About the door strain stone?

The complete full guide to Icewind Dale 2


The game begins by creating a team of at least two warriors, either a ranger, archer, warrior, or barbarian, who are known for their melee combat and are the mainstay of the front line. There are also wizards or sorcerers, whose magic and sorcery can inflict area damage on the enemy, and clerics or druids to restore the team's strength. There is also a thief in the team to disarm traps or open treasure chests. Several teams are preconfigured at the start screen, so players can choose any team they want if they don't want to bother configuring them.

The combat portion of the game is grueling, so try to use the tactic of maneuvering around and breaking up fights, rather than fighting hard, or you'll inevitably lose a team member. When you have very little blood, look for an exit to escape, and choose to rest (Z button) to replenish blood and come back to fight again. Note that there aren't many prop merchants in the game, so get the best equipment for your team at each location. The puzzle part of the game is very heavy and difficult, some key props (such as ropes, gems and keys, etc.) must be carefully searched for and collected, so that you do not have to come back later for a prop to find all over the map. When you play this game, you will first read the current chapter of the guide, and then you will know what props you need.

Some of the treasure chests in the scene may be equipped with traps, send thieves to investigate it with the search (search) command, there are traps in the treasure chest will turn red, disarm the traps and open the locks will be able to get the equipment inside. Many missions and scenes in the treasure chest often hides the key to pass the props, the need for the thief's lock skills to reach a certain level in order to open, so in the upgrading pay attention to this skill to allocate the right amount of points. Pressing the ALT key in the game scene will reveal items that can be used, such as barrels that can be broken or doors that can be entered. Nice treasures will be dropped when killing enemies, but they can only be useful if they are appraised. Later in the game, you will find that there are too many things to put away, so you can sell them to merchants or put them in treasure chests, and then bring them back when you need them. Generally speaking, after a chapter, the plot props of the previous chapter can not be used, in order to save some space to throw it away.

Prologue: Soldiers in the city

The distant villages and mountains are forever covered in the sunset, after weeks of bumpy travelers thought that they could finally rest in the harbor, however, the sails of the boats were suddenly attacked by a large number of goblins, blazing flames across the sky, many of the boats in the flames of the slowly sank, jumped into the water in the people in the miserable howl in pain, struggling, some people fought for their lives, and the people in the water, the people in the water. Struggling, some fought to swim to the beach, but was rushed to the orcs cut off the way of life, more uncountable corpses drifted to the depths of the streams and valleys between the mountain ranges, letting the cold snowflakes fall on their bodies, silent.

Only a handful of ships avoided the onslaught, arriving safely at the harbor town at the foot of the mountains, a burning sunset hiding behind the mountains and casting a shadow over the town as fearful and weary travelers poured into the town to find a shred of life to rely on. On board Captain Hedren's ship, a group of warriors embark on a new adventure.

Talking with the captain on the ship, we learned that the people of Tango were trying to defend themselves against the incoming goblin army, but that there was not enough wood for the outpost to build a wall, and he suggested that we ask the mayor for more information. Disembarking the boat and coming ashore, I encountered a guard with an arrow wound in his arm, his blood soaked through the crude bandage, so I agreed to fetch him a bottle of healing potion from the warehouse to the north. Find a large room in the northwest part of the dock, send a thief to open the door and enter a large warehouse, open the chest on the shelf in the northeast corner to get the healing potion, and return to give it to the wounded guard to take.

Traveling north along the coast, you'll meet Bronge outside the warehouse and learn that goblins have entered the warehouse, so go to the tavern as soon as possible to find mercenaries to destroy them. Here you can choose to go directly in to kill the goblins, or go to the southern tavern to find mercenaries. It is recommended to go in directly to kill, even if you go to the south to find the tavern, the three people in the corner of the house do not recognize themselves as mercenaries, just a team of adventurers. The door to the storehouse has been unlocked by goblins. Send a thief to unlock the door, kill all the goblins inside, and find the entrance to the tunnel in the upper left corner. The smell of sulfur and rotting stench fills the labyrinth of tunnels. Go back outside the store and talk to Bronge, and learn that the tunnels were once a hideout for pirates long ago, about which he suggests I talk to the mayor of the town.

