Which is better for your health, walking or square dancing?

I think both of them can achieve the purpose of fitness, but the fitness effect of square dance is more obvious and faster. If you want to achieve the fitness effect by walking, you should pay attention to the need to achieve a certain amount of exercise.

1. Let's talk about walking first. Walking can relieve mental tension and relax. After walking outdoors for about 20 minutes, your body muscles are mobilized. The amount of activity seems small, but it plays a role in exercising muscles. Thinking can also be more open.

Secondly, there are several points to pay attention to when walking. You can do it at least 20 minutes after the first meal, because after dinner, our stomach is digesting, and walking affects the digestion of our stomach. You should also pay attention to the distance of 2 to 4 kilometers. Too little or too much activity is not good for your health. And control the speed.

3. Square dance is also called dam dance. Square dance is the largest system in dance art, named after gathering in the square, and its main purpose is to entertain the body and mind. We should also pay attention to the square dance, and dance half an hour after dinner, otherwise it will be bad for the stomach and will cause a stomachache. At the beginning, you should also dance gently, and make a slow and rapid transition, so that your body can accept it and it is not easy to get hurt. Don't jump on an empty stomach, it's easy to faint with hypoglycemia. You should also prepare water and drink water during dancing, because sweating too much will dehydrate you.

4, so that both can achieve the effect of fitness, that is, we should pay attention to some matters, otherwise it will also cause harm to the body.