Ledong healthy d

Use 9 1?

Enter file management. File system. /var/mobile/Applications/de 4282 b 1- 1 1 B4-4 1e 6-9 1DD-d 5660495 c 29 1/Library/Preferences?

Enter the following folders in turn. ? And after that? Find it and open it? com . red atoms . beat master 20 12 . plist?

Did you find the picture?

What should be under your coin? Your own flashing number. ? Then change it into the modified flash coin you want, and it will be OK. And after that? Save. ? Enter the game?

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It's that simple. ? There are always surprises. ? Ha ha. ?

When you see success, don't forget the top. ? Dude, it's not easy to learn something ? Ask for support?