How to integrate students' mental health education into daily education and teaching management activities?

Mental health education in schools is related to every detail around us. Teachers should understand students' family environment, etc. Because all these are related to the formation of students' existing characteristics and personalities, teachers can't simply teach them how to cultivate themselves into a healthy person. Theoretical knowledge should guide students' study life after their own study.

For example, how do we solve conflicts between students? Why are some students withdrawn, irritable, too quiet or unwilling to study? There are no bad students in the world. There must be a reason behind their behavior, and it is a deep psychological reason. Teachers can talk with students, understandably, the atmosphere should be relaxed, and they should not highlight their teacher status. In teaching activities, we should always know students' dominant position, understand students, and let students know what they need, so as to prescribe the right medicine. Solve their difficulties, cultivate them to establish a sound personality and become real people.