There are many vegetarians now. Are their diets healthy?

Vegetarian food is unhealthy. Vegetarianism can be divided into vegan, egg white and milk egg white, among which vegan is the most unhealthy, and milk egg white is much better, but it is not as healthy as a reasonable and balanced diet with vegetarian food. Nutrients needed by human body are distributed in various foods, some of which are rich in animal foods and some are rich in plant foods. Therefore, in order to obtain comprehensive and balanced nutrition, we should eat an appropriate proportion of animal and plant food at the same time.

All the claims that advocate vegetarianism are unreliable. If you are a vegetarian because of eating habits, beliefs and psychology, then I can respect your choice. But if you say that this is for health, and vegetarianism is for health, I disagree. Vegetarian for health, there is no scientific logic. I see that many people seem to have been brainwashed by health care institutions, or some health care articles on WeChat official accounts should advocate vegan. Even two years ago, several parents in my circle of friends fell in love with vegetarianism inexplicably and thought vegetarianism was the healthiest and most humane way of life. Later, they gave birth to a baby. The mother was a vegetarian during pregnancy, and the baby was born with vegan milk powder. I really can't stand it. I once mentioned it politely, but I stopped asking after being rejected.

I am very opposed to a vegan diet for babies, children and pregnant women. Long-term vegetarian diet will almost certainly lead to malnutrition, even if milk and egg white are not good. Vegetarians and dairy-egg vegetarians are at risk of nutritional deficiency, such as protein, vitamin B 12, iron, zinc and omega-3-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids.

The quantity and quality of protein, which is easily lacking in vegetarian food, are very important. Protein of animal food is not only rich, but also of high quality. The composition of amino acids is close to the proportion of amino acids needed by human body, and the utilization rate is high. As for plant foods, except for a few foods such as soybeans, which are of high quality in protein, most other plant foods are incomplete or semi-complete protein, which is not only low in content, but also of poor quality and low in human utilization. So vegans often lack protein, and whey protein is much better. Generally speaking, we suggest that the protein in animal foods should not be less than 50%.