Components of the S&P 500 Index

Serial number code company name

1 A Agilent

2 AA Alcoa company

3 AAPL Apple Company

4 ABC Meiyuan Bergen

5 ABT Abbott laboratories

6 ACE ACE insurance

7 ACN Accenture

8 ADBE Adobe system

Nine products from analog devices

10 Administration Company

1 1 automatic data processing

12 ADSK Autodesk

13 AEE Amorim

14 AEP American power company

15 AES AISI electric power

16 AET antai insurance

17 AFL family life insurance

18 AGN Allergan

19 AIG American International Group

Investment and management of 20 AIV apartment

2 1 AIZ insurance company

22 AKAM· Akamai

23 AKS AK steel

All statewide insurance

25 ALTR altera

26 AMAT application materials

27 AMD advanced micro devices

28 AMGN Amgen

29 amp ameriprise

30 AMT American tower

3 1 Amazon

32 autonomy

33 ANF abercromby & smelly cat

34 ANR alpha natural resources company

35 AON aon

36 APA Apache Oil Company

37 APC Anadarko Oil Company

38 APD air chemical industry

39 APH Amphenol Electronic

40 APOL Apollo

4 1 ARG airgas

42 ATI Yelian Technology

AVB Avalon Bay No.43

44 Avon Street, AVP

Avery, 45 Avery Denison Street.

46 AXP American express

47 azo automatic belt

48 British Airways Boeing

49 North American Bank

Baxter international 50

5 1 BBBY bed bath and beyond

52 BBT BB & amp; T

BBY Best Buy 53 Hao

54 BCR Street

55 BDX Bidi cigarettes

56 Ben Franklin Resources Company

57 BF_B brown Furman

58 BHI· Baker Hughes Company

59 large-volume special retail

60 BIIB biological gene

6 1 Bank of New York Mellon BK

BLK· BlackRock 62

63 BLL· bohr

64 BMC BMC software

65 BMS bimeisi

66 BMY Bristol-Myers Squibb Company

BRCM Broadcom No.67

68 BRK_B Berkshire Hathaway -B

69 BSX Boston science

70 British thermal units Bodie Energy

7 1 BXP Boston real estate

72 C Citigroup

73 California Guanqun International

74 CAG ConAgra Food

CAH Cardinal Health Center No.75

76 CAM cameron international

77 Caterpillar

78 CB Bo Qiu Group

79 CBG CB weilizhuang


8 1 CCE Coca-Cola Enterprise

82 CCL carnival cruise company

83 CEP United Energy Company

84 cell gene

Ceph cephalosporin 85 (suspended)

86 CERN cerner company

87 CF CF industrial holding company

CFN carefully, no.88

Chk Chesapeake Energy Company

90 CHRW· Robinson Global Logistics

9 1 CI Cigna

92 CINF Cincinnati finance

93 Li Sheng Colgate-Palmolive Company

94 CLF Cliff Natural Resources

In 1995, CLX· Crooks

96 CMA comerica

97 CMCSA Comcast

98 CME Chicago Board of Trade

99 CMG chipotle Mexican barbecue

100 CMI Cummins

10 1 cm energy

102 CNP midpoint energy

103 CNX consol energy company

104 COF first venture finance

105 COG cabot oil company. gas

106 COH coach

107 colonel Locke Will Collins

108 Police ConocoPhillips

109 COST Costco

1 10 COV covidien plc

CPB jinbaotang 1 1

1 12 CPWR Compaq software company

1 13 CRM salesforce

1 14 CSC computer system consultation

1 15 Cisco CSCO

1 16 CSX CSX transportation

CTAS· Cintas

118th century telecom

1 19 CTSH gaozhite technology

120 CTXS Citrix system

12 1 CVC cable TV system

122 CVH Coventry Health Care Center

123 CVS CVS caremark pharmaceutical retail

124 CVX chevron

125 D Dominica resources

126 DD DuPont company

127 Didi

128 Dell Dell

129 DF dean food

130 DFS discovers financial services.

13 1 DGX Quest diagnosis

132 dhi d r Horton

133 DHR Danaher

134 Dis Walter Disney

135 DISCA explore communication -A

136 DNB Dunbar company

137 DNR denbury resources company

138 doing diamond offshore drilling

139 DOV Dover

140 Dow chemistry

14 1 DPS Dr. Pepper snapple Group

142 Derridaden Hotel

143 DTE DTE energy

144 digital TV live TV

145 duke energy company

146 DV devry

147 dva davita

148 DVN Dai Wen Energy

149 EBAY eBay

150 ECL yikang chemical industry

United Edison company

152 EFX equifax

153 EIX Edison International Company

154 Estee Lauder

155 EMC EMC company

156 EMN Eastman chemical industry

157 EMR Emerson electric company

158 EOG EOG resources

159 EP El paso energy (suspended)

160 EQR apartment property equity trust

161eqt company

162 EA electronic art world

163 ESRX quick prescription

164 ETFC Oriental Trade Finance

165 ETN Eaton Company

166 ETR security technology company

167 EW Edward life sciences

168 EXC Axlon electric power company

169 world health organization international EXPD expeditors

170 Express

17 1 Ford Motor Company

172 quick fastener

173 FCX Freeport mcmullen copper-gold mine

174 FDO family dollar store

175 FDX fedex

176 FE first energy

177FFIF5 network

178 FHN First Horizon Bank

179 FII joint investment

180 FIS fidelity national information service center

18 1 FISV fischer company

182 FITB 53 bank

183 forward-looking infrared system

184 FLR Fulu

185 FLS flowserve company

186 FMC FMC company

187 fofujun brand (hanging)

