A sealed bottle with a flying bee in it, now put this bottle in a precision balance right side pan, too flat to balance after the bottle cover will be removed, at this time the balance is still balanc

A sealed bottle with a flying bee in it, now put this bottle in a precision balance right side pan, too flat to balance after the bottle cover will be removed, at this time the balance is still balance There are many who say it is balanced, but that is nonsense.

Bee wings vibrate at high speed, in the bottle cap is not open, the total amount of air in the bottle does not increase or decrease, the overall mass is unchanged. When the cap is opened, the air inside the bottle spills out due to the vibration of the bee's wings, the air pressure inside the bottle decreases, and the mass of the bottle is equivalent to a small amount of air reduction. And at the time of opening the bottle produces a little weak force on the air above, resulting in a reaction force, the bottle will sink slightly.

So it will sink a little, and then gradually return to a state infinitely close to equilibrium.