Seek Read the answer to the article "Carbon Emissions Around Us" !!!!!!!!!!
Primary School Language Unified Examination Paper I. Complete the syllables below and add the tones.2% ai uo sh l cottage promise apply velocipede II. Look at the pinyin and write the words.6% liàn liàn liàn liàn liàn liàn wǔ rǔ ripe ( ) forged ( ) ()( )( )( )()not shedding Iron ( ) ( ) máo dùn zǔ náo kāng kǎi ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 三) Write the following as requested Sentences. 9% 1. Along this road, you can reach the school. Change it into a rhetorical question: 2. The place is too small, how can it accommodate the activities of several classes? Replace it with a hyperbole: 3. The petrels are flying proudly. The rapid development of China's aerospace industry shows the unparalleled superiority of the socialist system. Abbreviate: 5. The fisherman dragged the fish net. Expanded sentence: 6, Zhuge Liang said to Lu Su: "To build 100,000 arrows in three days, I have to ask you to do me a favor." 改改为第三者转述: 7. Wang Lin told the story so compellingly that everyone listened to it with great interest. Modify the sick sentence: 8. Write a proverb that expresses the aspect of learning: 9. Write one of your favorite epigrams: 4. Judge whether the following statements are correct or not, hit "√" for the right ones, and "×" for the wrong ones.6% 1. "A man is inherently a death, or heavier than Mount Taishan, or lighter than a feather." The word "or" in a sentence means "or". ( ) 2. "The dead know that all things are empty, but the sadness does not see the same in the nine states." is a poem written by Lu You, a poet of the Tang Dynasty. ( ) 3, she gently moved slowly the "lullaby": "the moon is bright, the wind is quiet ......" in the ellipsis indicates the omission of quotations. ( ) 4. Beijing's slogan for the Olympic Games is New Beijing, New Olympics. ( ) 5. "Snowy, wet, dry, hot, cold" belongs to the same category of words. ( ) 6. "Even if the work is hard to do, he won't back down" is an inappropriate correlative. ( ) V. Write the ancient poem "Out of the Seaside" and answer the questions. 7% The author of this poem is a poet of the Chinese dynasty. This is a poem that describes the situation. The meaning of the third and fourth lines of the poem is: 六、阅读: <一> "Ah, I've finally seen the great Great Wall bricks!" A college professor said excitedly, "It's over two thousand years old, ten times longer than our history in America!" "Truly marvelous!" An astronaut said glowingly, "When I was on a spaceship, observing our planet from beyond the heavens, I could recognize two major projects: one was the Dutch sea wall, and the other was the Great Wall of China!" "However, the two cannot be compared!" A blonde woman followed up the astronaut's words, "The Great Wall of China was built by mankind two thousand years ago with quite primitive tools - I say mankind instead of the Chinese because this great project is the pride of all mankind!" 1、Write the antonyms of the following words. 3% small - primitive - radiant - 2、Fill in the blanks: 2% The words "both of these " means and 3. Answer the questions: 5% (1) The university professor praises the bricks of the Great Wall mainly because: (2) The astronaut praises the Great Wall mainly because: (3) The blonde praises the Great Wall because: (4) After reading this passage, your feeling is: <2> Admiral and Corporal George Washington was the first president of the United States of America. It was he who led the American people to fight bloody battles for freedom and independence and drove out the rulers. George Washington was a great man, but not in the way that was later imagined, that he specialized in great things and left the not-so-great things to the not-so-great. In fact, if he were in your presence, you would think that he was just as ordinary as you are, just as honest, just as warm, just as good with people. One day he walked out of the camp alone, wearing a knee-length coat. None of the soldiers he met recognized him. At one point he saw a corporal leading his men in building a barricade. "Work harder!" The corporal shouted to the soldiers who were working on the concrete blocks, "One, two, harder!" But the corporal's own hands did not even touch the stones. Because the stone was heavy, the soldiers never managed to put it into position. Their strength was almost exhausted, and the stone was about to roll down. By this time, Washington had sprinted to the front and, with his strong arms, pressed against the stone. This aid was timely, and the stone was finally put into position. The soldiers turned and embraced