Huishang Bank is a regional joint-stock commercial bank, which occupies an important position in the course of China's economic development. In the 71 years since the birth of the RMB, with the steady forward movement of the economy and the improvement of people's living needs, China's monetary system has undergone many reforms and enrichments, and has now formed a diversified monetary structure, including banknotes, metal coins, ordinary commemorative coins and precious metal commemorative coins, etc. In 2020, the People's Bank of China released its annual report, showing that the scale of the cross-border RMB collection and payment transactions brokered by the bank reached a record high of nearly 20 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 24.1%, highlighting the influence of the RMB in global payment and reserve currencies. It can be said that Huishang Bank, as part of this system, serves China's financial network and promotes the internationalization of the RMB, enabling it to play an increasingly important role on the global economic stage.