Good evening, Mr. Zhang, and good evening, all of you ****reading buddies!
The Teacher's Mission is celebrating its 5th ****reading share this evening. I am the host of tonight's show, Chen Xiuyu, we are accustomed to call me Mr. Dusty, many teachers in the group are old friends.
Our ****reading activity tonight is the same as before. First, five teachers will lead the reading and sharing, and after sharing, two teachers will comment. Let's start our sharing activity formally.
The first leader tonight is Ms. Mao Jieli from Taishan Experimental Middle School in Taishan, Shandong Province.
Ms. Mao is an excellent teacher and excellent classroom teacher in Tai'an City, and joined the Mingxia Teachers' Growth Alliance in May 2019 as the leader of the school's "Mingxia Workshop".
Ms. Mao is a successful participant in the first phase of the "Education Walk, Write Together" 300-day challenge. She is a new member of the Education Walk family, and also the most loyal fan.
Her topic for us tonight is "Significant Others in My Life"
Welcome Ms. Mao [celebrate][celebrate][celebrate].
Thank you Ms. Mao for sharing. The last time I shared, I talked about : "When reading Mr. Zhang's books, you can always find words that touch you especially, words that seem to be directed at you, that are meant for you, that point you in a direction to move forward."
This sentence caused Mr. Cheng Ruigang's ****ing. Tonight Ms. Mao spoke of a similar feeling. She said, "It feels like this passage was written specifically for me, and I can't help but pull my mind back a number of years to recall my past experiences and reflect on my own path of growth."
Ms. Mao has spent a lot of time healing herself because of the damage done to her by the inappropriate words and actions of a math teacher in her childhood. Ms. Mao is strong and lucky. Luckily, she has met many wonderful people since then, and with her own self-healing, she has come out of that difficult time and has become an angelic math teacher, nourishing every little soul. I believe Ms. Mao's future will be even brighter. Thank you again, Ms. Mao, for sharing.
Tonight, our second reader is Mr. Tong Sheng
Mr. Tong has always been in the countryside, has been working on the front line, and in recent years has been insisting on reading and writing, leading students to read and write fairy tales, insisting on organizing the students' works, and insisting on the public number "Tong Sheng Fairy Tales", which has more than 1,000 articles a day.
It was after the opening of this year's online education walk that I learned about Mr. Tong. Soon after the event, you can read his words of realization. The speed is very fast and the quality is high. When reviewing his 1st article to be published in the walking public number, I had the 1st contact with him. I realized that he had a regular routine. I'm very impressed with the regularity of his routine and the efficiency of his work.
In the past few days, he has also been reading The Mission of Teachers, and has written a lot about it. Tonight, he will share with us the theme of "Back to the Native Land", and we will invite Mr. Tong to share with us with a warm applause.
Thank you Mr. Tong for sharing." Our education should and must be rooted in the most authentic educational situations in order to make our education more effective and humane." Very well said. Influencing and leading children through one's own reading, through one's own actions, is so much better than just preaching. I look forward to more reading, more practice, and more beautiful words from Ms. Tong to influence more people. Thank you again, Mr. Tong, for sharing.
The third leader who shared with us tonight is Mr. Zhang Qinglu.
He is a senior middle school language teacher. He is a member of the Love and Education Research Association. He is an excellent teacher in Xintai City, an excellent class teacher in Xintai City, and a rising star in teaching in Xintai City. Aspire to be a teacher with temperature and depth and attitude.
The title he shared is "Backward is to arrive better"
Thank you Mr. Zhang for sharing.
Mr. Zhang Qinglu missed the 5th offline education walk, but because of this year's online education walk, because of this ****reading event, because of this initiative to share, let us know him. Fingers crossed for the 2022 Offline Education Walk, he'll snag a spot and arrive on the scene. Let's try to see him next year! Thanks again to Mr. Zhang for sharing.
The 4th teacher who led the reading for us tonight is our old-timer, Ms. Deng Xiuhua.
She is a retired education "walker", a student of the Evergreen University for the Aging, and a returning supervisor. She has worked in secondary schools and elementary school for 17 years. Senior secondary school teacher, Master of Arts. She has participated in seven consecutive education walks and is a participant of the fourth phase of Zhang Wenqi's education writing workshop. Passionate about reading, traveling and public welfare. Municipal excellent classroom teacher, advanced education worker.
