First, one of the most common phenomena among contemporary young people is staying up late. It is not difficult to find that staying up late is very common among students, especially college students, and it has become a common practice. Therefore, to stay healthy, the most important thing is to change the habit of staying up late. Going to bed early and getting up early is good for your health. Staying up late is too harmful to the body, not only dark circles, but also endocrine disorders, which greatly reduces the body's resistance.
Secondly, contemporary young people especially like to stay at home, don't like to cook by themselves, and don't like to eat in the school cafeteria, so ordering takeout is their usual way of eating. But take-away is not as clean and safe as everyone thinks, and nutrition is not necessarily up to standard. Moreover, many young people like to order fried chicken hamburgers, which are too high in fat and calories, which is actually not good for their health. When you order takeout, you also give up the opportunity to walk more, your body doesn't get enough exercise, and our defense system will relax.
Third, contemporary young people have gradually developed a kind of inertia, not loving sports and not going out. In fact, we can often walk and exercise regularly, which is beneficial to strengthen and strengthen our defense system to avoid being invaded by bacteria and viruses. So I appeal to young people to run more, swim more and keep fit.