What determines the plasma osmotic pressure?

Plasma osmotic pressure refers to the water absorption of solute molecules in plasma through semi-permeable membrane, and its size depends on the number of solute particles, but has nothing to do with the molecular weight, radius and other characteristics of solute. Because the amount of crystal solute in plasma is much larger than colloid, the plasma osmotic pressure is mainly composed of crystal osmotic pressure. Colloid osmotic pressure in plasma is mainly composed of protein molecules, among which plasma albumin has a small molecular weight and a large number (albumin >; Globulin > fibrinogen) determines the size of plasma colloid osmotic pressure.

1, liquid will naturally diffuse from high osmotic pressure to low osmotic pressure, which is a physical phenomenon rather than a biological phenomenon.

2, healthy bone marrow without malnutrition will be produced, because red blood cells only have a life span of about 20 days, so the body is constantly producing red blood cells, and malnutrition leads to a decrease in red blood cell production, which leads to anemia.

3. Exposure of platelets to air > protein's metamorphosis and hardening of platelets >: Aggregation of hardened platelets and initial coagulation of plasma >: Evaporation of water in plasma and complete coagulation of plasma.