Traveling south along the coast, I encountered an elderly gnome clansman, Joran, who had fought the goblins on the way, and said that if the party wanted to rest they could stay at his home to the southeast, where a treasure chest had been set with a trap, a powerful weapon against the invading goblins. But a skillful thief can disarm the trap and get the weapon inside. If he encounters an enemy he can't defend himself against, he can lure them in and destroy them. The house in the southwest of the map is the home of the old gnome, so send the thief to disarm the trap on the chest, then open the lock and get the five pieces of equipment inside.

Kill the two goblins in a room directly south of the map, and talk to the woman inside, who turns out to be Captain Hedren's mother, and promises to convey the news of her health to the captain.

Walk up the steps from the northwest corner of the docks to the center of Tanger Town, and in a room you will meet Kuruham, a cleric who works as a mortician, and who, according to him, can communicate with the dead, which the mayor of the town hopes will lead to an investigation into the deaths of the townspeople. After chatting with him for a while, he learned that he had stayed at the town's inn for a while, but that he had gotten so tired of hearing the cries of ghosts outside the inn's windows in the dead of night that he had moved out of the inn. Going to the inn in the southeast of the town and talking to the owner, we learned that a woman had once lived in that room, waiting for her husband's return, but her husband was unaccounted for in a storm, and in despair she jumped from the window off a cliff to her death, and thus the soft sobbing of the apparition would be heard every night. We asked to stay in that guest room, that perhaps we might free that sentimental spirit, and got the key to the room from the owner, and at the same time learned that the priest had put a charm on the door and handed the owner a bottle of a magic potion, which he said was for destroying the ghosts in the house, but which the owner had never dared to use. We asked for the potion in the hope of identifying the contents, we heard that the mayor's wife was good witch, so maybe she could recognize the contents of the bottle. A search of the mayor's house in the southeast leads to a spellbook and rune, and a conversation with the mayor's wife in the dining room in the east leads to her help in identifying the innkeeper's potion. To identify the potion, open the buy/sell window, click on the question mark icon on the left (Identify) and then select the bottle of potion in the item bar and click on the "Identify" button on the top right corner of the screen to complete the identification. The bottle turns out to be nothing more than fresh water, but it can be used as a prop for communicating with ghosts. Go back to the inn and talk to the owner and show him the bottle. Go back to the mayor's house and talk to the wizard and ask her about the bottle, she said that you need to collect the tears of the ghost into the bottle. Then go back to the inn and go up to the second floor and find the crying ghost in the room with the broken window. After talking to her, go downstairs and ask the boss for her husband's name, then go to the tavern at the pier and ask the boss for the name of the ghost's husband's fishing boat, and get a piece of the statue of the head of the fishing boat. She finally believes that her husband is dead, and her heart is finally put down, and she leaves quietly after giving us a tear. The ghost's tears can be exchanged for 500 gold or a short sword from the mayor's wife.

In the eastern house of the town, we found a ragged Fern, who was also a member of the adventuring party, and asked him about the reason for his attire. Fern was ashamed, not realizing that he was in such a situation due to the difference in positions, but when he saw the scrolls that we took from the goblins, he suddenly launched an attack on us, and it turned out that he was a spy sent by the goblin race in an attempt to take over the town. Kill him and search the bookshelf to find a book.

In the southern streets of Tangor, we encountered a sad-looking timber merchant who had purchased a large amount of timber from the Lonely Forest for the town's defenses, but because his crane was broken, he didn't have enough manpower to transport the timber to the town on the hillside, so we agreed to look for a mechanic who could repair the crane for him.

There is a large round tent in the northern part of the town that is the only medical clinic in the town. Talk to the wounded man in his bed and you will receive a letter to deliver to one of the female officers of Winterfell. It seems that he was not optimistic about his injuries, so he wrote this love letter to his last wife while he was dying. A conversation with the mayor's wife leads to the mention of a wounded soothsayer who is trying to figure out the location of the goblin stronghold. There is also a dying wounded man in another bed, moaning about rivers, icy valleys and winged women, among other things, who is the soothsayer mentioned by the mayor's wife.

Find the mayor in the southeast mansion of the town and inform him of the news that the goblins at the docks have been exorcised, the mayor is pleased to hear this and apologizes for his rude attitude earlier, welcoming us to the defense of the town. When he learned that the goblins had come to the docks through a secret pirate tunnel, he told us to head north to the Paracerdes camp to find the captain of the guard, from whom we could receive a new mission assignment.

