Knee pain can dance square dance?

General people to a certain age, the body will appear a variety of problems, many people to the middle-aged and old people are prone to knee pain, in fact, now this situation is also often found in the body of young people, usually do not protect the knees or sports when affected by the lack of timely care will leave the root of the disease, and now more and more people jumping to the square dance, the knee pain can not jump to the square dance it?

1, knee pain can dance

This is the case can go to the square dance, as long as you pay attention to avoid strain and bump on the line. In the fall and winter seasons, it is best to bring knee pads to protect the joints.

2, knee pain how to massage

First, acupressure

1. knee pain in the person lying flat on the bed, massage people standing on the side of the patient, and then with the palms of both hands relative to the rubbing of the knee joints, be careful to pay attention to the strength of the patient will be too heavy to make it more painful.

2. The patient maintains the position of lying on the side, the affected leg on the top, the practitioner stands at the back of the patient, with the root of the hand kneading and pointing to the Fengshi point, the knee Yangguan point. Then do gravity push and press several times from top to bottom, to the extent that there is a soreness in the knee joint.

Points and presses: Feng Shi, Knee Yang Guan, He Ding, Knee Eye, Yang Ling Quan.

3. The patient lies prone, the person who massages stands on the side of the patient, and then kneads the posterior side of the lower limbs with both hands and presses Huanjiu and Huizhong, and the same should be done with good strength.

4. The patient does knee flexion and extension movements, rubbing the knee joint, it is best to let the local heating feeling.

Second, self-massage

1. Keep sitting position, straighten the legs, with the palms of both hands relative to the rubbing of the knee joints on both sides, so that the local heat is appropriate.

2. Use your thumb to rub the pain points around the knee joint, as well as the crane, knee eye, foot Sanli points for one minute, the hand should not be too strong, so as not to be counterproductive.

3. The patient does knee flexion and extension activities. The patient should pay attention to is, activities, do not exert too much force, step by step, gentle movement, you can gradually expand the range of activities of the knee joint, to avoid excessive activities of the knee joint, so that the re-injury.

3, what is the reason for the knee pain

The human body is very complex, and the knee joint is the body's larger and more complex flexion joint. It is also subjected to relatively high stress and has a very stable and flexible structure.

Most people in society, most of them will have knee pain occurs, but the fast food life culture of the people will always be this kind of pain will be ignored or arbitrarily regarded as arthritis and other conditions. In fact, the causes of knee pain are actually many.

Only a small percentage of joint pain in daily life is caused by trauma. Prolonged exposure of the joints to cold or a huge temperature difference in the environment is the main cause of joint pain.

Particularly in the fall, when there are alternating periods of warmth and cold, low temperatures or large temperature differences can cause muscles and blood vessels to contract, resulting in joint pain. If you encounter this situation, the first thing to do is to keep as warm as possible, you can use hot compresses; the second is to reduce the amount of exercise, so that the joints can rest.

If the above methods do not make the knee pain better, then it is necessary to go to the hospital to clarify the cause of the disease. Let's take a look at some common knee pain conditions: 1. Fat pad strain, which occurs in people who walk, hike, or squat more frequently.

Many times patients feel pain in the knee joint, which is aggravated when fully extended, but joint movement is not restricted. Symptoms become more pronounced after exertion, and most people experience something similar.2. If the knee is slightly flexed with sudden excessive internal rotation and extension or external rotation and extension of the knee, there is a possibility of meniscus tear.

This time there will be a clear sense of knee tear, joint pain and limited movement, walking limp will feel the problem.3. If trauma or overstrain and other factors damage the synovial membrane, it will produce a large amount of fluid, so that the pressure in the joint increases, if not eliminated in a timely manner, then it is easy to cause adhesions in the joints, the general population will feel the knee joint pain, swelling, pressure and pain, the synovial membrane has a friction of astringent sound.

If the long-term overload will lead to knee joint swelling and pain, sometimes moving the joint will have friction sound. This condition is often accompanied by deformity and pain.

4, knee pain is a lack of calcium

Knee pain is likely to be caused by a lack of calcium, so we should pay attention to a few points in response to this problem.

1, the first is to make up for the calcium, usually eat some milk, eggs and soy products and other calcium-rich foods

2, training before the warm-up activities must be sufficient, do not go directly on the large amount of exercise, the injury is common in fatigue or lack of energy

3, running attention to the running posture, do not only use one side of the foot on the ground

4, Pay attention to the knee to keep warm, especially in the summer, do not greedy for cold

5, pay attention to the use of the thigh muscle groups, to avoid the knee from the direct impact of the foot

6, the knee discomfort symptoms, appropriate to reduce the amount of exercise and frequency of exercise, to avoid strenuous running, jumping and weight-bearing exercise.

Conclusion: Knee pain as long as you insist on massage will slowly become better, no longer feel the pain. There are also many reasons for knee pain, prolonged standing or high-intensity running, so we have to learn to protect the knee joint when exercising.

5, jumping gym knee pain how to do

(1) hot compresses to relieve pain

Hot compresses can be relatively fast relief to relieve knee pain, in the process of hot compresses on the knee, can expand blood vessels, improve blood circulation in the knee joints, and promote the knee joint metabolism. It can also relieve muscle spasm, relaxation, and greatly improve the flexibility of the tendons, thus reducing knee pain.

(2) Massage the knee joint

When knee pain occurs after exercise, there will be some pressure points around the knee joint, and after finding these pressure points, you can use your thumb to knead from light to heavy, with a feeling of soreness and swelling as appropriate. Each pressure point about 1 minute or so, can relieve pain, but also can promote local blood circulation.

(3) stop exercise and go to the hospital for examination

Knee pain after jumping aerobics, especially when the pain is obvious or prolonged pain, you should immediately stop exercise and go to the hospital for examination. This knee pain may be a symptom of excessive strain on the cartilage of the patellofemoral joint, which may lead to chondromalacia of the patella and bursitis if it develops over a long period of time. When you feel the knee is not suitable, you should go to the hospital for examination, do not continue to exercise, so as not to cause more serious injury.