How to **** enjoy disks in win10

Hello, the method


Windows 10 system disk, folder ****heed setting and ****heed canceling.

Setting Windows 10 system disk **** enjoyment.


Enter Explorer, right-click on the disk that needs to be ****-enjoyed, and click ****-enjoyed (H)-Advanced ****-enjoyed on the right-click menu;


In the C:\Windows-14342 Properties window that opens, click Advanced ****-enjoyed (D);


In the Advanced ****Enjoyment window, we click on Add ****Enjoyment Name (H);


In the ****Enjoyment Name field of the New ****Enjoyment dialog box, enter: Windows10-14342 System, click on Allow this Number of Users (the default is 20, which can be modified), and then click on OK;


Back to the Advanced *** Enjoyment window, we click: Apply - OK;


Back to the C:\Windows-14342 Properties window, you can see: Network Files and *** Enjoyment Files:

Disk C:\ *** Enjoyment Network Path (N): \\\Deskdop-Htdes8f\c$

Click: Close;


Open Explorer, we can see the C:\ disk shows two small people's avatars, Windows10-14342 version of the system **** enjoy successful.


Set Windows10 system file **** enjoy


Open the disk, right-click on the folder you need to **** enjoy, such as Square Dance, right-click on the new Square Dance, and then click on the right-click menu on the **** enjoyment - Specific Users;

In the file **** enjoyment window that opens, type in the family group, and then Click: Add;

After clicking Add, the family group enters the *** Enjoy New Square Dance series, with the permissions: Read/Write;

If you only allow the family group to have only read permissions, right click on the family group, and click Read/Write in the context menu, then the family group does not have the permissions to write.

Set permissions completed, we click: *** enjoy (H), it shows: your folder has *** enjoy, folder New Square Dance : \\\Deskdop-Htdes8f\ New Square Dance, click: Finish.

Windows10 system file **** enjoyment cancellation method

Windows10 system cancel disk **** enjoyment


Enter Explorer, right-click on the **** enjoyment of the disk, such as: C: \ , in the right-click menu, click Properties;

Win10 system disk folder *

In the C:\ Properties window that opens, click on *** Enjoy - Advanced *** Enjoy;

Win10 System Disk Folder *** Enjoy Settings and *** Enjoy Cancellation Methods

In the Advanced *** Enjoy window, click on *** Enjoy this folder, remove the check in the checkbox, and then click on Apply -> OK;

In the Advanced *** Enjoy window, click on *** Enjoy this folder, remove the check in the checkbox, and then click on Apply -> OK;

In the Advanced *** Enjoy window, click on *** Enjoy this folder, remove the check in the checkbox, and then click on Apply -> OK.

Win10 system disk folder *** enjoy set and *** enjoy cancellation method

Back to C:\ Properties window, click: Close, at this time in the Explorer can not be seen in the C disk *** enjoy logo (the two little man avatar disappeared).

Win10 system disk folder **** enjoy set and **** enjoy cancellation method

Win10 system disk folder **** enjoy set and **** enjoy cancellation method

Windows10 system folder **** enjoy cancellation


Find the folder that has been **** enjoy (New Square Dance), right-click on New Square Dance and click on the folder. Dance), right-click on New Square Dance, in the context menu click *** Enjoy - Stop *** Enjoy;

Win10 system disk folder *** Enjoy settings and *** Enjoy cancel method

We clicked on the stop *** Enjoy, and then right-click on New Square Dance - *** Enjoy - Specific user can see *** Enjoy column family group has disappeared, that is, it has been canceled! That means you have canceled the family group *** enjoyment privileges of New Square Dance.

Win10 system disk folder *** enjoy set and *** enjoy cancel method