Washington in gratitude. "Why do you just yell for extra strength and keep your hands in your coat pockets?" Washington asked the corporal. "You ask me? Can't you see I'm the corporal here? "Oh, that's true!" Washington said, unbuttoning his coat and revealing his uniform to the corporal, who had his nose in the air and his hands wrung behind his back, "I'm an admiral by my clothes, but next time you lift something heavy, you call on me!" You can imagine how mortified the corporal was to see that it was Washington himself who stood before him, but by this time he had also truly learned that what makes a great man great is that he will never do the kind of stomach-churning foolishness that people who force them to respect do. 1、 Distinguish the pronunciation and meaning of the punctuated words in each set of sentences.16% He was wearing a knee-length coat. ① The soldier never managed to put it into position. By the coat, I am the admiral. ② In the future, the world will be a better place. Next time you lift something heavy, you'll call on me! ③ The enemy has reorganized their attack. You'd think he was just like any ordinary man. ④ He went home to sleep. 2. Indicate what character traits of the characters are shown in each of the following sentences.4% ① In fact, if he were in front of you, you would think that he was ordinary just like you, just as honest, just as warm, and just as good with people. Showing Washington: ② "Step it up!" That corporal shouted to the soldiers carrying the huge concrete block, "One, two, step up!" But the corporal's own hands didn't even touch the stone. What is the role of the second natural paragraph in the structure of the article? 2% 4. Write a few sentences about the corporal's mental activity when he was "ashamed". 3% VII. 35% Topic: I aspire to such a middle school Requirements: 1. Write about the middle school of your own imagination, which you can write about in terms of the campus, the classrooms, the teachers, and the learning situation. The essay should be written in terms of the campus, classrooms, teachers and learning situation. 2、Imagination should be reasonable, the article should be complete, the center should be clear, and the statements should be fluent. 试卷答案(仅供参考) 一、zhài nuò shēn líng 二、练 炼 恋恋 链 insult 矛盾 阻挠 慷慨 三、1. How can we not reach the school if we walk along this road? 2. How can there be room for several classes of students in this palm-sized place? 3.The petrels, like black lightning, are flying proudly. 4.Development shows superiority. 5.The stout fisherman dragged the wet net hard. 6.George Liang said to Lu Su that he wanted to make 100,000 arrows in three days, so he had to ask Lu Su to do her a favor. 7. change "compelling" to "fascinating" or "colorful" 8. slightly 9. slightly 4. × × √ √ × × × × 5. Tang Wang Changling military life As long as there is a general like Li Guang, the Xu Xu guarding the border, there will be no more trouble. Xu guarding the border, we won't let the Hu's cavalry cross Yin Mountain and go south. 六、(一)1、伟大 现代 垂头丧气 2、中国的长城 荷兰的围海大堤 3、历史悠久 雄伟壮观 人类的自豪 4、略 (二)1、① mò 盖过,超过。 Méi can not ② jiàng officer jiāng time poem ③ zhòng quality big chóng again ④ jué feel jiào sleep 2, ① kind, approachable, do not call themselves high officials. ② afraid of suffering, official authority, and think they are great. 3、承上启下。 4、略。 (90 minutes 120 points full marks) Accumulation and Use (***64 points) 2, Fire-eye Golden Eyes (mark the back of the group whose pinyin is all right) (4 points) (1) corks (sai) capricious (yen) mopping (mo) (2) reluctant (qiang) processing (chu )scheduling (tiao) (3) mold (me) heavy load (he) warlords (fa) (4) film ( pian) spray incense (pen) to hostage (yao) 3, idioms ring. (8 points) 欢()鼓舞 喜出()外 ()直气壮 高()远見 死得()所 举世()名 千头万() 口若()河 Write four idioms containing the word "number": Write four idioms containing the word "animal name": 4. The best choice. (5 points) (1) China's soccer team's entry into the World Cup is the biggest () of hundreds of millions of fans. [Wish, expect, hope] (2) Welcome to Huludao to () the beautiful scenery of the coastal city. [Viewing, playing, appreciation] (3) (3) (3) you into the wide world outside the classroom, (3) there will be many new (). [As long as ...... as ...... as ......, not only ...... and ......, found, discovered] (4) () () Hearing the Olympic bid The good news of the success of the Olympic bid, () the whole country is exceptionally (). [Only ...... can ......, because ...... so ......, excited, moved] 5, icing on the cake. (6 points) Kindly ( ) ( ) footsteps Earnestly ( ) Strongly ( ) ( ) mood Severe ( ) 6, the name is right. (6 points) The meaning of the word "ripe" is (1) fruit and so on fully grown (2) skillful (3) deep, etc. Please choose two of the meanings of the word and make sentences. A. ( ) ( ) B. ( ) ( ) 7, firm position. (Give the sentence a different expression without changing the original meaning.) (4 marks) (1) I am not afraid of the King of Qin, and I won't be afraid of Lian Po. Change: (2) A great power occupied his heart. 