What are the greatest engineering technologies of the 20th century, as tallied by the United States?

The selection of the greatest technological achievements of the 20th century was a collaborative enterprise of the Federation of American Technical Communities under the leadership of the National Academy of Engineering, National Engineers Weekly, and 29 engineering groups. The top 20 achievements were selected and ranked in order from a list of 105 items submitted. The criteria for selection were those accomplishments that have improved the quality of life the most in the last 100 years, although some accomplishments, such as the telephone and the automobile, were invented in the 19th century, but their impact on society did not become apparent until the 20th century, so they were included. Electrification The widespread use of electricity in the 20th century brought light to the world and provided energy to almost every task and endeavor in modern society: lighting, heating, air conditioning ...... Electrification has led to countless inventions that have made life safer, healthier, and more convenient to the point that it is difficult to imagine life without electricity. Its impact has been enormous, touching the vast majority of people on this planet. Automobiles The average person in 1900 traveled 1,200 miles in his or her lifetime, usually on foot and usually in his or her own village or town. Today, the average American adult travels 10,000 miles a year just by automobile, and there are 500 million automobiles in the world. In one way or another, the automobile has turned into the world's primary means of transportation for people and goods, and the automobile industry has turned into a steady source of economic growth. Airplanes Today a person can travel from Europe to the United States in four hours on Concorde; the same trip would have taken seven to ten days by ship in 1900. Air travel has dramatically changed our world, and the extraordinary engineering advances that have shaped the history of the airplane are the most dramatic story of the 20th century. Water Supply At the beginning of the 20th century, waterborne diseases like typhoid and cholera afflicted the world. Dysentery, the most common waterborne disease, was the third leading cause of death. The success of water systems has led to longer life expectancy, a reduction in infant mortality, a significant increase in agricultural productivity, and an improvement in the quality of life around the world. ELECTRONICS From vacuum tubes and transistors to microprocessors, electronic devices have become smaller, more powerful, and more efficient. the heart of the electronic system that swept the world in the second half of the twentieth century was the integrated circuit. Brilliant processes and inventions are hidden in the unseen components that make wireless communications, satellite broadcasting, air traffic control systems, and many other new technologies that improve the quality, safety, and convenience of modern life. Radio and Television The use of radio and television was one of the great tables of substitution for social change in the 20th century, opening windows to other lives, to distant regions of the world, and to history in the making. Mechanization of Agriculture At the turn of the century in the United States, it took a large number of hands weeks to plant or harvest a single crop, and every four farmers fed ten people. Today, food crops throughout the Midwest can be planted in 10 days and harvested in 20 days. One farmer can provide food to feed 97 Americans. The global spread of advanced agricultural technology provides the assurance that famine will be fought in the new millennium. Computers In the 20th century computers went from big, bulky machines that processed data to lightweight tools that became a necessary part of every major industry. The real computer revolution was not about the number of bytes, but about the ability of all people, regardless of geographic location and political views, to share information and learn from each other. Telephone In the 20th century the telephone went from something of limited use to the centerpiece of the advanced technology that forms the basis of the modern way of life. The almost instantaneous connection between friends, family, work, and country made possible communications that enhanced life, industry, and the economy. Air Conditioning and Refrigeration As air conditioning and refrigeration systems became more sophisticated, and work and play were no longer limited by the weather, mankind literally adapted the environment to his needs. Highways Highways opened up our nation, allowing goods and services to reach remote places and prompting the growth of suburbs. Providing more choices of jobs, health care, services, education, and cultural resources for people in every location. Spaceships In 1957, the Soviet Union's Sputnik 1 pierced the atmosphere, shaking the world and beginning the space race that galvanized the most significant engineering program in U.S. history. The resulting space program has had a tremendous impact on people around the world. The Internet The Internet was conceived in the 1960s as a tool for connecting universities and government research centers by allowing a variety of computers to exchange information and *** enjoy resources through a national network. It is changing cultural patterns, business practices, the consumer goods industry, and research and education efforts. Its possible future uses are just beginning to be reflected. Also among the greatest technological achievements are imaging technology, home appliances, health technology, petroleum technology, lasers and fiber optics, nuclear technology, and high-performance materials.

