Personality psychology of healthy personality

Personality psychology belongs to basic psychology and is one of the branches of psychology. It can be simply defined as psychology that studies a person's unique behavior patterns. Broadly speaking, psychology studies personality. "Personality" is generally translated as "personality" and psychologists translate it as "personality". "Personality" includes not only personality, but also belief, self-concept and so on. Accurately speaking, "personality" refers to a series of consistent behavioral characteristics of a person. The characteristics of personality vary from person to person, so everyone has their own uniqueness. This uniqueness causes everyone to react differently to the same situation. Personality psychologists will study the characteristics and formation of personality, so as to predict its influence on shaping people's behavior and life events.

Personality is the inherent tendency of an individual's behavior, which is manifested in the integration of his ability, emotion, needs, motivation, interest, attitude, values, temperament, personality and physique when he adapts to the environment. It is a self with dynamic consistency and continuity, which enables individuals to form a unique psychosomatic organization in the process of socialization. The theories of personality psychology mainly include psychoanalysis, social cognition, humanism and biological school. Let's introduce it in detail below!

1. Psychoanalysis According to psychodynamics, psychoanalyst Freud pointed out that personality can be divided into three levels, namely, consciousness, pre-consciousness and subconscious, and he also proposed ID, ego and superego in personality structure to explain the above three levels.

2. Social Cognitive Theory The social cognitive theory was put forward by the psychologist Bandura, who pointed out that human behavior is not only controlled by individuals, but also influenced by the environment and external social factors, that is, "mutual determinism". He pointed out that an individual's self-efficacy will affect his ability to adapt to life and overcome obstacles, and according to social learning theory, his ability to observe and learn will also affect the formation and development of personality.

3. Humanism, led by Maslow, believes that individuals have five natural needs, and the behavior of meeting these needs comes from learning. Personality is influenced by congenital, acquired learning, heredity and other factors.

4. Biological point of view The biological school believes that personality traits will affect children through heredity, and it is also related to the physiological structure of the head, not only influenced by personal experience. Psychologist Essink believes that personality can be divided into three dimensions, namely extroversion and introversion, neuroticism and mental symptoms.

5. Personality characteristics theory Personality characteristics can be interpreted as specific personality elements that describe a person's feelings, thinking and expression. Personality characteristics can be inferred from behavior, which is quite integrated and persistent. Since ancient times, psychologists have different views on personality classification. Recently, some psychologists have compiled a set of widely used personality five models. This model illustrates five common personality characteristics, including extroversion, neuroticism, kindness, strict self-discipline and openness.