Vulva atrophy, whitish, slight? Is it vulvar leukoplakia?

Leukoplakia vulvae can have the following symptoms

1, pruritus vulvae

Vulvar pruritus is a typical manifestation of the disease, and it is also the most headache for patients. It will happen at any time on any occasion, causing a very embarrassing situation for patients. Itching is particularly severe at night, and the degree of itching is related to time, menstruation, climate, food, environment and mood. Itching can be light or heavy and intermittent.

2, vulvar pain

When external factors lead to unbearable skin itching, patients will inevitably scratch, which may lead to vulva collapse, chapped, purulent and secondary infection, thus causing pain. Pain is mainly manifested as local burning pain, especially clitoris and labia minora.

3, vulva whitening

With the local hypopigmentation of the skin, the labia majora and labia minora generally turn white, and the skin color of vulva is mostly purplish red or reddish, and it can also be grayish white or grayish blue, mixed with well-defined white keratotic plaques with different shapes and sizes.

4, vulva atrophy

Long-term lesions can cause local skin thickening, localized or diffuse white patches or spots, and gradually vulvar atrophy. The vulva can be slightly atrophied. In severe cases, the clitoris, labia majora and labia majora atrophy and adhere, and then the vaginal opening is narrow, the elasticity disappears, and even urination and sexual life are affected.