Belly dance movement description

Angle Crotch

Standard Stance, Angle Crotch

360 degree horizontal plane round crotch: referred to as horizontal round crotch . Horizontal round crotch: counterclockwise

The head down and buttocks big round crotch Horizontal round crotch: downward - upward

Counterclockwise and clockwise horizontal round crotch alternating with each other with the 360-degree horizontal surface warping board round crotch

"8" chest - around

Arms: Wave soft arms (big wave, small), arms angel wings (large wave, small water), arms angel wings, arms angel wings. flowing water) Double arm angel wings (big and small angel wings)

Double snake arms

Chest movement: horizontal chest-surround

Upright chest-surround . Side Chest Circle - Wrap Around

.360 Degree Upright Face Circle Up and Down Crotch, Lift Crotch, Sit Crotch, Kick Crotch, Top Crotch, Swing Crotch Diagonal Side Crotch: Diagonal Side Top Crotch, . Oblique side hip swing

Shoulder pointing, shoulder shaking, chest shaking

Shoulder pointing . Combined Chest Shake Side Circle Chest Shake

Upright Circle Chest Shake . "8" track chest shake 8 crotch

Front and back 8 crotch: front 8 crotch back 8 crotch front and back 8 crotch front and back 8 crotch extension movement up and down 8 crotch:, up 8 crotch, down 8 crotch lying 8 crotch:. Upright lying eight horizontal lying eight

Round crotch

Upper side round crotch Belly roll

Rear front side round crotch, also known as the lower side round crotch Belly roll

Wave body, walking side round crotch crotch

Walking side round crotch crotch

Walking crotch crotch move neck rotation breast flinging buttocks camel Strokes interpretation (source of Belly Dance Wikipedia) The 1st style 8 word beautiful buttocks

Focus: slim waist, buttocks

Focus on the waist, feet open, the body slightly sitting low, the center of gravity on the lower body, do the action when the back should be straight.

Two hands open, was "8" form swing back and forth waist, pay attention to not use the back of the power to rotate.

Style 2: Waist lifting

Focus: Waist, arms

Focus on the waist, sit slightly lower, put the center of gravity on the lower body, and keep your back straight when you do the movement.

Hands together to raise the penguin straight, legs remain stationary, bend to the right to stretch the upper body to the left, maintain the action for a few seconds and return to the upright position. Repeat alternately on the left and right.

Style 3: Pulling the arms

Focus: correct the upper arms, inner arms, shoulders and back

The entire movement uses only the strength of the upper arms.

Raise your right hand, place your left hand naturally, and pull back with both hands at the same time; then raise your left hand, place your right hand, and pull back at the same time, alternating quickly.

Style 4 Rotating Breast Enhancement

Focus: Breast Enhancement

When you do the movement, you only use your upper body strength to do the rotation.

Spread your feet wide, bend your hands slightly on your thighs and focus on your upper body. Use your upper body to twist left, right, forward and backward in a 360-degree rotation, keeping your waist still.

Style 5: Slimming Legs

Focus: Tighten thighs and calves

Focus on the thighs, spread your feet wider than your shoulders, sit down slightly, put your weight on your lower body, and keep your back straight when you do it.

Two hands naturally hanging on the sides of the body, the first will be the right foot high, and then two feet alternately and quickly upward, to the toes of the ground, pay attention to the body to be straight not to swing from side to side.

Style 6: Fast Hip Slimming

Focus on the outside of the hips

Focus on the hips, spread your feet wider than your shoulders, sit down slightly, put your weight on your lower body, and keep your back straight when you do it.

Raise your hands and hold them in the center of your hands, sitting slightly lower. Use your hips to swing quickly from right to left, alternating between left and right. Note that when swinging only the hips force, other parts of the body to maintain a static state.