Go out through the northern gate of the town to Palacedes and find the Captain of the Guard in the first house in front of it, after formalizing his report he brings up the issue of the wood supply and tells us to ask for information from Olep, the gnome mechanic here. Go to the north side of the fortress and find Olep the Gnome, he is working on repairing the town's defenses and is also struggling with the lack of wood, telling him about the broken crane in town he suggests that I go to the docks and find his father, Joran, and perhaps his carpentry skills can get the crane fixed. Go back to the docks and find Joran to explain the situation, get a wooden wheel from him, go back to town and put the wheel on the crane to fix it. Go back to the camp and talk to Olep to turn it in, and then to the Captain of the Guard for the next quest.

Talk to the Captain of the Guard and find out that the Captain of the Archers, Ethel Ward, is defending the west wall of the camp, and that he has an unusual shortage of bows and arrows. Go to the west side of the camp to find Isherwald and learn that they need 300 arrows. Go back to the south side of town and talk to the shopkeeper, she refused to give us the arrows, so we borrowed the arrows after a lot of talking and explaining to her the advantages and disadvantages of the arrows. In the southeast of the camp, behind the house, we encountered a lazy soldier, Neil, who actually asked us to get some wine for him, so we can get some experience points by admonishing him.

The next quest is to go to the town and find the cleric Kuruham who can communicate with the dead, he is trying to translate the language of the goblins and seems to be having an unusually difficult time communicating, we suggest that he writes down the information that he gathers, and then find someone else to translate the goblin language from the manuscript. Back at the camp we talk to the captain of the guards, who wants us to go to the tavern on the docks to get help from those gluttonous mercenaries, which will be used to bolster the camp's defenses. Upon arriving at the tavern the three guys refused to follow orders, so we had to step in and put them down. Back at the camp, we were talking to the captain of the guards when there was a loud bang outside and the goblin troops stormed the camp. Rushing out to fight against the goblins, a sorcerer soon summoned two groups of goblin warriors in the camp, and at the same time released huge fireballs that burned down the fence wall and the gate as well. After clearing out the goblins from the camp, we returned to the house and reported to the captain of guards about wiping out the enemies, and were rewarded with 1,000 gold coins. When we returned to the town and talked to the mayor, we learned that the goblins that attacked here were just the vanguard, and that their main force had already headed for the Saintona Bridge, which is the knob that connects to Winterfell, and would cut off the town's backbone if it were occupied by the goblins. So our party went out from the camp in the north and marched south to the Cairngona Bridge.

Chapter 1: The Orc Fortress

On the march, we encountered the leader of the Broken Tooth Clan, Toranque, who refused to let us pass, so we had to lead our team to break through, not to rush into the battle, and to pay attention to the enemy's use of rockets to ignite the barrels of sulfur, so wait for the burning before approaching them. Rush to the center of the map to meet Dylans, he thanked for the release from the orcs, and said that he can open the passage to the bridge of the Saintona, but must be cleared of all the orcs on the ice field, to give his home a peace of mind. After eliminating all the orcs from the snowy mountain region, Dylance added that his wife Saparina was unaccounted for when the orcs invaded Cairngona, and that if he had the chance to visit her, he would bring her to him to reunite them.

After Dylans opens the passage to the southeast of the map, go northwest around the goat path and continue to clear the orcs, taking care to prioritize the destruction of the shaman among the enemies, and then find Saparina at the end of the woods in the northwest corner, where she says that the orcs have set up deadly traps in front of them in order to prevent anyone from approaching the river bank, and that there is a sentry tower on the river bank that will light up with alarming fireworks if they find any sign of human beings. If you want to get to the bridge, you'll have to take out the sentry tower first. When you get to the center of the map, follow the path to the north and use your sword to cut through the trees to open up a passageway to meet Torank again. Don't get close to the barrels after he escapes, wait for the orcs to shoot them and then go over to the orcs after the fire goes out, and then cross the stone bridge to the northeast and head in the direction of Torank.