改: 8. Wonderful hand. (改病句)(4分) (1) That beautiful scenery is unforgettable and will always be remembered. 改: (2) Life during the Red Army's Long March was very difficult. 改: 9、点睛之笔. (plus punctuation) (6 points) (1) We all like the song Walking into a new era (2) What's his name? How old is he? In which school does he go? Mom asked (3) I agree with him and how do you (plus punctuation to make it two sentences with different meanings) A B 10, Wonderful playback. (14 points) (1) In order to memorialize comrade (), Mao Zedong wrote the text 》, in which he quoted a famous line from the famous literary scholar (): ( ) (2) The text Generals and Ministers is made up of three stories () () () (). The revelation you get from Lian Po in this text is ( ). (3) "Red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple, ( )?" In this poem, the things you see in front of you are written ( ), and the things you associate with them are ( ). (4) "To sing in the daytime, one must indulge in wine, ( )." This poem is from 〈 〉 written by Du Fu, a famous poet of the ( ) generation, and there are other poems written by him that we have learned or read ( ). Reading and Thinking (***14 marks) If I Give You Three Days of Light All of us know that we are inevitably going to die. But that day seems far away. Of course people are healthy and unhurt, who would think of it, who would think of it all day long, and so they are full of food and have nothing to do. Sometimes I wonder how good it would be if people looked at every day they lived as if it were the last day of their lives! That would show the value of life even more. ( ) think that the years are still quite long, and that our every day ( ) will not be as meaningful and energizing, and we will not be as meaningful and energetic about life, and we will not be as enthusiastic about life. We treat life with such weariness (dai), how can it be otherwise in the treatment of our various gifts and the use of our organs? () Those who are blind () cherish the light all the more. That's how things often are, it's only once something is lost that people hold on to it, it's only when people get sick that they think of the happiness of health. I have had the thought how wonderful it would be if every man were allowed to be blind for a few days and deaf for a few days at some point in his adult life. The darkness would make them appreciate the light more, and the silence would teach them to truly appreciate the joy of noise. How I long to look at all that is in this world, and if I get so much pleasure with my sense of touch, how good it would be to be allowed to see it with my own eyes. It is strange that the discerning eye is so indifferent to all this! The colorfulness and variety that adorns the world seems so banal to them. Maybe people are like this, do not know how to appreciate what they have, and what they do not have is in their eyes another pursuit. If I were a university president, I would have a mandatory course: "How to Use Your Eyes." The professor should let his students know how much pleasure it brings to their lives to see what flashes before them, thus awakening the numb, stagnant minds of the people. Consider this question: if you had only three days of light, how would you use your eyes? Thinking that after these three days, the sun will never rise in front of your eyes again, how will you spend those three precious days? Where would you keep your eyes? 思考: 1. Fill in the appropriate related words when you put them in parentheses. (3 points) 2. Find the antonyms of the following words in the text. (3 marks) bright ---- ( ) enthusiastic ---- ( ) noisy ----- ( ) 3. Please draw your favorite sentence in the text with "----" and say why you like it. (3 marks) 4. Choose one question to answer in the last natural section of the short article. (5 points) Comprehensive practice: (22 points) "Speak the truth, express your true feelings, write about your own familiar life, though a small thing, melt into your own feelings or opinions, and write seriously in a sequential way, that is, a good exercise. Around us every day there are many things happening, please choose what you see, hear or feel a small thing, their