Ottawonian: When I get to 60, I intend to lead the way in square dancing in the West.
probablydurnk : Generally, I don't like older Chinese people, but I do like the phenomenon that they are out there with other older people every minute of every day. For whatever reason, the old people in my hutong gather outside every night to play chess in the public **** bathhouse. I don't know why they chose that they would play there, but it was their spot.
BillyBattsShinebox : Honestly, the whole taking off your shoes thing is pretty common in a lot of places in China and even in the West. It varies a lot from place to place but, yes, it's dirty to walk in the door with your shoes on. I love that they take off their shoes right at the door, wearing shoes indoors is something I never want to do again.
second-rate-hero: I super love going out to eat with a large group of people where you can order a large table and try everything. I wish this approach could catch on in the West.
WhereTheHotWaterAt : One thing I appreciate is that most kids in China are closely supervised by their families, so they rarely end up on the streets doing drugs and stealing cars. Compared to the streets of almost all Western countries, China's streets are very safe.