When we arrived at the northern snowfield, we encountered a group of orcs, and were joined in battle by Emma, a female wizard. After clearing all the monsters, we learned that one of her Moonblade swords had been stolen by the stone giants, and she begged us to help her find it. Explore to the southeast of the map, and on the way, we encounter a girl dressed in golden clothes, Caitlin, who is sent by the orc leader Torank, warning us not to approach the orc camp ahead, or else they will kill the inhabitants of the nearby villages with blood. It turned out that the orcs had taken the village people hostage to the mill in the north, the door to the mill was unlocked by the orcs from inside the camp, and now the only way to enter the mill was from the inside of the orc camp. The orcs had invaded this area a month ago, looting timber and building a fort in the northern grasslands, as well as building a dam in the river, speculating that they might want to take advantage of the onset of the summer rains to create a flood that would destroy all of the villages upriver as well as all of the towns.

The camp in the north can't be broken into, so send the thieves to use the Stealth command to run in, and then run along the camp's wall to the west where there's a spinning wheel, and turn it to open the gate of the mill in the west. When the thieves return safely, kill the orcs in the mill compound, destroy all the orcs and find the villagers who are surrounded by barrels in the center, break the barrels and free them all. Then kill your way back into the orc camp and pick up a key on the ground after defeating Torank. Rush into the cave is a small labyrinth, in the southeast of the stone room encountered the stone giant Ulank, he is now in charge of the orcs here, the fight should not be entangled with it, because he can be revived if he is knocked down, sent quickly to the treasure chest behind him to get the Moonblade Sword, kill all the orcs and Slimes, with it to break out of the cave to return the sword to Emma, she used the money as a reward, then refusal can be obtained if the sword ( I used the Ranger profession). Talk to Caitlin and tell her about freeing the villagers from the orcs, and learn that if you want to go to the bridge in the north, you have to go through the gate to the north of the mill, but it's locked, so use the key you picked up from Torank to unlock it, and head to the mountains of the plateau in the north.

Search along the narrow, winding paths to the north of the mountains, eliminating a number of gargoyles and serpents, and encountering a group of bandits, including an orc shaman and an archer, and a handful of spiders; kill them all and head to the far west of the map to get out of the labyrinth. Rush to the riverbank encountered some priests and arctic pigs and crazy cat and other monsters, after clearing the wooden bridge to the southwest in turn, found that the end of the bridge is broken, kill to the north to the bottom of the dam to investigate the wooden beams that support it, will be removed to get the timber, and at the same time the dam was destroyed, back to the broken bridge with wood to repair it to be able to pass through.

Finally, we've reached the Sengona Bridge. At the end of the bridge is a plain with a large force of orcs, so don't go too deep into the battle to avoid being besieged. Talking to the mayor of the town, we learn that Winterfell's reinforcements are on their way to Tanger from the west, so we can't just sit back and wait for them to arrive, we must destroy them before they do. Two of our scouts report that they have spotted a goblin advance, we must join them immediately and hit them where they are weak. After speaking with the mayor of the town, he marked the location of the goblin fortress on the map.

Arriving outside the fortress we met up with a scout, Anorelle, who was exhausted after more than ten days of exertion, and his companion, Branston, who had been lost on a mission. The fortress stretched across the mountains to the north, with many watchtowers and outposts along the way, and as it approached the rapid drumming of the local tribes could be heard, sounding like an alarm signal, so it was not easy to sneak in.

Talking to Annoretto before setting out will yield useful information about the fortress, the drums, and Branston. Start by clearing the orcs on the riverbank to the left, head over to the bridge to the southeast to kill the guards near the sentry tower, and remember to destroy the drums along the way. Touch the gate in the southeast corner and pretend to be an orc to talk to, but those inside refuse to open the door, mentioning that some orc at another gate has the key to the gate. Continue up the road and cross the second bridge and head east to five tents, where you can get a key and a medicine chest from the orc leader. Return to the southeast corner and use the key to open the gate, kill all the orcs and stone giants inside and enter the cave maze. Go clockwise around to the back of the gate and find a drum-beating guard, kill it and pick up a guard's key from the corpse, which can be used to unlock the iron gate not far from the entrance, but don't go back yet, go through the exit above and come to the next part of the cave maze.