own proposition, complete an exercise. The style of writing is not limited, try to write differently, but the words should be regular! The text can not relate to your real school, class and name, please use other beautiful names instead! (作文格略) 附加题:(20分) 1. Fill in the appropriate words in the brackets. (7 points) In elementary school textbooks, we know ( ) Qiu Shaoyun; ( ) Lin Xiangru; ( ) Sanna; ( ) Zhuge Liang; ( ) Premier Zhou; and ( ) Zhan Tianyou; ( ) Xiaoyulai and so on, and this one vivid character has left a deep impression on us. 2、Write the following words that mean "look". (3 points) look high ( ) look far ( ) look respectfully ( ) look around ( ) look about ( ) look low ( ) 3, in the following four-letter words, choose a word to form two lines of an ancient poem, and write the title of the poem, the author, the dynasty, and the meaning of the two lines of the poem. It's easy to look at it carefully. (6 marks) night and day, hand to hand, wind blowing, audible, stormy, transferring flowers to wood, name falling, know yourself, know your enemy, be young and old, good things come to pass 4. The following words and verses are used to describe the scenery of the four seasons, please connect the ones that have a corresponding relationship with a straight line! (4 points) The sun shines like fire Winter Thousands of pear blossoms blossom in the winter Autumn Frosty leaves are redder than February flowers Grass grows and warblers fly Summer Two orioles are singing in the green willow Maple leaves are on fire Spring Lotus blossoms are different red Class: Name: Marks: I. Selection Questions. (Fill in the parentheses with a serial number of the correct answer. 2 points for each question. 20 points) 1. The following groups of words have the same pronunciation as the words with dots (A) A peaks, difficulties, mutterings, blocking, waves, B flaying, fluttering, spreading, bumps, disordered, C minister, prime minister, inheritance, road, D, loud and clear, 辽阔, chatting, convalescing, as if starry nights. 2. The following groups of words have the same pronunciation as the words below. A insults, cleanliness, 督. D. life is rough, the mountains are rugged, the cliffs are steep, the heights are lofty, the mountains are winding. 4. The following words are correctly arranged in a certain order ( ) A. stop, comma, semicolon, period, ellipsis, B. ice, cold water, hot water, water vapour, boiled water, C. cold, cool, warm, cool, hot D. like, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love. Where a bridge is to be built, where a steep slope is to be leveled, and where a curve is to be made smaller, all have to be surveyed and calculated. ("Zhan Tianyou") 2. young Dumas, not only refused to do their own career in the name of his father, and do not reveal himself to a dozen pen names to avoid those editors Mr. him and the famous father associated. 3.The huge rock hid his figure so tightly that his friends circled around it and couldn't find him. 4.He had already made up his mind, so he said to the ministers around him, " , or I will put him to death!" A Precision; Cornerstone; Even if ...... also ......; Who will persuade me; B Well-thought-out; Foundation; Though ...... still; Don't persuade me; C Well-thought-out; Knocker; Even if ...... also ......; whoever comes to persuade me; D meticulous; embellished; no matter ...... always ......; whoever comes to persuade 我; 6.The sentence using the rhetorical device is faulty ( ) A "Blowing face is not cold willow wind", nice, like a mother's hand touching a baby, soft, soft. B Birds will nest in the middle of the flowers and leaves, happy, calling friends to show off their crisp throats, singing a melodious tune, with the light wind and running water should be and. C The clouds in the sky have many forms and variations. A horse like galloping in the vast grasslands, a moment like the painting fresh and beautiful, a moment like the old man carrying a medicine basket to go to the end of the world, a moment like the tame sheep nestle hosts for food, a moment like the young girl blushing ...... D The raindrops reluctant to fall from the clouds, was pulled into a silk rain line, the world hangs on a beaded curtain. 7.The following sentences, the one that is not completely correct and has a speech defect is ( ) A On the green lawn of the North Garden of the United Nations Building rests the Century Treasure Tripod, a giant bronze vessel presented by the Chinese people. B The fisherman's wife, Sanna, sat by the fire mending a broken sail. Outside the house, the wind was howling and the waves were sounding; inside the house was warm and cozy, neat and clean. C So he took off his war robe, put thorns on his back and went to Lin Xiangru's door to ask for forgiveness. D Zhan Tianyou often encouraged the staff to say, "Our work must first of all be precise, not a little sloppy. 