Where is Wu Xuewei? Director of Antalis
Mr. Wu Xuewei: Han nationality, Chinese nationality, no right of abode in foreign countries, born in 1967, master's degree, professorial senior engineer. 1989 to 1998, working in the Bosai Research Institute, successively served as a staff member, the production department manager, the public relations department manager; 1998 to 2003, working in the AnTuTu engineering, successively served as the planning department manager, deputy general manager; 2003 to date, working in the Company, successively served as executive director, executive supervisor, general manager, director, executive vice general manager. He has served as an executive director, executive supervisor, general manager, director and executive deputy general manager; vice president of Henan Medical Devices Chamber of Commerce since 2014; vice chairman of the Biodiagnostic Technology Branch of China Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology Association and vice president of Henan Pharmaceutical Quality Association since 2015; and vice president of Zhengzhou Medical Devices Industry Association since 2016. Currently, he is a director and general manager of the Company, a director of Zhengzhou AnTu Industrial Company Limited, a director of AnTu Laboratory Instruments (Zhengzhou) Company Limited, and the chairman of Zhengzhou Imeno Biotechnology Company Limited.