188 FRX forest laboratory

189 FSLR first solar energy

190 FTI fmc technology

19 1 FTR frontline communication

192 gas nicor

193 GCI gannett

194 GD universal power supply

195 general electric company

196 Gilead Gilead science

197 GIS universal rolling mill

198 GLW corning

199 GME game city

200 GNW genworth finance

20 1 Google Google

202 GPC pure brand parts

203 GPS gap

204 GDP goodrich

205 GS Goldman Sachs

206 GT Goodyear tire

207 Granger Street

208 Halliburton Company

209 HAR Harman International Industrial Company

2 10 Hasbro

2 1 1 HBAN Huntington financial report

2 12 HCBK Hudson city bank

2 13 HCN medical real estate trust

214 hcp real estate trust

2 15 HD The Home Depot

Hess oil company

2 17 HIG Hartford Financial Services Company

HNZ· Heinz company

2 19 Harley-Davidson motorcycle

220 HON Honeywell international company

22 1 Starwood Hotel

222 horsepower helmer Ritchie &; pen

223 HPQ Hewlett-Packard Company

224 HRB H & amp; Bullock

225 homer street, HRL


227 HSP hospira

228 HST hosts hotels and fake villages

229 HSY Hershey Company

230 HUM hamenna

23 1 IBM IBM company

232 Intercontinental Exchange

233 IFF international spices and essences

234 IGT international game technology

INTC Intel 235

236 INTU intuition software

237 international paper industry

238 IPG Ai Peizhi

239 IR Ingersoll rand

240 IRM Tieshan

24 1 ISRG visual surgery

242 ITT ITT technology

243 ITW Illinois Tools Company

244 IVZ jingshun

245 JBL Pu Jie electronics company

246 JCI johnson controls

247 JCP J.C Penney

248 JDSU jiedixun photoelectricity

249 JEC· Jacobs Project

JNJ· Johnson no.250

25 1 JNPR exhibition network

252 JNS Lijun Asset Management Company

253 Happy September 1st Qiu Huan

254 JPM Bank of JPMorgan Chase

No.255 JWN North Street

256 K jialeshi

257 KEY company

258 KFT kraft food

259 Jin Jinke Real Estate Trust

260 KLAC tianke semiconductor company

KMB Kimberly-Clark Company

262 KMX camas company

263 KO coca-cola

KR KR krogh 264

KSS keer department store no.265

266 L luosi insurance

267 tui Li En pai group

LEN laina real estate no.268

269 LH American laboratory

270 Life Life Technology

27 1 LLL L-3 Communication Holdings

LLTC Lin Park Jung Su No.272


274 LM meisheng group

275 LMT Lockheed Martin Company

276 Lincoln International Airport, LNC

277 LO Lorillard Tobacco Company

278 Lloyd Street

279 large scale integrated circuit

280 co., ltd. brand dress


282 LUV southwest airlines

No.283 International Road, Li Meng

284 m Macy's department store

285 mA MasterCard

286 MAR Marriott international hotel

287 Masmarco Street

288 MAT Mattel

289 MCD McDonald's

290 MCHP micro-core technology

29 1 Mike mckesson

292 MCO· Moody Company

293 MDT Medtronic

294m Metropolitan Insurance

MHP· No.295 McGraw Hill

296 MHS Ke Mei medical care (suspended)

297 MJN mead Johnson

298 MKC tastes delicious.

299 million euros. McLennan

300 MMI Motorola Mobile

30 1 MMM Minnesota mining manufacturing

302 Mo Gotelli

303 MOLX Moshi

304 Monsanto

305 Merck Street, MRK

306 MRO marathon oil company

Ms. Morgan Stanley

308 MSFT Microsoft company

309 MSI Motorola solution

3 10 mountain bike M & ampt bank

3 1 1 micron technology

3 12 Murphy Oil Company

3 13 MWV medvisvik

3 14 MWW global monster

3 15 MYL Mylan Laboratory

3 16 NBL aristocratic energy

3 17 NBR Naboth industries

3 18 NDAQ Nasdaq OMX

3 19 Northeast Minghao Drilling

320 NEE future energy company

32 1 NEM Newmont Mining Company

322 NFLX Netflix

323 NFX Xintian Petroleum

324 Ninesos

NKE Nike 325 Hao

326 northrop Grumman Company

1 1 month 327 Gaohua national oil well

NRG NRG energy 328

No.329, NSC, South Norfolk

330 NSM national semiconductor company

33 1 NTAP domain storage technology

NTRS north America trust 332

333 NU northeast public utilities

334 NUE Newco Steel Company


336 NVLS nuofa system (suspension)

337 NWL Newill rubber

338 NWSA News Group-Grade A

New york Stock Exchange-Euronext

340 Owens, Illinois

34 1 OKE oneok

342 Omcom Street, OMC

