Acupuncture weight loss belongs to the category of TCM therapeutics. According to the overall concept and dialectical principle, he mainly regulates the spleen and stomach and spleen and kidney. At the same time, methods such as adjusting diet, strengthening exercise, improving energy consumption and promoting body fat decomposition were adopted. One method is the main method, and many methods are combined, including body acupuncture, ear acupuncture, body acupuncture-ear acupuncture combination, electroacupuncture, plum blossom acupuncture, laser acupuncture, cupping and other treatment methods, which have attracted the attention of scholars at home and abroad for their good curative effect, simplicity, economy, safety and no toxic side effects.
In recent years, we have treated obese people through TCM syndrome differentiation and acupuncture, and treated simple obesity and endocrine disorders obesity through specific meridian points and systematic methods. The success rate of losing weight reached 98%, and the effect was good. In the process of losing weight, there is no fatigue, diarrhea and anorexia, which meets the treatment requirements of the World Health Organization for obesity. A large number of practices show that acupuncture weight loss's combination of multiple methods is better than single treatment, and the curative effect of acupoint selection based on syndrome differentiation is better than that of special prescription. Acupuncture weight loss at the same time, with a diet. Measures such as exercise can achieve better weight loss effect.
Acupuncture can regulate endocrine disorders of human body, not only cure diseases, but also can be used to lose weight, improve body shape and reduce obesity complications, which has dual functions of treatment and health care.
Acupuncture weight loss is a kind of medical behavior, which must be carried out by a regular acupuncturist in a designated regular medical place after professional training.