'Probably' 'almost', such statements should not come from the mouths of engineers." 8. The line should be filled in the sentence is ( ) rumbling spring thunder rolled in the whole sky, leisurely white clouds hiding in the embrace of the mountains, after the sky from the sky after the body. Then a timely rain fell on the vast country. A Spring Thunder summoned thousands of little raindrops B Thousands of little raindrops greeted the call of Spring Thunder C Spring Thunder was summoned by thousands of little raindrops D Thousands of little raindrops summoned the Spring Thunder 9. The following passage writes about electrified high-speed railroads, the meaning of which is accurately summarized in the following () Electrified high-speed railroads basically eliminate the pollution of dust, soot, and other exhaust gases. The noise level is about 5 to 10 decibels lower than that of highways. And jet airliners have to emit a lot of pollutants such as carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and sulfur dioxide, which cause extensive acid rain in the atmosphere, seriously polluting the environment and destroying the ecological balance. A Good safety performance B Little environmental pollution C Fast operation speed D Good economic efficiency E Low energy consumption 10. The following ancient poems do not have any mistakes ( ) A The wind dives into the night, and moistens things silently " Spring Night Joyful Rain " (Li Bai) B Adjoining the sky lotus leaves infinite turquoise, and reflecting the sun lotus flowers of a different kind of red " Dawn out of the Temple of Pure Ci to send Lin Zifang " (Yang Wanli) C The old Wang Xie Tangqianyan, the light smoke disperses into the house of the five marquis " Wuyi Lane " (Liu Yuxi) D D. If friends and relatives in Luoyang ask for help, a piece of ice is in a jade pot 《凉州词》(Wang Changling) II. (6 marks) (A) Read the fragment and put a sentence on the line about the servant and the rich man going head to head. Once upon a time, there was a rich man who was a mean man. Once, the mean man asked his servant to buy a bottle of wine and gave him a bottle without paying for it. The servant was puzzled and asked, "Master, how can I buy wine without money?" The rich man said angrily, "Who doesn't know how to spend money on wine? It's only those who don't spend money to buy wine who are capable of doing so!" Hearing this, the servant went out with the bottle of wine. After a while, the servant came back with the empty bottle and said, "Here is the wine, please drink it!" When the rich man saw the empty bottle, he was furious and cursed, "Outrageous! There is no wine in the bottle, what am I told to drink?" The servant replied: " " (b) I don't know if you have paid attention to, in our teaching building, laboratory building in the aisle hung out a very warm and wonderful slogans, such as "with respect to the teacher, with appreciation of the eyes of the students," if you let you for the classroom to formulate a big idea If you were asked to draw up a slogan for the classroom to the effect of "no loud noises", how would you write it? Third, reading. (*** 44 points) (a) read the short article, complete the multiple choice questions. (2 points per question, *** 10 points) One day, the podium suddenly "flying" to a new whip, the students are talking: "Who did this?" Just as everyone was talking, I noticed my classmate Chen Ming, he did not say a word, sitting there as if nothing had happened, fiddling with his pen, but from time to time showed a look of panic. I read his mind at a glance and hurriedly asked him, "You made the whip, didn't you?" He red-faced stammered and refused to answer. I then seized the opportunity to seize this evidence and cried out happily, "The case, was solved by me. The 'perpetrator' is Chen Ming!" When the students heard me say that, they all eagerly came to ask me about the process of "solving the case". When I finished, the students were excited to hold Chen Ming's hand, when I heard Chen Ming "ouch". I looked at his hand to understand: it turned out that Chen Ming in order to do the whip hand are pierced, the students were even more moved. From then on, students learn from Chen Ming, have to do good things. This semester, my class *** do good more than a hundred, was awarded the civilized class by the school. 