343 ORCL Oracle Bone Inscriptions

ORLY· O 'Reilly Automobile Company No.344

No.345 western oil company

346 PAYX Paige

347 PBCT People's Alliance Finance

348 PBI binnengbao

349 PCAR Kappa Street

350 PCG Pacific Gas Power Company

35 1 PCL Meixi Wood Industry

PCLN price hotline no.352

Compact parts of 353 screw pump

354 PCS metropcs communication

355 Parcent Street, PDCO

356 PEG public service

357 Pepsi

PFE Pfizer 358

PFG Xin 'an Finance No.359

360 PG Procter & Gamble Company

36 1 PGN progressive energy (suspended)

362 PGR progressive insurance

363 PH Parker Hannifin

364 PHM hotel

365 PKI platinum Elmer

366 PLD Prologis company

367 PLL pall

368 pm Philip Morris

369 PNC PNC financial services

PNW Pinnacle Western Capital No.370

37 1 POM pepco

372 PPG PPG industry

373 PPL PPL energy

374 Baodexin Finance

375 PSA public storage trust

376 PWR Quantum Service Company

377 PX praxair

378 PXD Pioneer Natural Resources

QCOM 379 Qualcomm Street

380 QEP QEP resources

38 1 R Ryder Logistics

American Renault automobile company

383 RDC Tam Drilling Company

384 RF regional finance

385 RHI road

386 RHT red hat

387 RL Ralph Lauren POLO

388 Korea Rockwell Automation Company

389 Roper Roper Industries

390 ROST luosi clothing retail

39 1 RRC range resources

392 RRD· Connery and his son

393 RSG *** and services

394 RSH radio building

395 RTN thunder

396 S sprint Nike

397 SAI scientific application

SBUX Starbucks 398 Hao

399 SCG scana Electric Power Company

SCHW charles schwab No.400

40 1 SE spectral energy

402 See Xiyueer Packaging

403 SHLD Sears Holding Company

404 SHW Xuanwei-Williams

405 Sial Sigma aldridge Street.

406 SJM shengmeijia food

407 SLB· Schlumberger

408 SLE Sally Group (suspended)


4 10 SNA Snap-on

4 1 1 SNDK holy disk

4 12 SNI Scripps network interaction

4 13 southern electric power

4 14 SPG Simon Real Estate

4 15 SPLS staples

4 16 SRCL space cycle

4 17 SRE sempula energy company

4 18 STI Sun Trust

4 19 STJ St. Yuda Medical Center

420 STT Dawu

42 1 STZ constellation company

422 Sun Sun Petroleum

423 SVU supermarket

SWK Stanley 424

425 SWN Southwest Energy

426 xiwei street

427 SYK· stryker street

SYMC Symantec 428

429 Xike Street

430 tons at&t company

43 1 Tap Water Brewed in Coors, molson

432 TDC teradata

433 TE teco energy company

434 TEG integrys energy

435 Tereda Street

436 TGT target

437 THC Purpose Medical Treatment

438 series titanium metal

TIF Tiffany no.439

440 TJX TJX retail

44 1 TLAB Taylor

TMK torch 442

443 TMO Thermo Fisher Scientific Shier Scientific Protection Board

444 TROW T Rowe Price

445 TRV Traveler Group

446 TSN Tai Sen gourmet

447 TSO Tesauro oil company

448 TSS total system service

449 TWC time warner Inc. Company Telegraph

450 TWX time warner Inc. Company

45 1 TXN Texas instruments

452 TXT Deshilong

TYC Tyco International No.453

454 UNH union health

455 UNM United Insurance Company

456 UNP United Pacific

457 UPS United Parcel Express

458 URBN city living goods chain


460 UTX United technology company

46 1 V VISA card

462 VAR varian medical treatment

463 VFC VF clothes

464 via _ b viacom-class b (suspension)

465 Energy Street, VLO· Valero

466 VMC Vulcan material

467 VNO Vornado real estate trust

VRSN weiruixin no.468

469 VTR ventas

470 VZ Freisen Telecom

47 1 voegelin

472 Walter Waters

473 WDC Western Data

474 WEC Energy Street, Wisconsin

WFC Wells Fargo No.475

476 WFM quanshi supermarket

477 WFR memc electronic material

WHR Vortex 478

479 WIN windstream

480 jingdian street, WLP

48 1 WM waste management

482 Williams Street, WMB·

WMT Wal-Mart Store No.483

484 WPI huasheng pharmacy

WPO Washington Post No.485

486 Wu Xilian Remittance

487 WY huihao

488 Wayne Windham Street.

489 Yongli Yongli Holiday Inn

490 X American steel

49 1 XEL XCEL energy

492 XL XL uppercase

493 XLNX Xilinx

494 XOM ExxonMobil Company

495 Ray Dunsburg International

XRX xerox 496

YHOO Yahoo 497

498 Baisheng catering

499 ZIONS Finance

500 ZMH· Zimmer Holding Company