while you deal with Yan Liang, Wen Chou, who is standing. They are not as tough as they look and can fall easily. Use your Spirit Meter for Aura Slate to deal extra Spirit damage and just focus on deflecting attacks. Once Wen Chow is down, help your ally partner Yan Liang. Yan Liang's moves are very similar to Cheng Gui's, so the Aura Slate can really help here. After a while, Wen Zhou will come back alive.
BOSS#25 _ Liu Bei
Mission: see the light of justice
Difficulty: 7/10
Strategy: Liu Bei is an extremely fast human demon. He has a quick double sword attack that can do a lot of damage if not deflected. This is also one of his main weaknesses, by the way, which means that if you manage to deflect most of his attacks, he can also take a lot of mental damage. Do your best to deflect as many as possible and retreat to heal and catch your breath if needed. If you do, be sure to encourage your two allies. If you want to play it safe, I suggest you keep your distance from him throughout the fight and let the two allies do most of the work. The only time you should get close to him is when he's not spinning with his two swords and casting Airy or Burning Flame Wave. So a good strategy might be to let him fight your allies for a few seconds, go in, cast imposing slate, retreat and deflect if necessary. When you retreat, make sure you put enough distance between you and the boss, as all of his tails and twin sword attacks have a really wide range. If the Tensha Divine Beast is viable, summon it to generate a lot of mitigation. It's also fairly easy to deflect his bludgeoning attack: slash right through the Blood Edge while stationary in mid-air. Again, with two allies to help you and using this strategy, this fight isn't bad.
BOSS #26 _ Zhang Liao
Quest: Fearless Blade
Difficulty: 8.5/10
Strategy: at the start of the fight, he summons his Lightning Beasts, which imbue his sword with the element of lightning. He may then perform an aerial blast attack, which is relatively slow and therefore easy to deflect. Once you deflect it, don't counter with a normal or heavy attack. Instead, cast a far-reaching spell such as Imposing Slate or Burning Flame Wave for some psychic damage and retreat. If you don't, you'll be trapped in his quick stab, which is hard to deflect with perfect timing. The second blast attacks his fast forward stab, which is a bit hard to deflect. When he summons lightning bolts from the sky, try not to get caught in a rain of lightning bolts, as they can do a lot of damage. The key to winning this battle is to take advantage of how often he uses his aerial blitz attack, of the two it's easier to deflect. Then, keep your distance for the rest of the fight and let him come to you, healing if needed. You can even deflect his lightning attacks if you can, but it's safer to keep your distance.
BOSS #27 _ Yuan Shao
Quest: Guandu Duel
Difficulty: 3.5/10
Strategy: Yuan Shao is an intermediate boss fight. He is a Cast Ice Tail Demon. He can throw huge ice shards and projectiles and use his tail for blaster attacks. Since he is very stationary, you can use this to your advantage. Get close to him and cast your most powerful spells for sizable soul damage. When he's about to cast Ice, retreat and deflect them to recover some of your Spirit meter. Other than that, keep casting spells close to him and he should go down quickly. A very easy boss, albeit a handicapped one.
BOSS #28 _ Yu-Gi-Oh/Evil Dragon
Quest: Sekidou Duel
Difficulty: 7.5/10
Strategy: The Game King is a two-stage boss fight. His main attack is a long range magic cast on all elemental stages.
Stage 1: In stage 1, Yu Ji will take human form. In this form, he is very weak and static. This latter aspect in particular can be utilized by you to deal sustained damage. When he is ready to cast, all of his spells can be interrupted. When he appears, walk up to him and cast your best spell in return. This will break his magic while knocking him out and leaving him open to a pummeling attack. When you are able to land a killing blow on him, he will take a lot of damage. The only two real attacks you need to watch out for are when he summons his sword and uses his weapon in a spinning slashing motion. His blasts are spinning attacks and hand slashes that are both slow and easy to deflect.
Stage 2: In stage 2, he takes the form of a dragon. In this form, he is the complete opposite of his human form. He is a beast and walks around non-stop. So don't follow him, just step back throughout the fight and do your best to deflect his incoming attacks. Some of his attacks are: lightning tail slash, poison body spin, 6 sword slashes in a row, and summoning a poison pool from the ground. The strategy here is to wait for him to cast his blitz attacks, which are slow and easy to deflect. One blast is a tail slam, the second is a slow glide attack, the third is a huge fireball, and the fourth is a tail ground slash. You can also try casting Airy Slate while he's flying around, and if possible, let him crash into it, but don't rely on it too much this time. When his spirit meter runs out, you will be able to execute a killing blow that deals chunks of damage. Also, summon the Celestial Beast to detract from him if you have it.
BOSS #29 _ The Blindfolded Boy
Quest: Crouching Dragon Roar
Difficulty: 9/10
Strategy: The Blindfolded Boy, a spell-casting human boss, is the hardest boss in the game.This is also the final boss of the story.During this boss battle, we highly recommend collecting all possible Dragon Essences and Crystals. to maximize the use of the dragon pots and potency. The Blindfolded Boy is very fast and deals a lot of damage, especially with his bludgeoning attacks. He masters all stages with absolute perfection and can always enchant his weapon with any time. Here's a brief overview of all the possible attacks he uses:
Deep Sword Slash (this is his favorite attack)
Flying Piercing Sword
Flying Sword, which he waltzes around the arena
Poison Pool
Rock Slab
Giant Fireball
Lightning and Pool
Ice Shard
As for his bludgeoning attack, he summons a giant fireball, splits himself into two other clones, each of which can deal damage, charge then sprint and possess you. Sometimes he will do multiple blitz attacks so don't retaliate just to be safe. All of these can easily kill you, so do your best to deflect them. By the way, deflecting his consecutive blasts is the key to winning this fight. If necessary, do a few trial runs to get a feel for his attack patterns and reduce the deflection time of his blasts. The strategy here is patience: don't try to counter any of his normal attacks. He's too quick and can easily lock them up to continue hurting you. Instead, learn the correct timing to deflect his blitz attacks and take advantage of them, then be able to execute the killing blow. Again, being able to deflect successive blasts is key to winning here. Keeping your distance also helps to slightly increase the deflection time.
BOSS #30 _ Xiahou Yuan and Xiahou_
Quest: two walls standing
Difficulty: 5/10
Strategy: to win here, keep your distance, repeatedly stun Xiahou with your most powerful spells, and focus only on deflecting arrows and bludgeoning attacks. There's nothing more to it than that.
BOSS #31 _ Yuan Shao
Quest: Pride of the Yuan Clan
Difficulty: 4/10
Strategy: this is a rematch with Yuan Shao. He can throw huge ice shards and projectiles and use his tail for blaster attacks. Since he's very still, you can use this to your advantage. Get close to him and cast your most powerful spells for sizable soul damage. When he's about to cast ice, retreat and deflect them