Suzhou medical analyzer equipment

PHOENIX 100 Automatic Microbial Identification/Drug Sensitivity System

PHOENIX automatic microbial identification/drug sensitivity system is mainly suitable for clinical microbiology laboratory to carry out bacterial identification and drug sensitivity experiments of clinical microorganisms. Using this automatic equipment, the bacterial identification experiment can be completed within 3-4 hours on average, and 90% of drug sensitivity experiments can be completed within 4-6 hours. Advanced detection principle and advanced data analysis software work together to make Phoenix realize the perfect combination of high precision and high repeatability. The system has the characteristics of low maintenance, large capacity, reliable performance, continuous automatic incubation and interpretation. It can simultaneously identify 100 strains and detect drug sensitivity test. After randomly integrating BDXPert? After automatic analysis, the microbial expert system can report the test results at any time. The test report can be printed by a printer connected to Phoenix, and the data can be directly transmitted to the central database of the microbiology laboratory.