Cucumber: Health Benefits and Nutritional Facts

Cucumber contains many nutritional values, including moisturizing and valuable nutrition. Few foods are as cold as cucumbers. These low-calorie vegetables contain many nutritional values, including water characteristics and valuable nutrition.

There are hundreds of varieties and dozens of colors of cucumbers, but according to the growth guide of Cornell University, the edible type is sliced or pickled. Chopped cucumbers are planted for fresh consumption, while pickled cucumbers are planted for salt water tanks. According to the world's healthiest food website, sliced cucumbers are usually bigger and thicker than pickled cucumbers. In the United States, sliced cucumber varieties commonly planted include Dasher, Conqueror, Slicemaster, Victory, Comet, Burpee Hybrid and Sprint. Common varieties of pickled cucumbers are Royal, Calypso mythology, Pioneer, Bunty, Regal, Duke and Blietz.

Although most people think cucumber is a vegetable, it is actually a fruit. They contain seeds and grow from the ovaries of flowering plants. Cucumber is a member of Cucurbitaceae, which also includes pumpkin and melon. According to the healthiest food in the world, the most common sliced cucumbers in grocery stores are garden cucumbers and cucumbers.

Introduction to Nutrition Cucumber is a good source of phytonutrients (phytochemicals that can protect or prevent diseases) such as flavonoids, lignans and triterpenoids. According to the healthiest food in the world, it has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anticancer effects. "kdspe" "kdsps" "We should obviously look for nutritious food and put your plates in a positive way." Angela Lemond of Plenot said. Registered dietitian in Texas, spokesperson of College of Nutrition and Nutrition. The skin and seeds of cucumber are the most nutritious parts. They contain fiber and beta-carotene. "Beta-carotene is an antioxidant, which helps to prevent immunity, skin, eyes and cancer," Lemond said. A study published in the Pakistan Journal of Nutrition found that cucumber seeds are a good source of minerals and contain calcium, "fat and cholesterol", said Megan Will, a registered dietitian in Orlando, Florida. A cup of cucumber with skin has only 16 calories (excluding skin 15 calories). You will get about 4% potassium, 3% fiber and 4% vitamin C every day. They also "provide small amounts of vitamin K, vitamin C, magnesium, potassium, manganese and vitamin A", Weil said.

It is a nutritional component of cucumber. According to the provisions of the Nutrition Labeling and Education Act, which is passed by the US Food and Drug Administration to regulate food labeling:

Nutritional facts Cucumber, with skin, original size: 1/2 cups, sliced (52g) containing 8 calories, fat percentage 0* daily value (DV) based on a 2000-calorie diet. According to Ware, AMT% DV eaten every time * AMT% DV eaten every time * Total fat 0 g 0% Total carbohydrate 2 g 1% Cholesterol 0 g 0% Dietary fiber 0 g 0% Sodium 1 mg 2% Sugar 0 g protein 0 g Vitamin A 1% Calcium 1% Vitamin C.

Cucumber is 95% water. This makes cucumber a good way to keep water, especially in summer. According to Diet Health magazine, a cup of cucumber slices "almost quenches thirst like a glass of water",

"They say that we can get 20-30% of our body fluid needs through diet, and foods like this are certainly helpful," added Lemon, adding that they not only contain high moisture, but also contain important nutrients such as magnesium and potassium, which play a role in the hydration process. According to the Cleveland Clinic, cucumbers help to remove waste from the body and reduce skin. According to an article in Filoterapia magazine, preliminary research also shows that cucumber can promote anti-wrinkle and anti-aging.

cancer prevention

Cucumber contains two plant nutrients related to anticancer effect: lignans and cucurbitacins. In recent years, pharmaceutical companies have been paying special attention to cucurbitacin, hoping to use it in new anticancer drugs. According to a research review published in the Journal of Science World on 20 10, scientists found that cucurbitacin helps to block the signal transduction pathway that is essential for the proliferation and survival of cancer cells.

