A quick primer on Stealing the Stars (Urgent !!!!!) (Manga fans help out)

Stealing the Stars is the most popular manga serialized in the manga magazine Knowing Manga!

Most popular characters (in my personal opinion): october, september, lucent star (I like! (*^__^*)? Hehehe), July August (the twins), March, April, February, January Cangue, and some people like Gengetsu (Lucifer-sama) All the ones here are from Black Moon Iron Riders (Don't ask me what Black Moon Iron Riders are, I don't know much about them...).

CP: Jiu Liu (support!) , Ninety, Ten Cang, Three Four, and some support Ten Leigh (Leigh: Lilith, one of the Fallen Angels, seventh sense is illusion)

By the way, the Fallen Angels are led by Lucifer, the Fallen Angels have the seventh sense, and the Black Moon Iron Horsemen have it, but the Fallen Angels are injected with elemental needles, and the Black Moon Iron Horsemen are born with it (I'm guessing).

Two-three-five-seven-October is male (as is Xuan Yue), one-four-six-eight-September, and Cangue are female.

February, March, October, Ryusei, and Xuan Yue are handsome, April, June, (supposedly), August, and September, Cang Yue is beautiful, and January is a belly loli.

The picture in that frame in the picture is the Black Moon Iron Horseman family photo (supposedly), and a Mr. K