Disease control and health

You don't have to fight, because it will definitely be within the protection period, and it is rare for Rabbit Buerbeiverbo.

I'll give you Rabbi Bull's instructions.

Rabies vaccine (rabies)

Introduction: [drug name]

Generic name: human rabies vaccine (chicken embryo cells)

Rabies vaccine for human use (chicken embryo cells)

Trade name: Rebibur

English name: Rabipur

Hanyu Pinyin: Ren Yong Rabies Miao Yi

[Composition and characteristics]

Active substance: Inactivate rabies virus.

1 vial 1 immune dose (1 ml) freeze-dried powder vaccine and solvent, the components of which include:

Inactivated rabies virus (Flury LEP strain), titer ≥ 2.5 i.u 。

Culture system: primary chicken embryo fibroblasts were cultured and amplified.

Other ingredients: tris (hydroxymethyl) aminomethane, sodium chloride, disodium EDTA (Titriplex III), L- glutamine, denatured collagen, sucrose and water for injection.

Powder and solvent for injection

After the white freeze-dried powder is dissolved, the solution is colorless and clear.

[Inoculation target]

Preexposure immunization

High-risk groups should be vaccinated before exposure, such as veterinarians, breeders, hunters, forestry workers, animal trainers, slaughterhouse workers, rabies research laboratory staff, etc. Or before a long stay in a rabies epidemic area.

Post-exposure immunity

Immune after contact with animals suffering from rabies or suspected rabies or dead animals vaccinated with rabies vaccine.

See attached table 1-2 for details.

[Function and Use]

This product is used for active immunization against rabies.


Each bottle of this product 1ml contains at least 2.5 IU in the dosage of 1ml for human use.

[Immunization Procedure and Dose]


Children and adults use the same dose, and the recommended single dose is 1ml.

Inoculation after exposure

Start immunization immediately!

The indications used are shown in table 1.

1. those who are not immune or not suitable for immunity: adults and children, who were vaccinated with a single dose on the 0, 3, 7, 14 and 30 days respectively. If necessary, they should also receive one dose of injection on the 90th day (i.e. 5 injections plus 1 optional injection).

For more details, please refer to Table 2, Procedure B/C. ..

2. People who have been completely immunized:

See table 3.

If you are injured by animals suffering from rabies or suspected rabies, or the saliva of these animals comes into contact with the patient's mucosa or damaged skin (see Table 1), you need to take preventive treatment together (see Table 2, Procedure C).

Even if a long time has passed after exposure, vaccination must strictly follow the recommended procedures.

High-risk groups infected with rabies virus (such as multiple injuries, especially in the head or other areas with obvious innervation, or delayed initial treatment) should double the initial immunization dose, and after exposure, a single dose of vaccine should be inoculated in the right deltoid muscle as soon as possible, and another injection should be inoculated on the left.

Pre-exposure inoculation

See table 2, procedure a.

booster shots

It is suggested that people who are often at risk of getting sick should monitor the concentration of rabies virus antibody once a year. If the antibody titer is lower than 0.5 1.U./ml, 1 needle booster injection (single dose vaccine) should be given. Experience shows that it is usually necessary to strengthen 1 time every 2-5 years.


People who are considered to be immune inappropriately are:

-People vaccinated with unreliable vaccines;

-those who are vaccinated with a vaccine with a titer lower than 2.5 1.U./;

-those who have not been vaccinated all the time, or who have stopped immunization, and those who are not sure that they have obtained basic immunization.

Patients receiving immunosuppressive therapy, or patients with congenital or acquired immunodeficiency, should double the initial immune dose and inject it in different parts of the body. If these patients are treated after possible exposure to rabies, antibody titers should be detected 14 days after the first injection. If there is no antibody that can provide sufficient protection, that is, at least 0.5 1.U./ml, a dose of immune vaccine should be inoculated on both sides of the upper arm immediately (in the case of young children, it should be injected into the thigh).

[Adverse reaction]

There may be slight reactions at the injection site, such as pain and redness. Occasionally, serious local reactions may occur, such as temperature rising above 38℃, lymphadenopathy, arthritis, gastrointestinal dysfunction, etc. Rare headaches, fatigue, circulatory system reactions, sweating, chills, myalgia and allergic reactions need to be treated under special circumstances (see "Special precautions for using vaccines").

There are cases of inflammation and demyelinating neurological diseases, such as paresthesia, progressive ascending paralysis with respiratory muscle paralysis [Guillain-Barre syndrome] or optic neuritis. According to the available data, the possibility of emergency caused by immunization of autoimmune diseases (such as multiple sclerosis) or patients with corresponding genetic susceptibility cannot be completely ruled out. However, there is no evidence that the incidence of autoimmune diseases has increased after immunization.


Post-exposure immunity

In this case, there are no contraindications: since clinical rabies virus infection is fatal, all people must be vaccinated after exposure (see table 1 and table 2).

Patients who are known to be allergic to vaccine ingredients should ensure that they have relevant medical equipment to treat anaphylactic shock during immunization.

Preexposure immunization

Children, adolescents, adults and pregnant women who need treatment for acute diseases are advised not to be vaccinated for the time being.

If there are complications after vaccination, the vaccine should not be injected again until the cause of the complications is clear.

Mild infection (even fever) is not a contraindication, nor can you have contact with patients with infectious diseases.