There are two paths at the beginning of the labyrinth, so meander to the upper right to get to the interior of the fortress. Go left first, and then talk to a goblin leader at the end of the cave to receive a side quest that involves a canine goblin near the entrance to the first level of the labyrinth. If you enter the fortress, you will be attacked by a large number of orcs, and there are many archers on the walls, so we recommend you to run down and open the gate of the fortress, and run out of the fortress to rest and replenish your blood when you are running out of energy. After clearing out all the orcs in the fortress, open the wooden door in the center and enter the house. Kill all the orcs in the front room and find the key from the corpses, then open the second door and in the corridor you'll hear a conversation between two orcs who are arguing over the failure of the operation. When they are done talking, head to the upper right room to find Grima, kill him and then head to the nearby rooms to clear out the orcs, note that many of the treasure chests have traps that can be disarmed with the Thief's Search skill. Finally, use the Thief's Lockpicking skill to open the room in the lower right corner to find the missing scout, Branston, and ask him for some information about the orc leader, Seriqua. When the retreat is secured, take Branston with you and leave the fortress to meet up with Annolet outside, if you encounter enemies on the way you can send a member of your team to lead him far away and bring him back when the enemies are cleared to avoid being killed by the enemy's scattered troops. After the two scouts rendezvoused, the orc horde was already fleeing in all directions without a leader, and the towns of Tango and Cross were free of worry for the time being.

Go back to Tanger Town and talk to the mayor to get an urgent mission. Winterfell's forces have not yet arrived for some reason, so the purpose of our trip is to meet them and guide them to the town. Oswald in the town has a flying boat that can be used to find out where the Winterfell troops are. Go to the north of the town and find the captain and pick up some equipment, then talk to him to leave the town and fly to the northern passage.

Chapter 2: The Ice Temple of Snow

The flying boat shook violently during the voyage, and after a brief period of fainting, the group fought to clear out the intruding spiders, and it took quite a bit of effort to wake Captain Oswald, who learned that a portion of the ship's instruments had been lost, and so we had to go and retrieve them to help the captain repair the flying boat.

Exit the ship at the rear of the ship and head to the snow-covered mountainous terrain, where you can clear out some beetles and spiders, and investigate the pieces of wood on the ground to find out that there are a lot of beetles in the vicinity of the ship. Head north of the ship and you'll come across some yetis, investigate a wooden crate by the side of the road for a healing amulet, and not far from there you'll come across a traveling monk surrounded by shifting werewolves.

Walking along the snowy road in the mountains to the southeast, we encountered Captain Easter, who claimed that a group of giants were chasing them, circled around to the east and killed a group of stone-throwing giants, and then returned to talk to the captain again to learn that his wounds were still bleeding profusely, so we decided to find a way to stop the bleeding, and before we left we gave him some potions to stabilize his wounds. We gave him some potions to stabilize his wounds before we left. If we had gotten the amulet of healing before, we would have given it to him to stop the bleeding. In his dying moments, he recounted his latest adventure, a rescue party from Luskan that was about to meet up with the Winterfell forces in Tangor, but was blocked by the snow and ice of the southern mountains and attacked by the dragonesses, who warned us that there were many patrols and monks at the foot of the mountains, and that there were many traps set up in the vicinity.

Continuing to the northeast, we encountered a black beast named Oti, who warned us to stay away from the mountains and that any outsiders were unwelcome. After our pleas it finally agreed to take us to the village headman of Andorra, speaking with the village headman, Elim, soon the flying dragoness, Serik, appeared out of her sword and killed Oti, and went out of her way to push the crew off the mountain range.

Traveling west along the foothills of the mountains, you'll encounter a monk leader in a campsite. Talk to him first and buy some equipment, then reveal his werewolf identity and kill him. There is a magical barrier in the northern passage, where you can break through to enter the village of Andorra, kill your way through to the ice city in the north, and talk to the village man, Locke, to learn that there is a man imprisoned in the northern ice temple, and that he has heard of our party and wishes us to come to his rescue. Observe that the nearby ice gates are carved with totemic symbols of the Goddess of Winter, and that these gates are tightly closed, and we must find a way to open them in order to get through this part of the city.

