Duobang ceramic tile adhesive is suitable for sticking ceramic tiles on gypsum board, fiberboard, plywood or old decorative surfaces (ceramic tiles, mosaics, terrazzo) and other large stone plates. In addition to gray, it can also provide a white appearance, suitable for pale or translucent marble, tiles and other natural stones.
The history of ceramic tiles dates back to BC, and Egyptians began to decorate various types of houses with ceramic tiles. People dry or dry clay bricks, and then paint them with blue glaze extracted from copper. In BC, tiles were also found in Mesopotamia. This kind of tile was decorated with blue and white stripes, and later more styles and colors appeared. During the Islamic period in the Middle Ages, the decoration method of all tiles reached its peak in Persia. Subsequently, the use of ceramic tiles gradually prevailed all over the world. In the historical process of ceramic tiles, the development of Spanish and Portuguese mosaics, Italian Renaissance floor tiles, Antwerp glazed tiles, Dutch ceramic tile illustrations and German ceramic tiles all have milestone significance. In ancient times, they were all made by hand. In other words, every tile is hand-shaped and hand-painted, so every tile is a unique work of art. Now the whole world is using automatic production technology, and people's hands are only used to operate equipment. As in the past, tiles are used for indoor and outdoor decoration.