Ms. Deng is very familiar to me. We have participated in almost all the education walks together in different ways, and we were on stage together to receive a very, very special award - the Education Walk Obsession Award - at the 5th Education Walk.
Her topic for us tonight is "Principal Grandma - Principal Mom - Principal Sister - My Seventeen Years in Elementary School". Let's listen to her story together. Applause to welcome Ms. Deng to share with us.
Thank you Ms. Deng for sharing.
When I heard "I am the master of my classroom", I remembered what Brother Knife once said, that we teachers should be the masters of the classroom. Regardless of the general environment of education, behind closed doors, we are really the master of the classroom, in this classroom inside the flow of boring knowledge? Or is it the zest for life that flows through it? We can actually make a difference. Like Mr. Deng, trying to find ways to stimulate the children's enthusiasm for learning and learning enthusiasm, step by step to guide them to pick up the "gun", take the initiative to "grab" up, and gradually "strong". The first is to make sure that you have a good understanding of what you are doing and how you are doing it.
Thank you again, Mr. Deng, for sharing.
The last leader tonight is Ms. Kang Qin from Jinshan Middle School in Fuzhou.
She has been teaching middle school language for twenty-five years and has been a classroom teacher for many years. From the rural middle school in the northeast of Jiangxi Province to the southeast coast of the motherland city middle school, has always been adhering to the "love of education", believe that "the peach and plum do not say, the next from the groove", to be a person in the education road along the way, all the way to see the scenery. I joined the Education Walk group in August last year after hearing a live sharing session of the 6th Education Walk online activity. From September 1, 2020, I took part in the 1st "Education Walk Write Together" challenge of 300 days of daily work, and after successfully completing the challenge, I couldn't get enough of it, so I took part in the 2nd phase, and I've accumulated more than 360,000 words since then, and I've summarized my life and rebuilt my mind through writing. The first thing you need to do is to get your hands on a new computer, and you'll be able to do that.
Mr. Kang's topic for us tonight is "Holding on to the Beginning, the Education of Love"
Applause for Mr. Kang.
Thank you Mr. Kang for sharing.
What a good thing. Although Mr. Zhang's books went through several channels before reaching Mr. Kang's hands. But holding the books in her hands, smelling the ink, and sharing them with her partners and communicating with them after reading them herself. I think this is also a very happy thing for Mr. Kang, right?
Thanks again to Mr. Kang for sharing.
The 5 leaders have successfully completed their sharing, and the next step is the critique session.
Tonight's 1st reviewer is Ms. Sun Meixia.
Ms. Sun is a senior instructor in family education, the head of the New Parents Growth Institute, an outstanding teacher of the Hebei Overseas Education Foundation, an outstanding teacher of Zhangjiakou, a backbone teacher of Zhangjiakou, a backbone class teacher of Zhangjiakou, and a disciplinary leader of Zhangjiakou . In 2016, the municipal subject independently chaired by her was awarded the first prize for scientific research. He is also a tutor of the Ideal Parents program, and the leader of the Chinese Poetry Teaching Project.
Next, please ask Mr. Sun to comment on Mr. Mao Jieli, Mr. Tong Sheng and Mr. Zhang Qinglu. Please give them a round of applause.
Thank you, Ms. Sun Meixia, for your comments.
Now I will talk about some of my thoughts after reading Mr. Zhang Wenzhi's The Teacher's Mission, Series 3 and listening to Mr. Deng Xiuhua and Mr. Kang Qin's sharing.
After listening to Ms. Deng Xiuhua's sharing, I remembered this quote from Sukhomlinsky - "I have prepared this lesson for my whole life. "
Ms. Deng just grabbed this sharing spot this morning. The actual preparation time for this sharing may not have been long, but her sharing was well-organized, informative, and thought-provoking. Having such efficiency is arguably the result of her long history of consistent practice, reading, and writing.
Ms. Deng shared three main points, "1. My classroom, I'm in charge; from the principal's grandmother to the principal's mother; 3. From the principal's mother to the principal's sister". In her sharing, I felt a creative teacher, a teacher who loves to toss and turn, because she has children in her heart, always retains the passion for education, and in the process of helping the children grow, she also becomes younger and younger and more and more energetic.
