Tongue is not the strongest muscle in our body, but it is a competitor of "agility" and one of the most flexible and sensitive muscles in our body. The nerves on the tongue are very developed. Of the 12 pairs of cranial nerves in the brain, 5 pairs can manage the tongue and make it move flexibly. It can help us swallow when we eat. Even a little shredded pork stuffed between our teeth can help us pull it out. Gluteus maximus and gluteus maximus are the sources of many explosive training, especially football and basketball, which have higher requirements for gluteus maximus. In addition, gluteus maximus is of great significance to ordinary people. It connects the upper and lower bodies and keeps the trunk upright. From birth, people have more gluteal muscles than other parts. Developed gluteal muscles are also one of the important weapons to attract the opposite sex.
Masticatory muscles, no matter what animal they are, are absolutely strong muscles, especially in the animal world, where they eat meat and chew bones every day, and the bite force of lions and tigers can reach 250 kilograms. Of course, human beings are not inferior to too many. The bite force of ordinary people can reach 80 kilograms. Although there is also a strong arm factor, it is still amazing. The tongue is indeed the strongest muscle, but in fact, the tongue is made up of four muscles. Tongue muscles crisscross, allowing the tongue to roll freely. There are also taste buds on the surface of the tongue. You can taste sour, sweet, bitter and spicy.
The heart is also considered as the strongest muscle, but because the movement of the heart is involuntary and lasting, the "heart" hits the "core" of our problem. Sartorius muscle is the longest muscle in the whole body, but it is not the strongest muscle. As for the strongest, there are two candidates, one is the masticatory muscles used to chew. People with strong masticatory muscles serve and chew food. Some people can also bite walnuts, pine nuts and walnuts with their teeth. Some acrobats can also hold some heavy objects in their mouths and rely on strong chewing when performing actions.