Production and composition of semen
First of all, we need to know how semen is produced and what it is made of. What's the difference between semen and what we call sperm?
Normal semen is a viscous liquid mixture composed of sperm and seminal plasma, accounting for more than 90% of semen volume. Sperm is produced by testis, matured in epididymis and exported through vas deferens. Semen is mainly the mixed fluid secreted by prostate gland, seminal vesicle gland, urethral gland and other accessory glands, and also includes a small amount of testicular fluid and epididymal fluid.
In addition to water, fructose, protein and peptides, seminal plasma also contains many other sugars (such as glucose), enzymes (such as prostaglandin), inorganic salts and small organic molecules, which can provide nutrition and energy for sperm.
How to evaluate semen quality?
Normal semen is uniform in appearance, grayish white, and its volume is 1.5-6.0ml. First, let us judge by simply looking, listening and asking, which is our most intuitive feeling. When we come to see Dr. Yuan, we usually find problems in this link. Today, we try to give semen an appearance and smell, so that friends can know their physical condition at home.
1. Look at the color and shape
(1) milky white, which may indicate high sperm concentration or white blood cells in semen;
(2) Pale yellow, which may have reproductive tract infection or long-term abstinence, and the semen of patients with jaundice may also be yellow;
(3) reddish brown indicates that there are red blood cells (hemospermia) in semen, which is often caused by seminal vesiculitis.
④ Translucency may indicate that there is no sperm.
Fresh semen just injected is generally gelatinous (which helps sperm to adhere to the cervix). At room temperature, semen will be completely liquefied within 20-30 minutes (which helps sperm swim and fertilize).
① There is no gel in semen: it indicates obstruction of vas deferens or hypoplasia of seminal vesicle;
② Prolonged or incomplete liquefaction time of semen: It indicates that there are problems in prostate, seminal vesicle and urethral gland;
③ The semen is elongated linearly, and the length is more than 5cm, which may indicate that the sperm motility is reduced!
Normal semen smells like chestnut flowers, like heather106/ml; ② Sperm motility rate: 40% of sperm move forward (NP is non-forward sperm); ③ Sperm morphology: normal sperm morphology ④MAR/ immune bead test: sperm antibody was encapsulated in 10% active sperm; ⑤ No sperm agglutination?
④ Normal seminal plasma should have: ① semen volume ② normal appearance and viscosity; ③ pH and germanium; 7.2; ④ Biochemical examination of seminal plasma was normal; ⑤ Leukocyte
⑤ Abnormal sperm: Sperm that meets the above normal criteria and has one of the following criteria is abnormal seminal plasma: ① Sperm volume.
⑥ Abnormal azoospermia: sperm concentration =2006/ml, sperm motility = 06/ml, pr.
8 oligozoospermia: sperm concentration
9 azoospermia: there is seminal plasma but no sperm.
Pet-name ruby azoospermia: No semen is discharged.
Now you can clearly understand your semen routine. I believe that most people still meet the standards, and there is no problem, which can eliminate your concerns.
The relationship between male health and semen?
Then someone will definitely ask: What are the problems in men's health that will affect the quality of semen? How to prevent and improve semen quality?
Overnutrition in adolescence will lead to obesity, affect the development and appearance of penis, reduce serum testosterone level and increase estrogen level, affect spermatogenesis and abnormal semen quality in testis, thus affecting fertility.
Therefore, for obesity, we should actively participate in physical exercise, limit calorie intake, eat less foods with high protein, high fat and high sugar, keep our weight within the normal range, and avoid low fertility or infertility after marriage.
Smoking and drinking habits pose a serious threat to reproductive health and should be controlled or quit. Whether active or passive smoking, nicotine in tobacco will reduce sperm motility and fertilization ability, and there is a dose-effect and time-effect relationship.
Industry brings/,which will cause male testicular atrophy, decreased sperm concentration and abnormal increase of sperm, leading to abnormal sexual and reproductive functions.
Heavy metals such as lead, cadmium, manganese and mercury also have different effects on male reproductive system. Testicles are very sensitive to ionizing radiation. Different doses of ionizing radiation can cause temporary or permanent damage to testicular spermatogenic function. Various preventive measures should be taken for some special professionals.
With the rapid development of society, the fast-paced and high-stress living conditions have also had a great impact on men's health, and even caused male infertility. Learning to relax and keep a good attitude is conducive to physical and mental health.
A good lifestyle and a healthy mental state are the greatest guarantees of semen quality. There is no doubt that it is needed. Let's act from now on!