For the sake of my prayer
Arise, O poet
And tell them
that what they have waited for is coming
That I have come with the dew
By the light of the last star
I come from the east
From the sea of raging waves
I will bring light to the world
And warmth to mankind
Through your integrity. I come from the east
From the raging sea
I bring light to the world
And warmth to mankind
By the mouths of your righteous men
Please carry my message
Inform mankind, whose eyes are burning with longing, and the cities and villages far away, which are in misery,
And ask them to come and welcome me. Herald of the day, bringer of light
Open all the windows to welcome
Open all the doors to welcome
Please sound the siren to welcome
Please blow the trumpet to welcome
Let the scavengers come to clean the streets
Let the carriers come to remove the trash
Let the laborers walk the streets with a wide stride
Let the vehicles walk with a wide stride
Let the laborers walk with a wide stride
Let the laborers walk with a wide stride
Let the laborers walk with a wide stride
Let the vehicles walk with a wide stride
Let the vehicles flow through the squares in brilliant procession
Let the villages also wake up from their damp mist
Open their hedges to welcome me
Let the village women open their chicken coops
Let the farmers bring out their oxen from the corrals
And inform them through your warm mouth
That I have come from over the mountains, from over the forests
That I have come from over the mountains, from over the forests
And that I am a man of the world, a man of the world, a man of the world, a man of the world. And ask them to clean the sunny fields
And the patios that are always dirty
Open the windows that are covered with flowers
Open the doors that are decorated with spring scrolls
Wake up the attentive women
And the men that snore
Ask the young lovers to get up too
And the sleepy maidens
And the young men that are in love
And the young men that are in love with you. The sleepy maiden
Please wake up the sleepy mother
And the babe by his side
Please wake up everyone
Even the sick and the mothers in labor
Even the aged
And those who groan in their beds
Even the wounded in the wars of righteousness
And the refugees who have been displaced from their homelands
And those who have been displaced from their homelands
And those who have been displaced from their homeland
And the women who are in the wars of righteousness
And those who have been displaced from their homelands
I will give them comfort
Wake up all those who love life
Workers, craftsmen, and painters
Let the singers welcome us with their songs
With the sound of the grass and the dew
Let the dancers welcome us with their dances
And with their morning dresses of white mist
Let the dancers welcome us with their dancers. Their morning clothes of white mist
Please call those who are healthy and beautiful to wake up
And say that I am coming soon to knock on their windows
Please be faithful to the poets of time
And bring mankind news of consolation
Please prepare them for a welcome, please prepare all of them for a welcome
I am coming when the rooster crows for the last time
Let them gaze into the heavens with devout eyes
I will give the most gracious light to all who look for me
Tell them, while the night is almost over
that what they have waited for is coming