Is Yangling Evergrande Primary School public or private?

Yangling Evergrande Primary School is public.

The school-running characteristics of Evergrande Primary School are: to maximize and optimize teaching resources through "three-three cooperation" and build a small-class boutique school. Among them, the management model embodies three resultant forces-schools, families and scientific research institutes; the classroom model embodies three resultant forces-guidance, discipline and modern technology; and the education model embodies three resultant forces-IQ, EQ and adversity quotient.


The philosophy of running a school is: enjoy education-let every teacher, student and school get sustainable development.

The purpose of running a school is: based on the foundation, focusing on development, leading by scientific research and deepening the connotation.

The school spirit is: make great efforts and never give up.

The motto of the school is: Try to do better.

The school spirit is: harmony, self-discipline and upward.

The teaching spirit of the school is: passion, dedication and creation.

The school's style of study is diligence, thoughtfulness and cooperation.

Education Bureau of Yangling Demonstration Zone-Implementing after-school service to help healthy growth