Basic Jazz Dance Steps

Basic Jazz Dance Steps

Jazz dance training itself is a combination of classical ballet movements and steps from a mix of American pop culture, including African and Celtic dance influences. So what are the basic dance steps when learning jazz dance? Here's a look at the basic jazz dance steps with me.

Learning Basic Jazz Dance Steps

Teachers may have different opinions on what makes a basic education program for jazz dancers, but there are a few steps that are always in the repertoire. These steps for jazz dance training are basic for all jazz dancers, and they remain an important step to continue working on perfecting your technique even as you go about learning new steps.

Step forward on the right or left foot, cross over the first foot, and step back on the other foot to bring the feet together.

A jazz square tends to do something in the upper body, with an athletic attitude. Songs jazz squares can be performed in groups of two or more, performing repetitions on the same side.


One of the key skills of any jazz dancer is to be able to move parts of the body individually. Hands and other limbs, which is easy, but you need to be able to isolate the chest and hips as well as mastering jazz, which is pretty much part of a jazz dance warm-up, any.

To isolate your hips as an exercise, follow these steps:

Loosen your knees

Extend your arms out to the sides

Keeping your chest up and your legs as far as you can hold them, swing your hips from side to side

This is the easiest way to learn to make any movement, jazz dance training you with the The rest of the body isolated in front of a mirror can be corrected immediately, as soon as you see them.

Jazz Layout

This is another classic move that is often used in posters and pictures to convey something exciting about jazz dancing. This dramatic 'move' is performed by the performer:

A straight kick high in the air

while doing an extreme backbend, with the head arching over the back and arms extended.

This iconic jazz step is done in such an extreme way when good balance and flexibility are required. A simpler version is a bend done without any kind of free kick.