Mr. Kang shared 3 points of experience: "1. Aspire to education, act in education; 2. Children's heart, good education; 3. Life education, love education." In Ms. Kang's sharing, I also saw her persistence, her efforts, and her influence on the children.
Talking here, I suddenly remembered Mr. Zhang's 3-point theory, saying 3 points in everything. Both teachers have practiced this 3-point theory very well.
In fact, not only this 3-point theory, I think Ms. Deng and Ms. Kang are the practice of some of Mr. Zhang's theories. Their stories illustrate what Mr. Zhang said in this book, and some of the ideas in this series.
Mr. Zhang Wenzhi said: "To take education as an ambition, one must take practice as a path, which is to keep grinding the lessons, keep grinding oneself, and keep tossing."
He further explained:
"I emphasize repeated practice, you have to think about it, you have to think about it every day, you have to think about it when you open your eyes, you have to make this matter of education the most important object of your life to think about, and you'll find that - everything you encounter will be transformed into a resource of education, and can be useful to your classroom, to your students, and to your life. classroom, to your students, to your educational writing, this is called 'body and sword unity', a multidimensional eclecticism in terms of technique and cultivation, you will eventually develop better." --P118
In these explanations, I extracted a few key words. The first is "practice". Thinking is all questions, doing is the answer. Practice produces knowledge. Similar words also emphasize the importance of practice. Without practice, everything is empty talk. To really do education, to really do research. Definitely cannot be separated from practice.
The second word is "think". It is not good to just practice and bury your head in the sand. This will result in inefficiency, sometimes in the wrong direction, it is even more the opposite, the loss is not worth it. Therefore, we should not only practise in a practical way, but also look up and see the direction we are walking in, ponder and think carefully, are we walking on the right path? Is there anything better? How can it be improved?
The third word is "repetition". This word can also be used for persistence. It means that your thinking and practicing is iterative, I have you, you have me, and there should be a continuity. You can't do real research overnight, and you can't do it all at once. Even if you have an epiphany, it takes a certain amount of accumulation.
The fourth word is "integration", which is also known as "unity of body and sword". The road you have traveled counts, the pain you have suffered is not in vain, the vision you have developed, your training can be linked to education. As long as the proper application, can make the education research more stretch, you will also develop better.
Mr. Deng tried his best to stimulate the children's enthusiasm for learning and learning enthusiasm, step by step to guide them to pick up the "gun", take the initiative to "grab" up, and gradually "strong". "The children are also very enthusiastic and motivated to learn. Mr. Deng builds a "happy stage" for students, encouraging teachers to put students out and bring them to the playground. Jump rope with the students, do sports activities together ......
Now she has retired, but still insisted on reading, insisted on writing, insisted on communication and sharing. This kind of tossing, this kind of persistence, this kind of planning, is not exactly what Mr. Zhang Wenqi wrote about teachers who "take education as their career"?
Ms. Kang took over a special class and coordinated various educational resources to help students grow. The first thing you need to do is to talk to the students, contact the parents and communicate with them, and care for the children. Practicing life education, love education. Read on your own initiative, participate in a variety of growth **** the same body. Insist on thinking, insist on recording, the challenge of the day shift ......
As far as she can accompany and influence the growth of children, Ms. Kang is also working hard in the direction of "education as a career".
Mr. Zhang mentioned in his article "Teachers' Professional Growth and Life Growth" that he used the phrase "we are all four little people" to describe our work: people who deal with little people all day long, who do little things all day long, who only have an impact on a small group of people, and who have a little bit of success.
There is not much we can do, not much we can change. But as long as we always make ourselves a builder, an innovator, and insist on doing some small things well, we can change ourselves first, and by changing ourselves, we can influence others. Every micro-environmental improvement has the potential to bring about a loosening of the general environment, which in turn changes the general environment. Constantly become yourself, become a more decent person, think about the butterfly effect, believe in yourself, be passionate about education, have confidence in yourself, and have a good heart for education. I believe that education will be good.
That's all I have to say.
That concludes tonight's *** readings. Thank you to a few teachers for sharing and for participating. Thank you, Mr. Zhang Wenqi, for taking time out of your busy schedule to listen in on the crawl.