How much does premature ejaculation surgery cost?

According to the exchange rate/unit price on December 9, 2019, physiotherapy drugs cost about 3,000-5,000 yuan per time. Slightly better physiotherapy drugs may range from 5,000 yuan to 10,000 yuan, and physiotherapy treatment is performed more than once. , so the cost will also be determined based on the different treatment effects. ?

The cost of treating premature ejaculation is not uniform, because the treatment methods for different stages of premature ejaculation are different, so the cost of treatment is also different. If it is early premature ejaculation, it usually only requires surgical treatment. ?

This method only requires the cost of the initial surgery and the cost of anti-inflammation after the surgery. The general cost of surgical treatment ranges from a few thousand yuan to tens of thousands of yuan. What needs to be paid attention to with this treatment method is the postoperative cost. Anti-inflammatory. ?

The above-mentioned treatment methods are all Western medicine, and different treatment methods correspond to different treatment methods. If the patient uses conservative treatment of traditional Chinese medicine, the cost of treatment will be compared with that of physical therapy and surgical treatment. It is much lower. Traditional Chinese medicine mainly uses conditioning methods. Traditional Chinese medicine has few side effects, so once premature ejaculation is treated with traditional Chinese medicine, it is not easy to relapse.

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