Translation: pp = bleaching, that is, beautiful; gg = brother, that is, boyfriend; ss = handsome handsome or colorful; xx = "pornography"; yy = masturbation; xp is a person's name; zz = reproduced; to = "too old" abbreviation; bs = despise; bz = bz; bz is a person's name; bz is a person's name; bz is a person's name; bz is a person's name; bz is a person's name; bz is a person's name. = despise; bz = moderator.
Forum hackneyed
+U go for it.
1414 Meaning.
253 mop post #253. A man worshiping and bowing.
3166 Sayonara, goodbye. (Japanese)
3H Student Three good students.
3q Thank you, thank you.
4242 Yeah yeah.
4 People For the people. 4 for for.
555 wuwu,wuwu(cry).
7456 Gaslighting.
748 Go to hell.
8147 Don't be angry.
84 No. Similarly: 848 (no).
848 Not it.
874 Slap. Sticker #874 from the Catapult website, a dynamic effect drawing of a woman who is smacking a man in the mouth with a broomstick.
886 Bye bye!
88 bye bye, bye bye, bye bye.
8 Wrong Not bad.
9494 That's right.
999 The Catapult site's posting number 999 is used to express extreme surprise or admiration.
BC Idiot
BF Boy Friend, boyfriend. And of course:
BL/GL Glass, gay.Boy's Love, Girl's Love.
BOT Robot.
BTW Bye The Way, by the way.
BT Pervert. Example sentence: It's BT to surf the web with snot hanging out of your nose. Or BitTorrent, a new P2P download tool.
CC ① xixi, hehehe, xixi.
CC ① xixi, hee hee, xixi. ② vinegar vinegar, eat vinegar.
cft Comfort, comfort, cozy. (
CGP Abbreviation for Computer Gaming Pseudodementia.
CG Computer Graphics.
Cool shot Cool shot. Sometimes used: "pants" and "cool" are derived from "cool"!
COSPLAY COSTUME PLAY, to perform as your favorite character, from the Japanese pronunciation [ko-su-pu-re].
cow **, kao. used to curse.
CT police.
CU See You, goodbye.
DBC 大大痴痴
DC ①DIGITAL CAMERA(数码相机). DREAMCAST is a famous game console from SEGA.
DD The younger brother.
di The structural auxiliary "of" is used exclusively at the end of a sentence to emphasize.
DL Download, download. Sometimes "when" or "down" is also used.
e Disgusting.
eg Example.
faint (or ft) Dizzy, meaning incomprehensible. Example: faint~ I can't believe there's such a thing as oh?
FC An 8-bit console from Nintendo, the Super Nintendo is SFC.
FOAF Friend of a Friend.
GF Girl Friend, girlfriend.
Friend of a Friend A friend of a friend.
Gay Gay man, also written as "gay".
GB The famous GameBoy from Nintendo, also known as GBA (GameBoyAdvance).
GG Brother.
gl glass, gay.
gx Congrats.
H Hentai, pornography. There are many words derived from it, such as HComic, HCartoon, HGame, etc.
Haha, pornography.
Haha Haha. Laughter
Hehe Hehe. Laughter
hiahia An onomatopoeia, a strange laugh.
HIGH High, often used in the context of drinking and other behaviors.
hoho A hearty laugh.
HP Life value.
IC I See, I see. Example: oic (oh, I see). And: CU, "See You", with the meaning of SeeYouLater.
JJBB stammers. Similarly: JJYY, JiJiWaWa, "唧唧歪歪歪", "唧溥喔哇".
JJJ Sister. Similarly: GG (brother), MM (sister), DD (brother).
JR bitch
JS adulterer.
K Pronoun, cough. Example sentence: kkk ...... bored.
L Happy. Example sentence: I'm very L today, aren't you?
LBT roadside stand.
LJ Trash.
LM hot
lr lousy.
L male (or LG) Husband.
L mother-in-law (or LP) Refers to a wife.
M fool, wooden. Example sentence: You're so M.
md ****.
me2 me too, me too.
MM sister, beauty.
mop Catfight, an acronym for lurker. It comes from a website called Mopper, which is a member of the Mopper community. The English original meaning is "mop".
MP has no character.
msg Message, message, information.
N means thinking. Example sentence: N..... .N......
NB ① bull. Also: NBHH, NBHH, NBHH, bull, bull. ② Natural Beautiful.
nod Nodding (action).
nr Brain weak.
O ① To answer someone's silly remark. Example sentences: o..... .O...... To want to vomit! ② Sometimes also used to mean: 'I', 'ou'. ③ Wow.
P Negative phrases. Example: You put P!
papa 怕怕怕. Example: papaya (怕怕呀)
PC Abbreviation for Personal Computer.
PF admire.
PK Person-killing, one-on-one, online duel with virtual human life.
PLMM Pretty Pretty.
PMP brownnosing. Also: PMPMP (desperately kissing ass).
PM ①Private Message, private message, is the whisper on the forum.
PM ①Pardon Me, please pardon me.
PPMM ① mother-in-law. ②Bleach Beauty.
pp ① Dotcom software. ② Ass.
PS ① Abbreviation for PhotoShop, a famous graphics processing tool.
② Abbreviation for PlayStation (a famous game console from SONY).
③Post ?
Post? S:This is just my personal opinion ......"
Puke vomit.
PvP was renamed from PK, as the Korean government has now ordered game developers to change "PK" to "PvP" (Player Versus Player).
pw password.
py friend.
Q ① Ask for someone. 例句:I QQ you, give me your phone number.
② Cute. The English "CUTE" phonetic translation;
③ call with icq chat tool. Example sentence: The day before yesterday, I had Q you.
qr The poor.
qu4 Go to hell.
Q man, Q woman A man or woman who chats on icq or oicq.
R An interjection of surprise. Example sentence: R? You're a schoolboy.
re A palindrome.
rpwt A question of character.
rq Popularity.
rt As the title. Used for new posts when the content is already typed in the title, with only rt noted in the content field.
ry Ladyboy.
S dead. Example sentence: I'm sorry, I just S'd.
SB **, a term of contempt for some people, a swear word.
sg Handsome guy. You can use: ssgg to mean "What a handsome brother! "
sigh Sigh.
SL pervert.
sm ①Sado-Masochi, sexually abusive. s for sadism, m for masochism.
sm ①Sado-Masochi, sexual sadism.
Sm ①Sado-Masochi, sexual sadism.
SS SEGA's SATURN console.
ST lose state.
T kick. Example: T Fly (kick).
Thx Thanks.
tears Tears.
*** He ****.
**** ********. (Unfinished)