What is the price of Pacific Insurance Quality Assurance Medical Insurance? Is it reliable?

Pacific Life recently released a new proton reionization medical insurance policy, ProtonMind 2021 Proton Reionization Medical Insurance. Its 19-year old version has dominated the market with its $9.90 price tag and $3 million reimbursement.

So is this product coverage great, and should you deploy it?

This article can clear your doubts!

<a href="/redirect?location=aHR0cHM6Ly9iYW94aWFuLjAwYnguY29tLz9naWQ9MzQ2MTc4&title= JUUzJTgwJThBJUU1JUE0JUFBJUU1JUI5JUIzJUU4JUI0JUE4JUU1JUFFJTg5JUU1JUJGJTgzJUU2JTgwJThFJUU0JUI5JTg4JUU2JUEwJUI3JUVGJUJDJTlGJUU1JTg4JUFCJUU4JUEyJUFCJUU5JUFBJTk3JUU0JUJBJTg2JUU4JUJGJTk4JUU0JUI4JThEJUU3JTlGJUE1JUU5JTgxJTkzJUVGJUJDJTgxJUUzJTgwJThC &userId=28938419&passId=4171265761&planId=633801&unitId=868246&ideaId=2001065627" title="How about Pacific Quality Assurance? Don't get ripped off and not know it! " target="_blank">What about Pacific Quality Assurance? Don't be fooled and don't know!

A. How to protect your 2021 Proton Heavy Ion Medical Insurance

After learning more about the topic, we'll return to the topic, and the highlights of the charts will be on the top of the list:

Proton Heavy Ion Medical Insurance

This is an obvious example of how to protect your Proton Heavy Ion Medical Insurance

This is an example of how to protect your Proton Heavy Ion Medical Insurance.

1.? Proton heavy ion protection is more comprehensive

First, I would like to introduce you to what proton heavy ion is: proton heavy ion radiation therapy refers to the use of proton and heavy ion technology for malignant tumors for radiation therapy, is internationally recognized as the most cutting-edge radiation therapy technology. This technology passes through normal tissues with less damage, and focuses all the rays on the cancerous mass, minimizing the damage to the human body and maximizing the effect of cancer treatment.

In 2016, the number of people traveling to Japan for medical treatment grew at an alarming rate, with the number of people exceeding 500,000, five times the number in 2015. Because Japan's technology is more mature relative to our country, charges are also much lower than our cancer proton heavy ion quality.

In recent years, the World Health Organization (WHO) global medical level rating, Japan has taken the first for several years in a row; it can be seen that the number of facilities dedicated to proton and heavy ion therapy in Japan and the level of technology is great, it is no wonder that everyone very much like to go to Japan for cancer treatment.

From the relevant industry analysis, China's introduction of the number of proton heavy ion therapy equipment is really not a lot, and the treatment experience is not a lot, compared to other countries of the proton heavy ion therapy that there is still a certain gap, which is mainly due to the following two aspects:

One of the aspects is that China's use of the method of proton heavy ion The number of treatment institutions and the reality of the number of cases are not much, so the relevant medical personnel in our proton reionization centers are very inexperienced.

On the other hand, we now find that the performance of our proton heavy ion centers in treating patients in various aspects is still somewhat limited, mostly treating some early, single-focal point patients, while most of the middle and late stage lung cancer patients are not treated.

Nowadays, many medical insurance just only have the domestic proton heavy ion medical coverage, at the same time, the reimbursement amount is only one million, but in this quality peace of mind 2021 proton heavy ion medical insurance, it not only includes a 100% reimbursement rate of proton heavy ion of specific hospitals in the country, at the same time, there are also twenty-one Japanese specific proton heavy ion medical institutions coverage.

If you prefer the higher quality of proton reionization technology, most medical insurance policies are currently unable to meet this coverage requirement, but this PPS 2021 Proton Reionization Medical Insurance product can provide more comprehensive coverage for consumers.

2.? Poor renewal conditions

The renewal conditions of this PPS 2021 Proton Heavy Ion are not very good, and there is no guarantee of renewal. Think about it, if this product is discontinued, or if the insured person is 60 years old, he or she will not be able to continue to buy this insurance product, which is comparable to some of the common medical insurance policies that do not have a guarantee of renewal, and which can be renewed up to the age of 100 years. Comparing the two, its renewal condition is worse, we don't recommend you to spend too much effort on this insurance, because it doesn't provide long-lasting protection.

What are the renewal conditions? It's worth paying attention to, so you can read this article to prevent being trapped:

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Two, Taiping quality peace of mind 2021 proton heavy ion medical insurance is worth buying

Summary up to analyze, Taiping quality peace of mind 2021 proton heavy ion medical insurance can only reimburse the proton heavy ion costs, the school sister does not recommend that you will be this product as the only health care insurance to look at, however, it can be used as a supplemental insurance to the comprehensive coverage of the Million Dollar Medical Insurance.

In this year's global epidemic still has not been resolved in the special circumstances, the matter of going abroad for treatment itself has a certain degree of risk, don't think of going to Japan to treat the disease.

At this stage, I believe that this medical insurance we are cautious or even can not consider, excellent million medical insurance has a comprehensive coverage, value-added services and other practical features more worthy of more attention.

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