Ballet basic movement essentials

Some common basic movement essentials of ballet are as follows:

1. Plié: Bend your knees. The knees are bent to the dancer's toes and then slowly rise.

2. Tendu: Slide the toes outward. Keeping the toes on the floor, the heel leaves the floor and slides with the leg.

3. Glissade: Gliding. The dancer starts on one foot joint, with the other foot joint catching up first, then jumps into the air and lands on the floor.

4, Jeté: Sliding over by jumping. The dancer leaps the body through the air by jumping, then starts on one foot joint and lands on the ground after catching up on the other foot joint first.

5. Rond de jambe: small circular leg. The dancer moves one leg around the circle while opening the leg outward.

6. Adagio: slow and graceful movement. Usually includes artistic movements and leg lifts.

7. Frappé: a quick strike to the ground. From the first toe, strike the ground quickly, keeping the heel up.

These basic movement essentials are only a part of ballet technique, and dancers need to spend a lot of time constantly training and practicing to be able to master these movements.

Ballet Introduction:

Ballet, European classical dance, translated from the French ballet. Ballet was conceived in the Italian Renaissance, the second half of the seventeenth century began to develop popularity in France and gradually professionalized, in the continuous innovation in the popularity of the world. One of the most important features of ballet is that the actress performs on her toes, so it is also known as pointe dance.

Ballet is initially a mass self-entertainment or square performance dance in Europe, in the development process formed a strict norms and deconstruction of the form, its main feature is that actresses have to wear special pointe shoes to stand up the toe dance.

As a comprehensive stage art, ballet originated in Italy, the 17th century in the French court formation. The French court ballet was a combination of singing, dancing, music, recitation, and dramatic situations under a single theme.

In 1661, King Louis XIV of France ordered the founding of the world's first Royal School of Dance in Paris, which established the five basic foot positions and seven hand positions of ballet, a complete set of ballet movements and systems. These five basic foot positions have been used until now.