After the conversation, a warrior and an ice monster will come and kill us. After clearing them, go clockwise northeast of the town around to the center and find a note from Sek on the way. Kill the three priestesses on the ice platform at the end, and pull down the three levers on the platform, which will break an icy statue underneath. Return to the ice platform and pick up the amulet from the ground so that all the ice gates in the city can be opened and the patrolling ghost guards will join the battle. Go through the second ice door to the right of the gate and head east to meet the city's chief, Gog. Defeat him and head to the southeast room of the city to find a sleeping green worm, kill it and find the man in the room, Sek, and give him the note he picked up, and he begs us to look for a female spider he tamed. It's in a room in the northwest corner of the Ice Temple; inform him of its discovery and ask for a Scoparia (a poisonous plant), and another to be picked up from the corpse of the Andorian village chief when you kill him. Go around to the east side of the Ice Temple and find the small door, use the thief to open the door and go in to the Ice Kiln to meet the controlled White Dragons, one of which claims to be controlled by strange voices that make it a berserk fighting machine, and we promise to help him out of his predicament.

Walking to the northeast corner of the ice city finally found the flying dragon banshee Serik, after the conversation started fierce battle, in the battle here to avoid melee, to be divided into batches to weaken its combat power. In the beginning to run outside, to attract a small group of pursuers in the back, after the elimination and then go in to attract the next group, in addition to the next room to roast the fire of the monks should also be cleared out, in the dialog choose "YES" can occur in the battle. Finally, you can kill the sorcerer on the temple steps, and the last banshee will stay on the steps and not come down, so you can use the archer to shoot the stone pole on the top of the steps with arrows to remove the barrier on the way. Go up the temple steps and kill the banshee (or ignore her and fight her later when you exit the temple), enter the temple door and go all the way to the main hall and talk to the priestess, kill her and get a key. Meet Ondabo in the northern room of the great hall, he will teach the way to kill ghosts, and don't mess with the ice giants in the inner room.

Explore deeper into the labyrinth, killing wizards and crystal giants along the way, sending thieves to open a series of doors, and then going to the southwest of the labyrinth to find Nathaniel, a man in captivity in a room, who was sent to destroy the town's ice wall. At the same time, we learned that Winterfell's army was stationed near the glacier and refused to march until the passage was opened, so we agreed to help him find tools to break the ice. We continue to explore the area and encounter Lisara, one of the three priestesses, and defeat her to get the second key. Then you can move forward to the room with the big disk on the floor, and in front of you are the three doors that couldn't be opened before. Stand on the left side of the disk and rotate it until the finger points to the north, then stand on the right side and point the finger to the north again, so that the three doors can be opened.

Get to the bottom floor and find a sleeping Nekandemus in a room in the western part of the maze. Wake him up and learn that he is the builder of the Ice Temple. After clearing out all the monsters in the bottom corridor, there are several puzzles to solve. In the northwest part of the labyrinth, there is a room that is an altar room. When you try to open the door, you will be prompted with a message that says "there is a shadow inside", so go to the southeast corner of the room and push the three levers to the left, then return to the first floor and click on the four statues on the main hall. Then, go to the east staircase and talk to the statues, and choose the second item to end the conversation, and then the green ball of light will appear. The team is teleported inside that room, there is a shadow trap on the door to the north that they can't get through, open the door to the west from the inside and return to the hallway, adjust the mirror on the north hallway, find two pull levers in the hall, turn the direction of the laser device on the left and the right to determine the firing, fire the laser device towards the north, the light is reflected by the mirrors to the northwest, which leads to the party's room and kills the shadows inside, go inside and Meet the priestess shrine Alta and kill her. At this point, return to the first floor and talk to the white dragon in the ice kiln in the northwest corner to get the name of the master controlling its consciousness, and it is released and leaves in an instant.

Adjacent rooms must be accessed in the same way. Go back to the first floor and talk to the portrait at the top of the stairs to end the conversation with the fourth option, then go back to the bottom floor and enter the treasure room to get a ring. The first three levers in the gladiator room can be switched to the gladiator mode, and the three consecutive victories against the monsters can get the key to the Shrine of Orion's room or a bonus. Switch the left lever to altar room mode, go to the north of the labyrinth and open the door to meet Aurian, after the conversation she disappears, you can't kill her ghost outside, you can kill her by luring her to the room, but you have to ask the White Dragon, Ondabo, and Nekandemus on the first floor questions about her real name and the way to kill the ghost, otherwise you won't meet her ghost.