Cucurbitacin can also inhibit the growth of pancreatic cancer cells. According to a study published in the Journal of Cancer Research in 2009, the effect of cucurbitacin B (cucurbitacin in cucumber) on human pancreatic cancer cells was studied. It was found that cucurbitacin supplementation inhibited the growth of seven pancreatic cancer cell lines by 50% and increased apoptosis, that is, "suicide death". According to The Healthiest Food in the World, lignans can prevent cancer by cooperating with bacteria in the digestive tract. These bacteria convert lignans into compounds such as enterodiols and enterolactones, which can bind to estrogen receptors and may reduce the risk of estrogen-related cancers, such as ovarian cancer, breast cancer, endometrial cancer and prostate cancer. This study is not clear whether lignans really have anti-cancer effects.

A meta-analysis published in the British Journal of Cancer in 2009 found that there was little correlation between lignans intake and breast cancer risk reduction. Similarly, according to the Linus Bowling Institute of Oregon State University, most studies have not found a significant correlation between lignans intake and the risk of prostate cancer reduction, although a study of elderly men in Scotland published in the British Journal of Nutrition shows that eating serum containing enterolactone can reduce the risk of prostate cancer.

On the other hand, a study of nearly 800 American women in the Journal of Nutrition found that those women who consumed the most lignans had the lowest risk of prostate cancer and ovarian cancer. In addition, a study published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute found that among thousands of women in San Francisco, postmenopausal women with the highest intake of lignans had the lowest risk of endometrial cancer. Facts have proved that there is a scientific basis behind this connivance ceremony. Weil explained: "Cucumber has a cooling and soothing effect. Local use can reduce swelling and diminish inflammation. Cucumber slices can be placed on the eyes, which can relieve edema, relieve and treat sunburn in the morning and put them on the affected area. " She also pointed out that high vegetable intake is similar to healthy skin color. ""kdspe" "kdspe ""bone health ""kdspe ""kdspe ",according to the research of the University of Maryland Medical Center in the past few years. For decades, vitamin K has been very important for bone health. A cup of cucumber contains about 19% of the daily recommended intake. A review published in the journal Nutrition pointed out that the intake of vitamin K may reduce the fracture rate, cooperate with vitamin D, increase bone mineral density, and have a positive impact on calcium balance.

The human body will use vitamin K when building bones, and its effect seems to be particularly important for women. A large-scale study in American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 2003 showed that the low level of vitamin K was related to the low bone density of women, but not to men. 1999 Another study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that low intake of vitamin K was associated with an increased risk of hip fracture, especially among middle-aged women. This is particularly interesting because women have seen the results of eating lettuce, which shows that it is beneficial to take vitamin K by eating vegetables instead of supplements. When it comes to men, the effects of vitamin K and bone health may become more obvious with age: in 2000, research found that the risk of taking more vitamin K in older women and older men decreased, and foods with high antioxidant content can make the body play its best role. Lemond said that antioxidants "help prevent injury and cancer". "KDSPE" cucumber contains a variety of antioxidants, including vitamin C, β-carotene and manganese, as well as flavonoids, triterpenoids and lignans, which have anti-inflammatory effects. Vitamin C is famous for its benefits to the immune system. According to Mayo Clinic, beta-carotene has been proved to be good for eyesight.

According to an animal study published in Journal of Young Pharmacists 20 10, the scavenging effect of fresh cucumber extract on free radicals is enhanced. According to pharmacognosy review, free radicals are related to many human diseases, but sometimes they can be controlled by antioxidants. Another study on cucumber extract published by KDSP and KDSP in Archives of Animal Skin Research found that the total antioxidant capacity increased. Although the focus of this study is the cosmetic application of cucumber, reducing free radicals can improve your internal organs and skin.

Another study published in the Journal of Contemporary Drug Design found that triterpenoid cucurbitacins have a positive correlation with reducing inflammation, especially cancer cells. A review of triterpenoids in the immune system published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology shows that they can help inflammation and encourage future research.

Heart health

"Eating a variety of fruits and vegetables is associated with reducing the risk of many health conditions, such as heart disease, diabetes, stroke and obesity. In this regard, the potassium content in cucumber may be particularly useful. A glass of cut beer contains only 4% of the daily potassium needed by human body, but it contains much less calories than most high-potassium foods (such as bananas). According to the American Heart Association, potassium is an important part of heart health. A study on 1 2,000 adults published in Archives of Internal Medicine showed that compared with those who ingested1mg potassium every day, those who ingested 4,069 mg potassium every day had a lower risk of cardiovascular disease and ischemic heart disease by 37% and 49%, respectively, and the risk of cardiovascular disease decreased by 793 mg every day.

