Why did Wu Zetian kill the Xue Dingshan family?

When Tang Gaozong was in power, Wuhou arrested the mother and son of the Eastern Palace Queen. Later, he and his younger brother Luo were rescued by the host of the clan, and suggested that Luo tie the latter to the court to show his value, but Luo refused. Hu got Luo drunk and took him to Beijing. Huang was killed to save; Luo and others took the opportunity to escape. After being washed away. If you want to commit suicide, Farmer Cowboy will save you. At that time, the prince was rescued to Chengfu by Chenggong, and sent to steal Maguan in the form of biting gold and sending coffins, and was raised by soldier Xue Yong.

On the night of the Lantern Festival in Kyoto, Xue Gang was drunk and galloped on horseback, accidentally killing the prince. Fu Xue's family was arrested, but Xue Gang and Xue Qiang escaped. The emperor read Xue family meritorious service, not guilty.

It's a matter of time. The emperor collapsed, and Wuhou and * * * conspired to listen to politics, and ordered Wu Sansi to behead the Xue family. Prince Li Meng advised him not to listen. As the days passed, he became more and more fierce and wanted to think twice. Wuhou found that he listened to politics himself and copied the Xue family, but he was taken in by Li Shan's mother. Seeing this, Sandy and Cheng both resigned angrily. The threat of Wuhou was invalid, so Wuhou had to give way to Meng, Germany and become temporary officials.