There's a room in the south of the labyrinth that's the coffin room, it's full of ghosts, kill them all and open the coffin lid on the west wall, then go to the west hall and break the mirror, the shadows will show up and fight, kill them all and go back to the hall and turn the laser device to the south, use the light to open the door to the storage room in the southwest corner, go in and find Nathaniel's pouch from the wooden crate. If you break the laser during the operation, go to the southeast gladiator room and play a gladiatorial game, which will automatically repair it after three victories.

Kill the three priestesses and return to the first floor to talk to Nathaniel, giving him the ring and pouch, respectively; Nathaniel will then leave the Ice Temple to destroy the glacier, after which he will take a flying ship to Cross Town. To leave this chapter you have to kill the Flying Dragon Banshee outside the Ice Temple, and to fix the airship, **** you have to find six things: spider webs, potions (in the treasure chest next to the fire-roasting monks outside the Ice Temple), scopal preparations (you can take two of them, one on the Andorian village chief, and one on Sekh), iron ore (one iron wheel or general weapon dropped by fighting monsters), wood (on the outside of the airship), and diamonds (one can be found on the airship, and one can be found in the Ice Temple). (one can be found in the airship, two can be found in the Ice Temple, and one can be bought after saving Sike). After you find all six items and put them on the table of the airship, they suddenly disappear, so talk to Oswald and get out of the airship. If you solve all the ice temple events, ship repair events and kill the flying dragon banshee, at this point, a plot dialog will occur, the ice wall in the northern part of the town has finally been destroyed by Nathaniel, and meet up with the Winterfell army's men and women, and at this point, you will give the letter to one of the officers if you have received the letter delivery quest in the Tangertown medical clinic before.

Chapter 3: The Forest of the Lost Trail

After several days of hard work, Oswald finally had the flying ship repaired and headed for Tangor, while we traveled along the eastern path towards the Ice Lakes and the Raven River. The winds of the north are fierce as knives, and the creatures of the Savage Lands are even more ferocious and voracious, and mankind has little foothold or respite in this harsh environment.

On the path, we encountered a group of clumsy giants that appeared to have fled from the western ice fields, and after slaying them, we met a hunter at the end of the path to the south who did not have a good memory. Continue to the northeast and meet a couple of hunters, we hear that their village is just to the northeast and the village headman, Suma, is happy to receive us. At the entrance of the village, we speak with a merchantwoman and learn that there are large enemy forces stationed on the eastern pass, at which point she mentions to us another hidden route, following the Raven River you will find crisscrossing caverns, and through them a mountainous region with ancient gnome ruins, on the northern edge of the continent.

Talk to Jerry in the village, and learn that he and Anja*** are in love, but there are many suitors in the village, and for this reason there is a hunting contest, and if he loses he will have to run away with his beloved, at which point he will be able to fulfill his long-cherished wish by handing over a wolf pelt to him, and obtaining a necklace of bloodstones. Talk to the village headman, Suma, and learn that the village has been losing a lot of children lately, so if you help us look for them, she will guide us the way forward. Then we talked to Wenra, the healer at the entrance of the village, and learned that the child might have been abducted to the Fir Forest in the east. It took four hours to get to the Fell Forest, and not far from there we encountered another group of giants, which we took care of by going into the tent and talking to Limho, learning that there was a barbarian tribe to the east. Come to the east side of the map to meet a hunter ghost, said this place has a horrible demon, no one can live through this place. This labyrinth is quite complicated, first from the beginning of the place to the right is a fork in the road, there is a tree stump in the middle, to the left or right to find that you walk to the same scene, in fact, it is not the same scene, to observe whether there are no skeleton soldiers, stump there is no thing, or use the thief's search skills to observe the location of the traps on the ground, these are the main symbols, or to throw a few things on the ground to do as a sign. Walking out from here you will encounter the Forest Goddess (northeast, north, east, east from the start), and talk to her to learn that a woman lives on the west side of the forest, and that she has been seen bringing some children into the abode. Exit this labyrinth and go to the tent to talk to Limho, she refused to admit to kidnapping the children, when about to use force a child ran out of the secret passage to call for help, it turns out that it is she who abducted the children of the village and transformed them into monsters, next fight with this witch, kill her and the summoned monsters all.

Return to the village to find the medical doctor Wenla talk, and then find the village chief and hunter respectively talk, learned in the village west of the hunting ground there is a zombie appeared, every day will be broken out of the ground and refused to rest. Go to the village?