People who are known to be allergic to Rabipur ingredients are prohibited from using this vaccine.


1. Intravascular injection is prohibited: If the vaccine is injected into blood vessels carelessly, there is a risk of side effects, and in rare cases, even shock may occur. First-aid measures: catecholamine, high-dose adrenaline, blood exchange and oxygen inhalation.

2. People who say that they are allergic to "egg white protein" or have a positive skin test for egg white protein usually do not increase the risk of rabies vaccination. Few people have the following clinical symptoms after eating egg white protein, such as urticaria, edema of lips and epiglottis, laryngeal or bronchial spasm, blood pressure drop and even shock. Immunization of such people must be carried out under strict clinical monitoring, and corresponding equipment should be used for first aid.

3. Immediate wound treatment: All parts of the body and wounds that may be infected with rabies virus should be thoroughly washed with soap or cleaning agent immediately, then washed with water, and finally coated with 70% alcohol or iodine: the above cleaning should also be carried out after contact with vaccinated animals.

If you bite, carefully remove the edge of the wound. Don't sew the wound tightly, only loosen it.

If the indications need to be combined with immunoglobulin for prevention, the recommended dose of rabies immunoglobulin should be used for deep infiltration in and around the wound, and the remaining globulin should be injected into the gluteus muscle.

4. Drug interaction: Patients receiving immunosuppressive therapy, or those with congenital or acquired immunodeficiency, are often unsuccessful in vaccination, and the effect is unreliable. Immunosuppressants should be avoided during the treatment after exposure to rabies.

5. Medication for pregnant women and lactating women: No cases of vaccine-related maternal and infant damage caused by immunization during pregnancy were observed. It is not clear whether Rabipu enters breast milk, so it is suggested to carefully weigh the expected benefits and potential dangers before vaccination during breastfeeding. So far, there is no report about the danger to breast-fed babies after vaccination.

6. Mild infection (such as low fever ≤38.5℃) is not a contraindication, and may have been in contact with patients with infectious diseases.

7. Because rabies is a fatal disease, there is no need to pay attention to the vaccination interval with other vaccines.

The vaccine should be injected immediately after dissolution. Products that have expired cannot be used.


This product should be stored at 2 ~ 8℃. Keep vaccines away from children!


Within each package:

1 vial contains 1 immune dose (= 1 ml) of freeze-dried vaccine.

1 ml of water for injection in ampoules.

1 disposable syringe

[period of validity]

48 months

Table 1: Immunization Procedures for Different Exposure Types

Exposure level exposure type

Contact with domestic or wild animals with sick dogs or suspected rabies *

Immunization procedures for contacting vaccinated animals

I- Contact/feed animals, never contact their saliva, and the patient's skin is intact before or during contact. -In contact with vaccinated animals, the skin is intact. Immunization is not required.

If not sure, immunize according to procedure B (Table 2).

II—— The animal licks or nibbles at the exposed skin of the patient.

-Contact with saliva

—— Scratches on the body surface but without blood caused by animals, except those on the head, neck, shoulder blades, upper arms and hands (see exposure grade III) —— Contact with vaccinated animals shall be immunized immediately according to procedure B: if it is uncertain, joint prevention shall be carried out according to procedure C (Table 2) * *.

If it is proved that the animal is not suffering from rabies after examination, it is recommended to continue treatment according to procedure A.

Check the patient's tetanus immune status.

Iii- All bites

-Hemorrhagic scratches

-All scratches on the head, neck, shoulder blades, upper arms and hands.

-animal saliva comes into contact with the patient's mucosa (such as licking and foaming)-mucosal or fresh skin wounds come into contact with vaccinated animals according to procedure C (Table 2).

Start joint prevention immediately * *

If it is proved that the animal is not suffering from rabies after examination, it is recommended to continue treatment according to procedure A.

Check the patient's tetanus immune status.

(According to WHO 1992 and STIKO 1995 10).

* In areas where rabies infection has officially existed, any animal with abnormal performance must be regarded as potential.

* * Combination of vaccine and immunoglobulin.

Note: whenever preventive treatment is proposed, it should be carried out as soon as possible.

Table 2: Immunization of people who have not been immunized or who have not been immunized properly

Program a

Pre-exposure vaccination procedure b

Post-exposure immunization program c

Comprehensive prevention after exposure

On day 0, 7, 28 and 365, intramuscular injection of 14 and 30 respectively. If necessary, inoculate 1 Rabipur, inoculate 1 Rabipur according to procedure B on the 90th day.

Please follow the manufacturer's instructions:

* People who are considered to be inappropriately immunized are:

-People vaccinated with unreliable vaccines.

-the vaccination titer is lower than 2.5 1.U./ml.

-those who have not been fully immunized, or who have stopped the injection course, and those who are not sure that they have obtained basic immunization.

Table 3: Immunization Procedures of Effective Immunizers after Re-exposure or Exposure

According to the injection process at that time (according to procedures A-C)

Vaccinate rabies vaccine 1 branch with titer ≥2.5 1.U./ dose at the following intervals: immunization program.

1 year. On the day of re-contact, inoculate 1 needle on the third day.

Contact again on the same day 1-5 years, and inoculate 1 needle on the third and seventh days respectively.

After exposure for more than 5 years, according to the type of exposure, the whole process of immunization was carried out according to procedure B or C (Table 2).