Live dance action tutorial is as follows:
The first action: squat step plus side point ground. The right foot forward step and squat step, keep the band Royal immobile; left foot tense foot posture side point ground, spring sleepy stay a little after the opposite direction, the left foot forward step, keep immobile; after the right foot tense foot state side point ground, keep immobile.
The second action: rocking chair step. Take the right foot as an example, feel like doing rocking chair like swinging back and forth. Start with your right foot, right foot forward, full foot on the ground, weight completely on your right front leg. Afterward return to our left back foot. Step back with your right foot, point your left foot on your toes, and retract, with your weight pushed completely onto your left front foot.
The third move: the parallel cha-cha-cha. Add the cha-cha rhythm to the parallel step movement. First, the right foot steps sideways, the center of gravity is on the right leg; the left foot toes point to the ground, after which the left foot is withdrawn. The right foot continues to step sideways and retracts.
The fourth movement: the rocking step. The first is a back swing step with the right foot; the right foot goes backward and the center of gravity is quickly pushed to the right back foot. Return the center of gravity to the left front foot and retract. Do it again in the opposite direction. This is a set of "32 steps square dance" is completed, can be matched with hand movements.
Square Dance:
The basic pace of square dance is based on the basic steps of different dances, basically three steps, four steps more, 6, 8 beats for a bar. Various steps have different characteristics. Square dance steps are mainly 12 steps, 16 steps, 18 steps, 20 steps, 22 steps, 24 steps, 25 steps, 27 steps, 30 steps, 34 steps, 36 steps, 37 steps ...... up to 200-300 steps.