②Inoculation equipment: inoculation box, used for inoculation of strain production and small batch bag inoculation. Purification bench for laboratory inoculation, must be placed in a special fixed clean room. Supporting inoculation tools, such as inoculation needles, inoculation spoons, sterilization drugs, alcohol lamps and so on.
3 culture equipment: culture rack, in the culture room for increasing the amount of culture. Culture room, cultivation of strains or bags of mycelium. Incubator, laboratory culture of a small number of experimental products. Temperature control equipment, air conditioner, regulating the temperature of the culture room.
(2) Production management equipment. Tools such as shovels, rakes, leather hoses, scales, buckets, etc.; water spraying, water injection equipment such as sprayers, high-pressure water jets.
(3) processing equipment ① fresh mushroom processing - cold storage, packaging machine and supporting tools and supplies.
② quick-frozen processing - quick-frozen cold storage and supporting production lines, tools, supplies.
③Salting processing - cooking pot, sorting machine, mushroom dipping pool, packing barrel and supporting equipment.
④Dried mushroom processing - drying machine (room), slicing machine and supporting tools.