Disease analysis: Hello, you don't rule out the possibility of dacryocystitis. For functional windward tears, acupuncture, hot compress or traditional Chinese medicine can be used, and antibiotic eye drops, such as chloramphenicol eye drops, can also be used. As for the overflow of tears caused by eye diseases, besides drug treatment, we should go to the hospital for detailed examination and timely treatment according to the doctor's advice. Some eye diseases (such as chronic dacryocystitis) are not suitable for surgical treatment according to their medical history, symptoms and specific conditions. For example, patients with chronic dacryocystitis not only shed tears, but also squeeze their nose with their fingers and squeeze purulent secretions. The secretion contains a lot of bacteria.
Introduction: Once a person's eyeball is injured or needs intraocular surgery, it is easy to cause infection. Therefore, when drugs fail to treat chronic dacryocystitis, eye surgery should be considered.