Cold treatment should be carried out immediately after muscle strain-rinse the local area with cold water or apply ice with towel, and then bandage the injured area to prevent swelling. While relaxing the muscles of the injured part and raising the injured limb, you can take some drugs to relieve pain and stop bleeding. Take off the bandage after 24 to 48 hours. According to the injury, a plaster for promoting blood circulation and detumescence can be applied externally, and the affected area can be massaged by appropriate hot compress or light manipulation.
Those with severe muscle strain, such as muscle abdomen or tendon rupture, should hurry to the hospital for surgical suture.
Prevent muscle strain
Many people pull their muscles in bodybuilding. In any case, muscle strain is the enemy of bodybuilding training, which often makes you give up this part of muscle training for a long time. Therefore, it is necessary to prevent muscle strain as soon as possible.
If you feel some abnormal pain in a certain part of your body during bodybuilding training, don't do it again. You should completely relax and rest.
Find out the injury
Turn the injured part gently and do some gentle actions casually to determine which muscles, tendons and ligaments are painful or injured, so that you can know where the treatment actions should be concentrated and which actions should be avoided in intense bodybuilding training.
Will not increase the burden of the wound.
After finding out the injured parts, not only do not do bodybuilding exercises that affect these injured parts, but also pay attention not to increase the burden on the injured parts in daily activities. For example, don't lift heavy objects for low back pain and don't run for sore feet.
Avoid injury and exercise.
Take the "active rest method". The human body has more than 600 muscles, so even if you are injured.
100 muscle, you still have more than 500 muscles to practice. You should exercise all your muscles to improve your health and achieve balanced development. At the same time, it can strengthen the femur, which is the main bearing. For example, if you are injured or take over Gaskin's muscles, you are allowed to do half squat, but you must be careful. If you feel uncomfortable during exercise, you should rest the whole injured muscle group.
Promote local blood circulation
Be sure to carefully determine the injured part, find a bodybuilding training action that can gently move the injured part, and use this action to promote blood circulation, thus supplementing fresh nutrition and removing waste.
Stretch gently
Slowly stretch the wound until you encounter a slight collision, and then try to relax the injured part. When you do this, try to stretch further. When muscles are stretched and relaxed, more blood will flow there for treatment, and you can heal faster. But if you stretch too much, it will lead to the wound getting worse and even getting injured again.