Some studies have linked the consumption of cucumber with the reduction of high blood pressure. According to today's nutritionist, many studies think it is related to hypotension because it promotes vasodilation (vasodilation). A study published in Indonesian Journal of Public Health (20 17) found that the blood pressure of elderly participants with hypertension decreased significantly after eating cucumber juice 12 days. In addition, a study by the Indian College of Clinical Medicine in 2009 showed that patients with hypertension added cucumber to their diet because of its low sodium content.

Vitamin K in cucumber is also considered to be essential in the process of blood coagulation. According to the research of Harvard School of Public Health,


20 13 A review published in Fitoterapia pointed out that cucumbers may help relieve constipation because they provide fiber and water at the same time. Tufts University pointed out that if in the process of family fermentation. Cucumber pickles contain probiotics, which can promote healthy digestion and cultivate beneficial intestinal flora. Pickles bought in stores usually don't have these bacteria, because they do, even if they are boiled.

lose weight

Cucumber is a low-calorie food, so it is a very popular ingredient in the diet. 20 1 1 A study published in the journal Obesity found that drinking more water is related to losing weight. Participants who drank 1 pint (500ml) of water before meals lost an average of 4 pounds (2kg) compared with those who did not drink water. Eating foods with high water content, such as cucumbers, can be an effective way to increase water intake.

But Lemmon warned not to rely too much on foods with high water content, such as cucumbers. We know that people who eat more fruits and vegetables usually have a healthier weight. However, I don't recommend eating only cucumbers. You will lose weight, but mainly muscle, "she said.

Brain health and memory

Recently, scientists have become interested in the flavonoid feoxetine. Cucumber is a good source of fish protein. According to 20 13 Review of Antioxidants and Redox Signals, this study is related to protecting nerve cells, improving memory and reducing the risk of Alzheimer's disease. The same study found that the relationship between fluoxetine and cancer prevention has good results.

Risks of eating cucumbers There may be some risks in eating cucumbers. Pesticide consumption is a worrying problem. Ware explained, "The Environmental Working Group lists the fruits and vegetables with the highest pesticide residues every year, which is called' dirty beating'. Cucumber is a kind of fruit and vegetable listed as "dirty" by the environmental working group, which means that the exposure rate of pesticide residues is high.

In addition, cucumbers may be waxed to protect them during transportation. According to the healthiest food in the world, both organic and traditional cucumbers can be waxed, but organic cucumbers can only use non-synthetic waxes and chemicals approved according to organic regulations. For this reason and the consideration of pesticides, the healthiest food in the world encourages the purchase of organic cucumbers. However, Ware stipulates, "This does not mean that if you can't find or afford organic food, you should completely avoid eating cucumbers. Lemon said that the nutritional benefits of eating traditional agricultural products outweigh the risks of not eating agricultural products at all.

Although healthy, you don't want to eat too many cucumbers. "My advice is to change your choice frequently. Cucumber is a good hydrating food, so put them together with other plant foods with other benefits. Change is always the key.

Pickle pickling is a way to preserve food, not just cucumbers, to prevent corruption. According to the healthiest food in the world, kimchi has two basic types: fermented and non-fermented.

Fermented kimchi is soaked in salt water, which is salt-saturated water. The word "kimchi" comes from the Dutch pekel, which means salt water. Salt water can also contain other ingredients, such as vinegar, dill seeds, garlic and lime.

Dill pickles are obviously pickled with dill added to the solution. Jewish dill is a "clean food" pickled with dill and garlic. In this case, it doesn't necessarily mean that cucumbers are prepared according to clean food recipes. However, it only means that garlic is added in the pickling process according to the healthiest food in the world.

Cucumbers are usually just immature cucumbers. According to Cornell University,

Additional resources

Cornell University: Guide to Cucumber Planting Cleveland Clinic: 7 kinds of foods that can satisfy hunger: cucumber, the healthiest food in the world.