What is a semiconductor refrigerator

The semiconductor refrigeration refrigerator is a cooling device composed of semiconductors, which appeared around 1960, however, its theoretical basis can be traced back to the 19th century. The phenomenon was first discovered by a German scientist in 1821.

This semiconductor refrigeration refrigerator, including refrigerator body, set in the refrigerator body of the mouth of the refrigerator door, the refrigerator body is equipped with a water outlet hole, the outlet hole of the outlet hole is equipped with a water tray; the water tray is equipped with a heating element, which is electrically connected to the heating control circuit. The heating control circuit controls the heating element so that the heating element can be energized when the condensate needs to be evaporated, so that the condensate can be evaporated in a timely manner. Semiconductor refrigeration refrigerator, also called thermoelectric refrigeration refrigerator, is a heat pump made.

Thermoelectric refrigeration refrigerator advantages

Thermoelectric refrigeration refrigerator its advantage is that there is no sliding parts, used in some space is subjected to *, the reliability of the requirements of the high, no refrigerant contamination occasions. The use of semiconductor materials effect, when the direct current through two different semiconductor materials in series into the electric coupling, in the two ends of the electric coupling can be respectively absorbed heat and release heat, can realize the purpose of refrigeration. It is a refrigeration technology that produces negative thermal resistance, characterized by no moving parts and high reliability.

The use of semiconductor refrigeration to solve the problem of heat dissipation in LED lighting systems has a high practical value. Semiconductor refrigerators are easy to carry, noiseless, and can be used to preserve food for short periods of time. The cooling temperature of the semiconductor refrigerator is related to the ambient temperature (generally lower than the ambient temperature of 20 degrees), which is used to preserve food is no problem.