1. "One day, the podium suddenly 'flew' to a new whip ......" The "fly" word indicates ( ) A new A new whip fell from the sky B the new whip was thrown in from outside the window C the new whip suddenly appeared, we do not know where it came from 2. "As if nothing had happened" in the text means () A if there is no such thing B as if there is no such thing C if there is no such thing D there is really no such thing 3. "Seeing through" in the text means The word "see through" means ( ) A "see through" B "see" thoroughly C "see through" completely D "see through" comprehensively 4. The center of the essay is ( ) A "I" am very clever, good at observation and analysis, and clever at "solving" the case. "B. Praise the excellent quality of children and young people like Chen Ming who care for the community and do not want to be named. C. Sing the praises of the nation's students who care for the community and do good deeds. 5. The main content of this article is ( ) A. A new whip came to the podium, and the case was solved by Chen Ming, who was a teacher. ", it turned out to be Chen Ming did B Chen Ming for the classroom to do a new whip, the hand is also broken C Chen Ming for the class to do a new whip hand broken, but he did not leave his name. The students followed his example and competed to do good deeds. D Chen Ming made a new whip and broke his hand, so everyone followed his example. (II) Read "Honoring the Humble" and complete the questions after the text (*** for 34 marks) ① I happened to read an English text about ants. ② The ant family is peaceful and busy. The female ants give birth to children and the male ants keep the house. They carry food and build their homes in the wilderness and on the deserted beaches. I can't imagine that these little creatures are living so well and in such an orderly and meaningful way. What especially shocked me was their behavior in the face of disaster. ③When the wildfire burned, do you know how the ants escaped? ④The numerous ants quickly gathered and disturbed, hugged themselves into a black mass, and then rolled as fast as snowballs to escape from the fire. ⑤ Every time I read this passage, my eyes blurred with tears and I was y moved by their behavior. It was as if I saw a raging volcano burning, and a black wind was flowing along the ridge (jí jǐ); it was as if I heard the crackling sound of burning, which was the outermost layer of ants blazing a path of survival with their carcasses. Without the wisdom of the group, without the sacrifice of the outermost layer, the tiny ant family would be absolutely wiped out. (7) The smallness of life, physical strength (thin, humble, thin) and nothing to fear, and even fate (thin, humble, thin) can not determine anything, the terrible thing is to see the (thin, humble, thin) power, ignoring the inner spirit. (8) Honor the humble, so that I see life as serious, see profound, see great and strong. Like a tiny needle, the ant cuts through my exterior with its spirit and stings my soul. Compared to the ant, what reason do we have to say small and humble? What reason is there for self-abandonment and cynicism? The great things in the world are often ()volume,()spirit(). A dike of a thousand miles (tí dī) collapses in an anthill, which is the majesty and challenge of the humble. Annotation:Humble: lowly and small in status. Cynicism: not taking the real society into account and adopting a non-serious attitude towards everything. Answer: ccc time and space A - Grade 2 2010-6-26 18:03 Class ______ Name ______ Number ______ I. Fill in the blanks. (1 point per blank, ***20 points) l. A number with 5 in the billion place, 5 in the highest place of the ten thousand and individual levels, and 0 in the rest of the digits, this number is written as ( ), omitting the trailing digit after the ten thousand place is ( ). 2. 0.375 has a decimal unit of ( ), which has ( ) such units. 3. 6.596596... ... is ( ) a recurring decimal, recorded as ( ) in the easy way, and keeping it to two decimal places is ( ). 4. < < , the largest integer that can be filled in ( ) in ( ) is ( ). 5. Among the natural numbers from l to 20, ( ) is both even and prime; ( ) is both odd and composite. 6. Number A = 2 ×x 3 x 5 and number B = 2 x 3 x 3. The greatest common divisor of numbers A and B is ( ). The least common multiple is ( ). 7. The subtracted number, the subtracted number, and the difference add up to 1, and the difference is three times the subtracted number; this subtraction equation is ( ). 8. If it is known that 4x + 8 = 10, then 2x + 8 = ( ). 9. Fill in the parentheses with >, <, or =. 1 hour 30 minutes ( ) 1.3 hours 1 kilometer ( ) 7 kilometers. 10. a right triangle, there is an acute angle is 35 °, the other acute angle is ( ). 11. a 2-meter-long straight cylindrical wood, cut off 2 decimeters horizontally, and the original than the remaining cylindrical wood, the surface area of the remaining cylindrical wood is reduced by 12.56 square decimeters, the original cylindrical wood is ( ) square decimeters in the base area, the volume of ( ). 12. cubic decimeters. 12. in the salt rate of 30% of the brine, add 3 grams of salt and 7 grams of water, then the ratio of salt and water in the brine is ( ). Second, judgment questions. Right in parentheses to play "√", wrong to play "×". (1 point per question, ****5 points) 1. A fraction with a large fractional unit must be greater than a fraction with a small fractional unit. ( ) 2. The greatest common divisor of 36 and 48 is 12, and the common denominators are 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 12. ( ) 3. A ping-pong ball weighs about 3 kilograms. ( ) 4. A circle has an infinite number of radii, all of which are equal. ( ) 5. The first term of a ratio is multiplied by , and the second term of the ratio is divided by 2. The ratio is reduced by a factor of 4. ( ) III. Multiple choice questions. Put the number of the correct answer in parentheses. (Each question is worth 2 points, ****10 points) 1.Two numbers are divided, the quotient 50 remainder 30, if the divisor and the divisor are both reduced by a factor of 10, the resulting quotient and remainder are ( ). (l) quotient 5 remainder 3 (2) quotient 50 remainder 3 (3) quotient 5 remainder 30 (4) quotient 50 remainder 302.4x + 8 is wrongly written as 4 (x + 8), the result is ( ) than the original. (1) more than 4 (2) less than 4 (3) more than 24 (4) less than 243. On a map, using 2 centimeters to represent the actual distance of 90 kilometers, the scale of the map is ( ). (1) (2) (3) (4) 4. A rectangle, 6 centimeters long, 3 centimeters wide, and 2 centimeters high, has a ratio of the area of the smallest face to its surface area of ( ). (l) l:3 (2) 1:6 (3) l:12 (4) l:245. number A is 840, , what is number B? If the equation for finding the number B is 840 ÷ (l + ), then the condition that should be added to the horizontal line is ( ). (1) The number of A is more than the number of B (2) The number of A is less than the number of B (3) The number of B is more than the number of A (4) The number of B is less than the number of A. IV. Calculation Questions. (***35 points) 1. Write the number of points directly. (5 points) 529 + 198 = 992 = 305-199 = 2.05 × 4 = 8 × 12.5% = 0.28 ÷ = + × 0 = 0.68 + + 0.32 = ÷ + 0.75 × 8 = 2. Calculate in an easy way. (6 points) 25 × 1.25 × 32 (3.75 + 4.1 + 2.35) × 9.83. calculate. (l2 points) 5400 - 2940 ÷ 28 × 27 (20.2 × 0.4 + 7.88) ÷ 4.2 ( ) ÷ + 10 ÷ [ - (÷ + )] 4. Formula. (6 points) (l) What is the quotient of the product of 0.6 and 2.25 divided by the difference between 3.2 and l.85? (2) A number that is 1.5 more than 25% of 30, find the number.5. Calculate the volume. (in meters) (3 points) 6. Each cell in the diagram below represents 1 square centimeter. Using the dots and lines in the grid paper as best you can, draw a parallelogram, triangle, and trapezoid with an area of 6 square centimeters and make a height for each. (3 points) V. Application questions. (30 points) 1. A rectangle and a circle have equal perimeters, and it is known that the length of the rectangle is 10 centimeters and the width is 5.7 centimeters. The area of the circle is how much?2. three new villages to carry out afforestation activities, 5 people 3 days **** planted 90 trees, according to this calculation, 30 people 3 days **** planted how many trees?3. a and b two trains at the same time from the distance of 500 kilometers between the two places relative to the opening, 4 hours after the meeting did not meet is also 20 kilometers away from each other, known as a car per hour line 65 kilometers, how many kilometers per hour line B car.4. Mr. Wang received a 1500 yuan of royalties, according to the provisions of the deduction of 800 yuan to pay 20% personal income tax, Mr. Wang to pay personal income tax should receive how many yuan? 5. Ming read a storybook, the first day read 24 pages, accounting for the book, the second day of the book read 37.5% of the book, how many pages are left to be read? 6. production of a batch of parts, A can be done every hour 18, B alone to do to be completed in 12 hours. Now by the A and B two people to do, to complete the task, the ratio of the number of parts produced by A and B is 3:5, A a **** production of parts how many?2011-10-31 7:31:35